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Everything posted by Married_In_Maui

  1. I hope there isn't a thread on this already, but I did a search & didn't find one (but maybe it's just me:) Anyway, I am looking for inspiration for starfish place cards, so I thought maybe everyone could post either their inspiration pics or their actual starfish placecards in one place so that I don't have to go through everyone's planning threads to get ideas. Thanks so much to everyone that posts; you're all soooo great!!!
  2. LOL, does anybody else notice that everytime you have to step on the board it makes this oooooo noise (which makes me think uh-oh did I gain?) Just thought it was funny. Hopefully I'm not the only one that hears this noise, LOL!
  3. I use the CVS brand water pill (blue pills that come in a blue box.) I use these every month (at that time) & they work really well for me. I hate that bloated feeling every month, when you feel like your belly is twice as big as normal They cost $6.99 a pack, so no big loss if they don't work for you.
  4. What a great review; so informative!!! I'm sure it will be very helpful to other Moon Palace brides. I just love your hair; do you have a close-up pic of your hair, or do you have the inspiration pic that you used?? You looked beautiful; congratulations!!!!
  5. Jolee, Thanks so much for all the wonderful info. I'm always happy to get any info on weddings at Casa Magna. Thanks again & congrats to you & your new hubby
  6. Jolee, Your pics are fabulous & you looked so beautiful on your wedding day!! Where did you have your reception at the Casa & did you use the spa at JW or at Casa? I'm still trying to decide between reception spots & trying to make hair appointments so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your help & congratulations!! KIM
  7. I can't be sure of what exactly the bottle looked like, but I'm almost positive it was Maui Babe. I did a search for Maui Babe on Ulta's website & it came back that they carry it, but only in the stores. So, I'm not 100% sure, but if you have an Ulta near by, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to check (at the very least it's an awesome store, so it won't be a wasted trip.)
  8. I'm not sure where to post this, but there is a new show on the Travel Channel called "Bridget's Sexiest Beaches" that I think could be helpful to DW brides. I know there are a lot of Jamaica brides on here & she has already done a show on Jamaica & I thought it would be nice to get some ideas on places to eat & things to do. I also know there are alot of Mexico brides & the May 14th show is on Mexico. The show is on Thursdays @ 10pm on the Travel Channel & there is also a website to review past shows. I love this show & I hope it can help some brides too.
  9. I don't know if any of you have an ULTA store near you, but they sell this in their stores. I didn't notice the price, but I did smell it, & it takes me right to the beach
  10. I have used the Crest Whitestrips in the past & I hated the nasty tasting gel & the way they would just slide off your teeth. So I started using the Aquafresh whitening trays. This will be the 4th time I have used them; the gel is already in the trays, so you just put them in and sit for a bit. They are so much simplier (IMO) then the Crest whitestrips. I usually start seeing results in 2 days & have a bright white smile after 7. I usually print out a coupon from the Aquafresh website. Good luck & happy whitening
  11. I apologize if you have already posted this, but where did you buy that cuff. It's fabulous!! Thanks in advance for your response!!!
  12. I have used Crest Whitestrips in the past & they did a decent job, but then Aquafresh came out with thier whitening trays & they are soooo much better. You don't have to mess with the strips coming off your teeth and tasting that nasty gel, you just put the trays on the top & bottom & sit for awhile. I usually start to see results in like 2 days, so after 7 I have a bright white smile. Also, I think you can go to the Aquafresh webiste to get a coupon. Good luck & happy whitening
  13. I don't know if anyone watches Bridget's Beaches on the travel channel (Thursday nights @ 10), but on her Jamaica episode she did this. It looks like so much fun!! I'm sure they will play re-runs & she also has a website through the travel channel that may have some info on it. Hope that helps! Here is the website for her Jamaica Trip: http://www.travelchannel.com/TV_Show...amaica_Episode
  14. Lil Miss Frog, Thanks for the advice (I posted there too.) I hope I am able to find one; that would be so great. I see that you are getting married on Tybee. I love Tybee, my family & I vaca there every year & this year is no exception (we will be there June 28th - July 5th.) This will be the first time we are there for the 4th, so we're excited. Tybee is so fun & laid back, you'll have such a great wedding. Thanks again & good luck to you! KIM
  15. Ok, I am lacking a something borrowed & would love to borrow someone's starfish jewel that they used for their bouquet. I know that I am new to BDW, but I would give you my word to take good care of it & send it back (or pass it on), in a timely manner. I think it would probably be easier to buy one from someone, but I guess then it couldn't be something borrowed If anyone has one that they are willing to share, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance for any responses! FYI - the wedding is May 28th, 2009 in Cancun
  16. I know that I am new to BDW, but I thought it might be worth a shot that someone may be kind enough to lend me their starfish, so that it can be something borrowed. I would give you my word to take good care of it & return it (or send it on), in a timely manner. I appreicate any offers!!
  17. WOW!! Your wedding was beautiful & the sceneary in St. Lucia looks amazing. Next trip, I'm dragging my hubby to St. Lucia!!! Congratulations!
  18. Hello!! Can you post the contact info for the gentlemen that did your hair/makeup!! Thanks so much & congratulations!! -KIM-
  19. Thanks guys!! I appreciate you taking the time to post a response. I will check into both of your suggestons. Have a great weekend!! -KIM-
  20. Hello all!! I'm not sure where to post this, so suggestions would be appreciated. I'm looking for a photographer in the Indianapolis area to do a BD session. Does anyone live in the area that can give me some suggestions I'm willing to travel a bit, but not much (maybe Cincinnati if need be.) I would appreicaite any help you guys can give. Thanks in advance! -KIM-
  21. Jenny, Since someone already scooped up the starfish pins, can you tell me where you found them Thanks in advance for your response. Thanks, KIM
  22. After hours & hours of searching again for this at work , I finally found the pic that I was talking about. I'm not sure how to post the pic here, but it was in a thread started by Anacgarcia titled "My LONG Cancun Review", just in case anyone else neede it. Thanks again guys!!
  23. Hi everyone! You guys are so helpful that I thought I would recruit you to help with find a post on BDW. I recently saw where someone went on a site visit to either JW or Casa Magna & had a photo of the sashes (colors) that you are able to choose from for the chairs. I have tried to do a search & come up empty-handed. Does anyone know where I can find this post? Thanks so much for your help!!
  24. Mike, I am a very organized, planning freak, so I was really concerned about not being able to be hands on down there while planning the wedding. I have a great wedding coordinator at the resort we chose. I have talked with her everyday via email, asking questions & requesting pictures of EVERYTHING. This has made it so much easier to make choices, bc i can see what I'm picking. I think it's just important to keep in very close contact with the hotel wedding coordinator. I also think that once you choose your resort you will be able to get a better idea of whether you need a outside wedding planner; it's all a matter of how confident you are in the resort coordinators abilities. Good luck & have a great day! -KIM-
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