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Everything posted by Married_In_Maui

  1. I love your starfish (pink is our color, so it would work perfectly). Now I have to just persude our son (the ring bearer) to carry the starfish instead of the pillow (he is adamant that he wants a pillow - how funny is that?) Thanks for all the suggestions!! By the way, your slideshow/pics are great!!!!
  2. True, I think I will call now & try to reschedule my appointment for earlier in the week. Thanks for your help!!! Have a good weekend
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by MegaShay I have sensitive skin and I tend to get redness and little white bumps when I wax (both eyebrows and upper lip). They go away within about 48 hours for me, so I'm going to wax about a week before I leave just to be safe. How long does the waxing generally last for you?? If you have it done a week before, do you worry the hair will be back?? I made an appointment for Friday & we leave Sunday, do you think I should move my appointment up??Sorry for all the ??, but I've never waxed, I always just spend hours plucking (not really wanting to do that in Maui THANKS!!!
  4. Those are great; your guests will love them (perfect for those many trips to the poolside bar
  5. How many of you have had a reaction (with either really bad redness & swelling or those white bumps) when having a wax job. I really want to get my eyebrows & possibly my upper lip (I know, how gross, but I've been blessed with all these little blonde hairs there & I HATE it) waxed 2 days before we leave so I don't have to worry about it so much. I just don't want to have a reaction or some bumps, so I want to hear your stories ladies. Thanks so much in advance for your replies!!!! Happy Friday
  6. Amazingly, we only lost 4 guests. All the important people, like our family & closet friends are still able to attend. And suprisingly, we didn't have to pay more, it came out to be almost exactly what we were paying to go to Cancun, although we were staying at an all-inclusive in Cancun, so now we will have to buy all of our food/drinks (which is expensive in Maui.) Anyway, were happy, we love Hawaii, we were just looking forward to seeing that turquoise blue water in Cancun again, but like I said, maybe this winter Thanks for the well wishes, we need it (we thought all these negative things with Mexico was an omen that we should't get married, so let's hope everything from here on out goes without a hitch ***keeping fingers crossed***
  7. I know your pain Jamielynn; I lost my father 5 years ago to cancer. I miss him soooo much everyday, but the wedding day is going to be ever so difficult. I know he will be there by my side & I know your mom will be with you as well. I'm sending you well wishes & just know your mom loves you & will be with you on your special day!!!!! Oh, & it must be fate with the butterfly situation
  8. I agree!!! We would have stuck with our plans to go to Cancun, had our travel agency not cancelled their charters. We had no choice, but to book somewhere that our tour company is still traveling too. All you ladies that are going ahead with your plans to Mexico, have a magarita for me b/c I am sad I will not see Mexico again this year (maybe I can talk FI into going this winter Best of luck to you ladies!!!
  9. OMG; LOL!! I love how you made light of the swine flu situation; the little piggy cakes are too funny. I'm glad you had a great day & December will be here before you know it. Congratulations on becoming a Mrs!!!
  10. Ok, I found it!! Have you looked here?? www.whiteaisle.com They have a few really beautiful ones. Hope you find something you like; good luck!
  11. I agree, if it's between those 3, then I like #3 the best. There is a thread on here somewhere with a really nice store that had tons of cuffs similar to these that were reasonably priced, I'm off to find it.
  12. Well guys, I didn't give into my craving (b/c of all your support). Instead I ate my salad & fruit for dinner, worked out for 2 hours & lost 1 pound. So yeah for me Thanks again guys, I would have eaten those darn M&M's that were taunting me if you guys hadn't been there - so thanks so much!!!
  13. Just hang in there!! I know when we closed on our house, they did the same thing with the asking for the same documents over & over. I think it's just the hoops they make you jump through Hang in there; it's all worth it in the end!!!!
  14. There are some outlet malls up that way, so maybe I could just stop there while I'm in the area I love outlet malls, so that would constitute a trip up north I would say!!!
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