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Everything posted by Married_In_Maui

  1. Oh no, I've started an M&M craze, lol. Sorry for bringing them up ladies (& JM), but I'm kinda glad I did bc with the support on here I didn't give in. I'm going to stay strong for 9 more days (then I'll probably pig out in Maui Thanks guys & don't give into your cravings (or my cravings I guess, bc I started it
  2. Jean Marcus, Shame on you for making me want them again, lol. Actually, I'll eat my fruit & you eat some M&M's for me
  3. Thanks for talking me down for the M&M's I knew I didn't need them, but wanted them soooo bad. Your right, that I need to work hard these last 9 days, then I'll know I did the best I could. BDW is great, what would I do without all this support? Thanks!!!!
  4. LOL, I have been so good for the last 3 months (lost 30 lbs), I would love to loose another 10, but I'm just getting so sick of not being able to eat what I want. Yes, I am very compulsive about candy too, those little buggers don't look so harmful until you weigh yourself the next day Thanks for being so supportive, I'm leaning towards not eating those guys & just having some fruit instead!!
  5. I'm so sorry for your loss!!! I would consult with your family members that are also grieving, to see when they would be up for a celebration. Best of luck to you in rescheduling.
  6. I'm having an M&M craving; someone talk me out of it I started making our favors, with M&M's obvisously, & now I'm sitting at work looking forward to going home to eat some. That is sooooooo not on the diet 9 days before we leave for Maui!!!!! Anyone else feel like when they weigh themselves in the morning to find out that all that hard work you did yesterday didn't pay off (gained .2 lbs), that it makes you actually want to do the opposite of what you should do & eat junk.
  7. LOL, I thought you were talking about when people get excited on here & woot. Nope, never heard of woot.com, I'm on my way to check it out. Thanks for sharing!
  8. Yeah, stop beating a dead horse It's over, there is nothing else that someone new could add (especially Kristin, she seems like such an airhead/biotch.)
  9. I've never liked Kristin, so when she replaces LC, I probably won't watch anymore. All the people I watch the show for will be gone, although it's difficult not to watch the train wreck that is Heidi & Spencer
  10. Are you looking for specific resort recommendations or just a destination within the RM??
  11. Tiffany, I have been having the same issue; I thought it was just my computer or my settings. I also went in to check & I also have it set for daily updates. Don't really know what the solution to the problem is, but I'm interested in finding out
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