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Everything posted by Sheree10

  1. The Location: FI and I knew we wanted to have a DW and looked at several islands before choosing Aruba. The interesting thing is that we both have never been there but we've heard such wonderful things about the island. It will definately be an adventure! Renaissance Private Island, Aruba Inspiration Pics I prefer to have a simple ceremony area with white chair covers and wooden arch with a small floral arrangement on each side of arch.
  2. Passport Invites from Life is too short to be ordinary by beyonddesign on Etsy. I absolutely LOVED my invites and guests can't stop talking about them. I found her from a member of this site. Her work is amazing and she is a pleasure to work with. Here's the sample from her site. I decided to do boarding pass reply cards instead of the postcards. Our Invites:
  3. Save the Date magnets from A Giftful Heart Save the Date Magnets The magnets were of high quality and our guests love them. I would suggest that you give yourself enough time when working with them. We needed some editing done and it took a little longer than we expected but it was worth the wait!
  4. I leave for Aruba in five days and was debating whether I should put together a planning thread. I'm really not a DIY-er but I've learned so much from you ladies and wanted to share also. I am so happy to have found such a great site like this one. I was CLUELESS about DW's and I discovered a whole new world when I stumbled across this site. Thank you Tammy and fellow members who keep the forum going strong! Our Engagement: February 14, 2009. My FI had been planning to propose and I had no idea until a few days before. He was acting a little strange and I had a feeling it would happen during V-Day weekend My E-Ring The pictures don't do the ring justice. It's absolutely gorgeous and FI picked it all out by himself! My Wedding Band FI's band All rings from Blue Nile. They have excellent customer service. My e-ring was way too big and I was able to exchange it, no problems. I also purchased a band that didn't fit well with my e-ring and was able to return it for the one I have.
  5. I'm running out of space... lol. I already bought lifesavers, fruit snacks, gum and individual wet ones for the bags. I will place them in a small ziploc bag and drop in oot bag. If I have time(and space in someone's luggage) I will add granola bars or pretzels.
  6. Yeah they're cute for oot bags or maybe sign in table but I wouldn't suggest for signing the documents
  7. I have a lot to pack. I also hope not to forget anything but just as long as I have my passport, wedding and beach attire I will be okay!
  8. I had my shower a week ago and I'm still trying to get out the thank you cards! I wanted to give hostess gifts but it's just too much right now and I need to slow down with all the spending. Everyone will get a handwritten card. I got my Mom some flowers and a cute top for the trip. I got a small bathroom diffuser for my fmil and for my sis I will give her some $ to get her hair done before trip. They're all getting gifts for being part of the bridal party.
  9. YES! I know all about the lists, there's so much to do and it's important to stay organized and focused.
  10. You look gorgeous! Congrats to you and hubby and thanks for sharing the beautiful pics.
  11. SO horrible, so sorry you had to deal with this! When I went to my post office for the wedding stamps they were all out. I ordered them online and got them within a few days.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by tracy0716 Today was our legal day and we're officially married. I really tried my best to keep it casual but it's starting to set in. We had to exchange rings (my FI gave me my e-ring and I gave him a ring he normally wears on his right hand). Now we just have to finish packing, pick up the place cards, and my final dress fitting is Friday! We leave Sunday!! Happy Legal Day!! A few more days to go for you.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by bahiabride2010 Well...we're heading to Punta Cana in just a few short hours! Can't believe it's here! I'll be sure to post a review when we get back! HAPPY PLANNING! Happy Wedding Day Bahiabride!
  14. Very cute! I wish I would have known about the site earlier... not worth it for me to have stuff rushed delivered
  15. Classadiva... I have a similar situation- as the date gets closer people want to come. My shower was this past weekend and afterwards my mom told me a relative may be trying to come after all... two weeks before! Then a guest told me she will be bringing someone with her. All I ask is that there are no suprises and they let me know. We're a little lucky that we can finalize the count up to three days before the wedding. That's the day we arrive so I can may changes if needed.
  16. Creating my guest list was one of the most difficult parts of the planning! We decided to invite quite a few people even though we knew they wouldn't attend. You may be suprised at who decides to come afterall. I say invite them even if you think they may not come. If you don't it may cause more problems.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Leigh17 Good luck to all my fellow July brides. Our wedding was yesterday, and it was wonderful! Everyone had a great time. I'm so glad I had a destination wedding. I couldn't imagine it any other way. My only complaint is that the week has gone by way too fast! We leave tomorrow for home. Good luck with your final planning! Congrats Mrs.!! I'm so happy that you had a wonderful time. Enjoy what's left of your honeymoon. Please share pics/review after you're all rested up.
  18. My parents paid for the dress. I took my mother dress shopping the first time around but then looked on my own until I found the one. I took her to the shop to show her my choice before purchasing and she came to the first fitting. From the time of our engagement, we set a budget and decided that we wouldn't make assumptions that anyone would help us financially. This is one of the major reasons why we chose a DW. We have huge families and knew our guest list would be crazy if we had a wedding at home. Our families haven't offered any $ and we're okay with that. I actually like the feeling of being able to pay for it ourselves and not have to depend on others. Plus we have final say so in everything.
  19. Not a Jamaica bride but just stopping by to say hello! Jamaica is a gorgeous island with beautiful beaches all over- you can't go wrong. The only reason I didn't plan to get married there was because it we wanted to choose a neutral location.
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