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Everything posted by Married_In_Maui

  1. spread out : grass seed (lol, that's a hard one. We just seeded our lawn so that's all I can think of spreading)
  2. like a sister : to always be there
  3. I agree with everyone else; my #1 pick is Jake the pilot (he's soooo cute & just seems to be an all around nice guy.) I agree about her dress as well, that would make a super hot DW dress!! I missed some parts last night b/c I was trying to watch both The Hills & this, so who did she give the first impression (or whatever it's called) rose to??
  4. Andi, Thanks for the review. We too have stayed at the Cancun Palace as well & loved it!! We want so badly to go to Puerto Vallarta, so maybe we will consider another Palace resort. Thanks again & congrats on becoming a Mrs!!!
  5. That was an awesome, very detailed review!!! Thanks for sharing your pics as well. Congratulations on becoming a Mrs!!!!
  6. bottomless bank account : would be really nice
  7. Grace, Thanks for that website; I just found out we are in crappy seats for a 9 hour flight, so I am off to request other seats. Thanks again - it's a very helpful site.
  8. what my grandma would say : tanning is bad for you
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