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Everything posted by Sheree10

  1. gorgeous pics! I agree with the whole empowering idea. I did mine as a gift for FI but also because it's something I would never do and I figure there's no time like the present. I can look back on the pics many years from now.
  2. Great planning thread! best of luck with everything and ENJOY EVERY MINUTE!
  3. Welcome! Best of luck with the planning. You'll find plenty of last minute ideas here.
  4. Welcome and Congrats! As far the the band vs. DJ I think it depends on the number of guests and your budget. Maybe you can do research and see what choices you have for bands or djs and see if it's worth it.
  5. Welcome Charity! Best of luck planning your upcoming wedding. The great thing about DW's is that you can put together something with little time. Most resorts can take care of it all. Even though we set a date a year before, we won't get started with the REAL planning until a few weeks before anyway. You may just have to be a little flexible with your date.
  6. Congrats Marcia!! I sooo appreciate your review and I'm glad that it all turned out beautifully. It all puts me at ease because my wedding on Renaissance Island is a little over three months away. My fiance and I(along with 98% of our guests) have never been to Aruba so it should be an adventure. I've heard such great things about Juney and glad we made the choice to work with him. I enjoyed looking at your pictures- you two make such a lovely couple. I especially love the TTD pics! Thanks for sharing
  7. We're also doing the postcard guestbook. I planned to give all of the stuff to the wedding coordinator the day before and have it set up on the table with the escort cards. People can start signing starting from cocktail hour. I just have to figure out who will be responsible for it at the end of the night.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by cathyandchin Just want to send a little shout out to all the teachers on this thread!! I bet you'll be relieved when school is out to go into hardcore wedding mode, right?? Welcome!! When I first went looking at places for a local wedding people always asked if I was a teacher because most plan their weddings in July/August. I'm not a teacher but I work in a school and I can't wait until the school year is over!! I thought about working part time this summer but I think I'm going to take a break and focus on the wedding.
  9. Here are a few of my recent checks: *Started premarital counseling *Invites sent out w/ May 1 RSVP *Shopping w/ moh and mom & ordered their dresses *Bd pics taken * found location for welcome event * tried out a new hair stylist to get ideas *put together ideas for welcome brochure( still need to design)
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by vdaybride I I had the same problem. I ended up going to my favorite destination for wedding stuff..the wholesale district lol. There are several stores stores on 6th ave. can't remember the exact store, but there are a few between 28th and 32nd. I purchased the pearl and crystal hair jewels (attached to pins) that were placed in the back of my head for $3.50 each! I loved them in my hair and they looked like these $65 dollar pins I saw online! They are in my "items for sale" post I have a few for sale I am selling them for exactly what I paid for them. A few have not been worn. Take a look and let me know what you think. Thanks Vday, your stuff looks really good for the price! I think no matter what it is, once the word wedding or bridal is mentioned the prices are outrageous. I may get into the wedding business after all this planning. lol. I need to take a trip to the wholesale district to see what I can find. I will let know know if I'm interested in purchasing any of your stuff. I still need to decide on the hairdo.
  11. Welcome and Congrats! I understand the overwhelming feeling. Finding the place and setting the date is one of the hardest things. This site will help a lot. Good Luck!!
  12. Welcome and Congrats! I would suggest that you check with your resort first to see if you can bring your own photog- there might be restrictions/ additional fees.
  13. Welcome and Congrats on your recent engagement! This is the most exciting time for you and your fiance. Take your time when deciding on your location. Just as a warning, not everyone will be thrilled but if this is what you want- go for it!! I'm from NYC also and I understand how expensive it can be to plan a local wedding. From the beginning we wanted a DW and I admit I did waver a bit because of family pressure but now I have NO REGRETS! We're paying for it all by ourselves so no one has a vote.lol. Those who love you will understand. Good luck! You've found a great place and wonderful people.
  14. I'm so sorry to hear about this ladies! At least you have a little time to get another dress. Good Luck!!
  15. Thanks for the review! Everything looked great and your pictures turned out beautiful. You two make such a nice couple. Congrats!!
  16. Congrats! Sounds like you had a beautiful wedding... love the pics.
  17. Congrats Mrs! What a great review of your trip. I'm glad that everything worked out for you.
  18. Congrats Mrs.!! Good thing you listened to your instincts and moved the wedding offsite. Despite it all, it sounds like you had a great wedding.
  19. I have a question for my fellow NY brides: Where did you purchase your hair flowers/ hair jewelry? I thought I wanted to do the hair flower thing and actually ordered a pair from etsy. Well I got them and tried them and I'm not too happy. I don't think they are the right ones for me. They look fake and that's not what I was going for. I've seen other hair flowers online but prefer not to buy something else like this online again. So now I'm back to square one and I'm thinking of getting a jeweled headband, or some type of hair jewelry. I'm not really a tiara person. Any place in NYC would you suggest for reasonably priced wedding hair accessories?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by [email protected] Hi! I'm from Manhattan, living in Northern New Jersey and getting married at the Dreams in Punta Cana!! WHew! lol I also got my dress and my bridesmaids dresses at a Davids Bridal but in New Jersey. As for the guys, I'm thinking of tan linen suits. What are you ladies doing? ~Lynette I'm also thinking of a tan suit for the groom also. His BM will probably wear a white shirt and tan pants.
  21. I've been to Barbados. What a beautiful island! The people are so friendly. My friends and I took the bus into town and I was standing up. The person sitting in front of me asked of I wanted her to hold my bag. Being from NY I thought she wanted me to move by bag out of the way. Everyone was always so courteous and genuine. The island was on our list but it is somewhat expensive. If it's affordable for you and your guests then go ahead!
  22. Everything looks great... congrats on your marriage and a beautiful wedding.
  23. Welcome and Congrats!! You'll find tons of information to help with the planning.
  24. sounds like she's having some issues. I hope you at least get your deposit back.
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