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Everything posted by Married_In_Maui

  1. She said on the last episode of "Kendra" that her & Hank had bought some at-home test to find out the sex of the baby & that they thought it would be a boy. I really don't see how some at-home test could be right, so it's probably just a coincidence, but I know they wanted a boy, so congrats to them. Off topic a bit, but did anyone see that there is a new season of "The Girls Next Door" that is going to be starting soon. I loved this show with Kendra, Bridget & Holly & can't really see it staring his newest flings. What do you guys think? I personally can't stand those twins that he's with (don't know why, I just think they seem snobby or something.) What ever happened to Bridget; I thought she was still living in the mansion?
  2. I agree, Scott is not attractive; Courtney is too pretty for him. Sometimes a guy's personality can make up for their lack of looks, but that's certainly not the case here. Let's hope that the father is just some random, b/c I think the child would be better off. I wonder if the reason she is not saying who the father is, is b/c she doesn't know or if it's a publicity thing for the new show?
  3. Let's all hope that the baby is not that d-bag ex (Scott?). He is so not ready for a relationship, neverless a baby!!!
  4. I have to say that I LOVE #2, I agree with the 2 others that voted for it; it's sexy, but you look great in it!! If you've got it, flaunt it
  5. I def agree, shorten it, keep it white & wear it often. It would make such a great short dress!!
  6. LOL, well 9 months is more than the 5 months that I had I haven't stayed at the Ocean Plaza b/c we always rent a private house or condo, but it looks like the nicest of the hotels on the island. It is on the BUSY end of the island, so if your looking to have a quiet beach wedding, there, might not be the place to do it. If I can help with anything, please let me know; I feel like a Tybee expert anymore b/c I have visited so many times over the last few years. BTW, I never did find the pics of my aunt's wedding at Marlin Monroe's (sorry), but it is a nice location for a beach wedding & reception. Good luck!
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