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Everything posted by Sheree10

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Angela~ I am .... I've got it started in Word, but need a lot more pictures. However, I can only take them if I get my DIY projects done and get some clothing for the guys. Haha! I may have to do an AFTER the wedding planning thread! lol
  2. Bahia and Angela- I work in a school also! My last day is June 30... I can't wait. Then I can actually go fully into the last stages of planning. There's been so much to do at work and I've been so exhausted the past few evenings. I would love to put together my planning thread... any one else doing one?
  3. We're paying for it ourselves also( glad to see that we're not alone). I wanted to choose wording that acknowledges both sets of parents anyway so this is what we did: Bride Daughter of Mr.and Mrs. X And Groom Son of Mr. and Mrs. X invite you to share in the joy when they exchange marriage vows and begin their new life together
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by jjflipt Here it is. It was easy to find, but just in case you are in a rush I thought I'd post it. Happy packing! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...m-posts-22596/ Oh great! I needed one of these. I'm bringing a ton of stuff and hope I don't forget anything!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by jjflipt Hello Ladies! I leave in 16 days. I'm sure there is a packing list in here somewhere. I even know that I've downloaded one. I'm off to find that. I've started packing, but want to get a HUGE chunk done today. Dear Energy.... now is the time to kick in. Thanks, Jill Oh my... that's like next weekend... Lots of Luck!
  6. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful review! I love your dress- it's fab!
  7. Z- Thanks for sharing your review and the pictures of your trip! Aruba brides are few and far in between and I know this will be very helpful to others. It's a shame that things didn't go better but you can't tell in your pictures. The most important thing is that you're married to the man you love and you had your loved ones around you. The rum with personalized labels is a wonderful idea. At first I was going to keep the regular label but love how yours turned out. We're all set with Ethan and will have them delivered to our hotel.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by bahiabride2010 Just 13 big sleeps till we go!! I can't believe it!! I'm so excited to get down south and get the party started. Things we still need to do: - Write our speeches - Finalize and practice our vows - Practice our first dance...rock the reception mega mix - Make Wedding Week Timeline to hand to the guests at the Welcome Party - Finish packing - I started on the weekend - Bachelourette Party on Saturday night!! We're so close ladies...keep on smiling!! - Bahia bride- are you choreographing the dance yourself? I really want to do this but I don't know if I have the time to put a dance together.
  9. Sorry to hear about all that you're dealing with. I've come to realize that when you get married you are also marrying the ENTIRE family. This will take getting use to. I agree with previous posters. I don't think you should send the email. She may use it against you later on. Her son should have a conversation with her. After that just let it go. If she doesn't want to go that's her loss.
  10. We decided to scrap the programs and menus. I made a brochure for the welcome bags with vistaprint. Guests can use that as a momento of the wedding. I'm getting table numbers and postcard guestbook sign from Decadent Designs She also does escort cards, programs, menus.
  11. We sent out a letter with travel prices and deadlines in between. I didn't want to give too much info with the std's. I printed up the letter on beachy stationary I found at Staples. This gave guests a little nudge and 2 months notice of the deadline to book. Most guests either booked way after the deadline or took care of their own travel.
  12. Thanks for sharing such a comprehensive review! Congrats Mrs., everything looked wonderful and you did a great job putting it all together.
  13. I just looked at my ticker and see that I have 37 days to go... geez- I'm REALLYgetting nervous now.
  14. Welcome Sarah! We're date twins- I too will be getting married on July 23 -in Aruba! Happy Planning!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by JanineA Awww! The photobook is adorable. I have to look on Vistaprint again I didn't see anything looking like that (Did you use the notebook?). Isn't Vistaprint great! I used them for my welcome cards and I am hoping to use them for my brochures. Everything looks great! You can find the photo books under Gifts and Fun. I just placed an order for my bd album with VP. We'll see how it turns out.
  16. You look stunning and I love your dress! Thanks for sharing your pictures and a review of your wedding. Congrats Mrs.!!
  17. Congrats Mrs! Thanks for the review and sharing your gorgeous pictures.
  18. So sorry to hear about your loss. It must be a difficult time for you and FI/family. I think the ideas alreadu mentioned are good ones. It will be emotional so see what Fi wants to do as time gets closer.
  19. Very nice... I've placed several orders with VP recently. I didn't know they also sold photobooks. They may be an option for my bd album.
  20. Congrats Mrs.! Glad to hear that everything was beautiful.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by jjflipt Oh my goodness... I leave in 16 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes ladies our time is quickly approaching! How exciting! Since you're at the beginning of the month you will be one of the first to leave. Let's keep this thread alive after the wedding and at least share how it all went/ pictures etc.
  22. Oh my! Ladies you are all so funny!!. I was thinking the same things, things are so crazy for us now. I can't imagine when we start a family. I already told FI it would be impossible for me to do it all. I can clean and do house stuff if I stay at home but when I go back to work we will need a maid! I guess I'm not like the ladies from my mother's generation- she's a superwoman and she did it all.
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