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Everything posted by lolosmama

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Chanti Hey Michelle, the firedancers started around 9 PM and were GREAT! I think they performed for about 45 minutes. Definitely worth seeing. By the time they started, there were more seats available since the families with younger children had left, so I don't think it would be difficult for your group of 13 to find place to sit and watch. Hope this helps! Chantal What night do the firedancers perform? Thanks!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Meg&Shay Maggie - I have these bags and you can't use iron on transfers on them. They're made out of PVC. OK, thanks for letting me know!
  3. Just bought these coupons off of Ebay today, and my Target still has the travel size Banana Boat for $.99!! Thanks again!
  4. OMG, Keira, you are brave!! Hope the pics turn out great!
  5. Oh my gosh, those look great!! I think I might look into this. When you girls were told not to wear makeup with these, do you mean even eye shadow too or just mascara?
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by jetsbride Hey all, I am thinking of getting this. Does anyone have before and after photos they are willing to share? I would love to see too! I am starting the first workout tonight...I hope I can walk tomorrow!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by PhillyBride09 P.S. Off the Subject, but that new show "More to Love" comes on tonight. :-) I'm sure that'll be another reality show I get sucked into!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by KLee147 This may sound crazy but I'm getting mine done for free. Someone on here suggested looking for a photographer that is looking to build their boudoir portfolio because they're likely to give you a deal. I did and I found one that is going to do it for FREE!! I did research them before booking and I like what I have seen and I'm comfortable with my decision. It doesn't include makeup or hair or a book but it does include all the photographs edited on CD with no copyrights. Today is the big day so I will let all you ladies know how it goes (all the details) when it's all said and done. Good luck Keira!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Man I wish I knew about this thread 10 weeks ago!!! I'm starting week 11 tomorrow I can't believe I'm almost done, I lost 2% body fat in the first month and haven't measured since but I'm wearing a smaller size now so I won't complain. I have been following it to a T, diet, workouts and everything. I couldn't budge on my pullup bar for about 5 weeks and then all of a sudden I could do a few pullups and I can do pushups and everything, I even do the whole freaking 90 minutes of yoga which I hated at first but have gotten really good results from it. I recommend it to everyone, it's killer and it never stops hurting but I've never been in better shape! Wow, can't wait to see your results!! Congrats on getting in shape, glad to hear it works!
  10. fansofrealitytv is the site I go to... I can't get it to load today! And I agree Reid's comeback was lame!
  11. I am so annoyed at the ending!! I think it is because I read spoiler sites all season, and all along people have "spilled" that Ed was dating two different girls in Chicago when he left for the Bachelorette, was texting with them throughout the season, and that is the real reason he left - that producers made him leave to go fix the situation and end it with the girls. I should never have read all that, because otherwise I like them together. I'm trying to get on to the site today to see what the dish is, but it is overloaded!
  12. Pretty! Did you get the bracelet at Macy's too? I love the flower!
  13. I was just hoping they'd airbrush the h*ll out of my lumpy parts! I need to find a photog who will do some major editing, lol!
  14. Can you tell me what street size this is, or measurements? Thanks!
  15. My FI is picking up these DVDs from a friend today. I am scared!! LOL! I don't really want to lose more than five pounds, but need to tone up. Hopefully I can stick with these DVD's, since I can't seem to drag my butt to the gym...
  16. I'm sorry you're hurting, and have been in similar situations...I think communication is key, and she may have no idea how it is all making you feel. It would probably be easier to type it all out in an email and to just let her know how hurt you are. I think not saying anything will tear you up more than just letting it out. Good luck!
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