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Everything posted by Married_In_Maui

  1. Like (General Hospital is my DVR must) DVR??
  2. I haven't posted here before, but I love Real Houswives of Atlanta & I just watched part 1 of 2 of the reunion last night that I had DVR'd. My heart broke for Khandi; I can't imagine, nor do I want to even imagine, what it must have been like for her to go to the hospital to find out that AJ actually died, then to have to see his body - my heart goes out to her for being so strong!!! On a completely different note, does anyone else LOL when they show clips of Kim & her "Tardy for the Party" song OMG, is she serious??
  3. dislike (I think fun bright colors when I think DW) yogurt??
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by tere&james does anyone have feedback on Vanessa Jaimes (vanessajaimes.com) - it looks that she is really the only floral artist (very busy!!) but wanted to hear from some brides Before our wedding in Cancun was cancelled (damn swine flu), Vanessa was the florist that we had booked. She is so sweet & was willing to work with the millions of emails & requests that I had. She emailed me pics & the final product was sure to be absolutely beautiful, but of course I never got to see it b/c our wedding was cancelled (& moved to Maui - no complaints on Hawaii though Anyhow, like I said she was super easy to work with & even refunded our deposit when we had to cancel 3 weeks before the wedding. She is very busy, but that's b/c she does great work!!!! You should totally contact her; good luck!!!
  5. love (but my son was ruining my furniture, so back to the boring dinner table, lol) picnics??
  6. HATE (takeout is my friend, LOL) chinese takeout??
  7. Twilight Zone, lol. Yeah, I wish my last mood wouldn't have been blah, how awful to be blah from now to eternity, lol. I couldn't have been amused, or happy, or even worried? Nope, gotta be a blob
  8. Ann, I'm sorry, I didn't read through the entire thread. I read the first few page swhich was teaching people HOW TO change their mood & I thought that didn't apply to what I was looking for. Teaches me a lesson to read a little further. Well, guess there isn't much I can do then if it's an upgrade issue; I'll just stay in a blah mood, lol!! Thanks again for the link, now I know it's not just me!!
  9. I am fully aware of HOW to change my mood, it's just that the drop down menu is completely gone from my screen. HELP; my mood is stuck on blah & I don't feel blah, lol. I'm not sure what sort means either; how do you go about doing that?? Thanks for your help ladies; I know its just a silly minor thing, but I enjoy being able to change my mood daily. Thanks
  10. Try Cancun Catamarans: Cancun Catamarans, Cancun Catamaran Tours, Cancun Sailing, Sailboats in Cancun, Yachts and Deep Sea Fishing Charters. Last year when we were in Cancun we did a booze cruise/snorkel trip & it was a blast. We also had a boat trip planned with them for our guests before we had to cancel our Mexico wedding (damn swine flu & Robert (if I remember correctly), is so easy to work with & willing to work with you on price. He was giving us a great deal & believe me - you will have fun!!!! Good luck!! **He also has the live chat function on his website, so it is soooo easy to comminicate with him, no waiting for email replys & no pricey phone bills**
  11. Dislike (don't like any chicken wings) Turkey??
  12. Anyone having an issue with this today?? I don't have the normal drop down box that I have at the top of my screen. Any ideas?? Thanks!!
  13. don't watch, so I can't say real world / road rules??
  14. Old = mother's wedding band (my father is deceased, so it was a special thing to me) New = Dress, shoes, etc. Borrowed = tennis bracelet Blue = DIY bride panties, b/c we didn't do the garter toss, so I didn't feel the need to wear a garter. Hope that helps; good luck!!
  15. Everything looks great; thanks for sharing. I love your DIY tanks for the bridal party - SO CUTE!!! Good luck & congrats!!
  16. I like both #1 & #4, but probably like #1 a bit more (it's a bit more traditional), but I suppose it's all in what you're going for. Good luck & I think it's sweet to incorporate your daughter into the invites!!!
  17. Yeah, I know that pic is old, but I was hoping that it might still be available somewhere (still holding out hope:). But even though I haven't found it yet, I have been given some really great alternatives by these fab women on BDW. Thanks ladies!!
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