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Everything posted by Sheree10

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by JerseyBride1981 Here is the style that I will have for my wedding. I went to the salon on Saturday. Got a relaxer and roller set. I showed her the picture and she seemed to be confident that the dominican ladies in DR would be able to replicate. Crossing my fingers but I made an appointment with her for the day before we fly out. Will be using Remi hair @ $70 per pack (she said to get 2!) Yikes!!! Let me know what you guys think of the style. http://lh5.ggpht.com/_V1lwqeUfdkc/S5...20-%20Copy.jpg I love that style. It's actually one of my inspiration pictures also. Good Luck!!
  2. What a unique proposal story! He gets points for creativity.
  3. Very cute! I'm sure your guests will love it and it will make them excited for the trip.
  4. Welcome and Congrats!! One thing I love about DW's is that they can be as expensive and as budget friendly as you would like. Some resorts have packages that allow you to have beautiful ceremonies and receptions without breaking the bank. I would suggest coming up with a budget with different categories : ceremony/reception, rings, travel/hotel, dress/attire, invites/std etc and figuring out how much you would like to spend in each area. Think about what you think is important. For example, we decided to splurge on a great photographer but we may not have floral centerpieces. In the beginning we created a budget and ( so far) we've been good with not going too crazy. I hope this doesn't change as time gets closer. I've been holding off buying little items that may add up( decor, favors, oot stuff) until we get a better sense of how many ppl will attend. We've had quite a few say they would like to come but only time will tell.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by wendyjd the website has a design lab... you can design or can upload premade images. We used the design lab. Opted for W & M Celebration so hopefully people would use after the DW. Well you did a great job with the design! I'm going to bookmark the site. I don't think I've seen a place where I can create my design and see how it looks right there.
  6. Beautiful bags! Perfect for a DW. Did you design them yourself or was it all done thru the site?
  7. Hello- I don't have any information to share with you but just wanted to say hello from a fellow Aruba bride. When I was also doing research I never was able to find any pictures/ past brides from the RIU. Maybe the wedding coordinator can send you pictures and get you in touch with a past RIU bride. Good Luck!!
  8. Compare the costs for a November Vs. January wedding. Unfortunately you can't please everyone when it comes to a date, you and your fiance should make this decision. If people are traveling they may need to take a few days off from work anyway. Some people are okay with just heavy cocktails but if they are traveling for your wedding you may want to have a nice dinner. You can put more of your budget into a dinner and scratch the idea of a rehearsal dinner or have just welcome drinks/ after wedding breakfast. Good Luck!!
  9. I do agree that it's customary to pay 10-15% tip for all that she will provide. Maybe you can speak to the bridal party and ask them to chip in for a tip( since you are paying for her transportation and lodging).
  10. Welcome & Congrats!! You'll find tons of information to help you plan your special day.
  11. I think we confuse escort cards and place cards. Escort cards show guests to their table. Place cards are put at each setting so guests know whick seat is their's.
  12. Sheree10


    Welcome and Congrats!! I'm getting married two days after you but in Aruba.
  13. Sheree10


    Welcome and Congrats!! This site is great. Before you make a decision, read some posts of brides who married at these resorts so you can get feedback. Good Luck!
  14. Welcome and Congrats!! Good luck with planning and be sure to check out the Jamaica forums for more info.
  15. Congrats on your recent wedding!! I'm glad that everything worked our according to plan. Other Los cabos brides would love a review of your wedding and vendors. Please also share pics!!
  16. Welcome and Congrats!! Some reasonable places in the Caribbean with AI are DR, Jamaica and Mexico. Check out the forums for each area, you'll find plenty of info to help make your decision. Good Luck!!
  17. Hey fellow Aruban Bride- I'm getting married two days after you!! Where will your wedding take place? I got a recommendation for the Knipoog Salon on the island. I heard that Rubia(hair) and Elene (makeup)are wonderful to work with. I booked my services with Maggy's Salon at the Renaissance Resort but I'm not sure if I'm going to still use them. Check out the Aruba wedding forum on The Official Tourism Website of Aruba - Information for Travel, Hotels, and Reservations. You may be able to find some helpful info there. Good Luck!!
  18. Hi Ladies, I don't know about you all but time is flying TOOO fast and I'm starting to freak out. I have a few checklists that I look at from time to time and I've been getting things done. However, I worry that there are things that I might forget to do? I want the day to be perfect and I hope it all comes together. How's it going with you all?? For those of you who are putting together OOT bags, I found some really cheap tote bags for 57 cents each. I'm not sure how long the sale will last so check it out soon if you're interested. It's the Nonwoven Econo tote. Convention Totes Store
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by ali0284 I know what you mean. My whole family booked their trips right away. So our wedding is in MAY, and EVERYONE in my FI family has YET to book their trip!!!! Is it me, or does anyone else find that a bit annoying? I mean, my wedding is in less than 3 months! YIKES... three months away and none of FI's family has booked? That's really cutting it close.
  20. I understad you!! It's great to hear that we're not alone and other brides are dealing with the same issues. We sent our STD's to give guests one year notice. I spent time creating a website, finding a TA and sending travel info to make it easier for them. Well, as of today 9 out of 10 of our rooms are filled. I'm so glad we didn't block anymore. I have quite a few people who said they are coming but haven't put down their deposit for the room( was due Dec 1)Some people are have purchased their air tickets, others just the room and some nothing at all. We're five months out and the rates are as good as they'll get. I guess they will book when they're ready. I just hope no one complains when the prices increase.
  21. Welcome & Congrats! I'm also getting married in July- the week before you.
  22. Sheree10

    Aruba Wedding

    Congrats and Welcome! I'm getting married in Aruba this July. As far as the official marriage, I know Aruban weddings are recognized in the US but I'm not sure about Canada.
  23. I love ETSY and I'm so glad I found this thread. I got my garter set and invites from etsy. My garter set from The Garter Lady. GarterLady by GarterLady on Etsy Passport Invites from Serendipity Beyond Design. The invites are absolutely amazing. They're so cute and Ginger was a pleasure to work with. Life is too short to be ordinary by beyonddesign on Etsy
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