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Everything posted by Married_In_Maui

  1. Kate, how exciting for you to be getting married in Hawaii. We just returned from our wedding in Hawaii, however, it was on Maui, so unfortunately, I don't think I'll be much help. All of Hawaii is beautiful (I have visited most of the islands, just had a wedding on one though Congratulations!!!
  2. Cheeseburger in Paradise has some YUMMY burgers, it's just a little cramped & maybe a bit too noisy for a rehersal dinner. We had some wonderful meals there (def order the original Cheeseburger in Paradise.) I guess it all depends on what you want in a rehersal dinner location. Cheeseburger will be very laid back with live music (most likely), obviously with burgers & fries; Hula Grill will be a more quiet environment with a higher class meal. It's all up to you, but both places have very good food.
  3. My favorite moment was when my girls were getting ready to start down the aisle & the tsunami (SP?) testing sirens began to go off. OMG!!! I was like wtf is that noise; the hotel alarm lights were flashing & the sirens would not stop. I was looking for some sort of a sign from my father (that passed away 6years ago), & I believe that was my sign!!!
  4. All 15 of our guests stayed for the whole week. Although, I'm sure that our circumstances were different as our guests had to endure a 10 hour flight to attend our wedding (there was no way anyone was getting back on a plane before that week was up & even then, I don't think anyone was looking forward to the trip home.) Anyway, we did the wedding on Thursday & everyone left on Sunday, so there were only a few days of honeymoon that we had to share with our guests, so maybe that would be something to think about so there are not lurkers Best of luck!!!
  5. We did our rehersal dinner at the Hula Grill (15 people), so you might want to give them a try. It's in an awesome location in Kaanapali (right on the beach outside of Whaler's Village.) They have 2 menus (one is more casual & one is fine dining), so you could choose which menu you would like to use (which would determine where you sit - either in the more formal dining area or on the casual patio area.) We ate off the fine dining menu & the food was delicious, and was priced around $25 per plate. You can't go wrong with either menu I'm sure, as there is only one kitchen, so all the food comes from the same chefs The location is A+++++++++++. Good luck! Here is the website: Hula Grill
  6. Just wanted to update this thread a bit. We just got back from Maui & I wanted to make sure that everyone knew about an awesome hair/makeup stylist that will travel around the island. Her name is Shelly & her website is www.mariahsmane.com & her email is [email protected]. She did myself, 2 bridesmaids & my mom & did a fantastic job. She uses Mac Cosmetics for the most part & spends so much time making sure that you love it (she re-did my hair b/c I wasn't sure.) If you're looking for a stylist for your big day, please contact Shelly. If you have any questions, please let me know.
  7. Your pics are stunning; you are a great looking couple. I adore your shoes; they are fab (I'm a shoe fanatic.) Do you happen to know the name of the song that's playing in your video?? I would love to use it in our wedding slideshow. Thanks so much & congratulations!!!!!
  8. Hey guys!! We just returned from Maui! I bought some Maui Babe on the 1st day & used it just on my legs for about an hour a day (I was afraid to use it everywhere, for fear of a burn.) Well now I have incredibly dark legs & just a decent tan everywhere else So, YES it does work. I have to disagree about the smell though - I hated it!! It is very greasy, but it works, so give it a try. I also purchased the Maui Babe After Browning Lotion; it helps seal in & extend the life of your tan & it smells so good (clean & fresh.) Hope that helps; just thought I would share my experience. I MISS MAUI, but we are already planning our return -maybe for Christmas
  9. We just got back from Maui one week ago & we flew with all of our family & friends, arriving on Sunday with the wedding on Thursday. We didn't even meet with the coordinator until Tuesday & really there was no need; she had everything ready to go, so we only met for 15 minutes. Destination wedding coordinators know their stuff, so don't stress; I would say no more than a few days in advance would be plenty. p.s - we left from Indy & it was a 10 hour flight, so I hate to tell, but it's prob a bit longer for you That's ok, it gave me some time to relax & catch up on some much needed sleep.
  10. Congratulations!!!! You were a beautiful bride!! Lidya did an awesome job; she was to be our photog until our wedding in MX was cancelled due to the swine flu. Your pics make me wish she could have come to Maui with us
  11. I know, I was so absolutely amazed at how beautiful the Hyatt grounds were & how friendly & accommidating the entire staff was. It still amazes me that they did this for us with no asking or hinting on our part (especially since we didn't even book the luau until 2 days before I really do recommend anyone looking for a luau (either as a reception, rehersal dinner, or just a fun night, definately check out The Drums of Pacific.
  12. We just got back from Maui yesterday & we had our reception at The Drums of Pacific Luau at the Hyatt Regency. We were just planning on doing our first dance at out AHR, but to our suprise, the luau emcee congratulated us at the closing of the show & played a song for us to dance to. The luau & the friendliness of the entire staff was amazing.
  13. WE'RE BACK!!!! Just wanted to let everyone know that in the end, we chose to do The Drums of Pacific Luau at the Hyatt Regency. The food was absolutely amazing & the show was fabulous. I would definately recommend this luau!!! They were even so kind as to congratulate us at the end of the show & play a song for us to dance our first dance to. Any questions, let me know
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