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Everything posted by lolosmama

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by sdtooley Good morning everyone, I just wanted to let everyone know just how wonderful Dreams was! It was absolutely incredible and just like everyone has said in the past, they take care of everything and anything that you could imagine. We had 52 people come with us to the wedding and absolutely no one had a single complaint through the whole week. Their only complaint was not wanting to leave. I am at Secrets Maroma Beach now and loving every moment of it. I will post a review and photos when I get home next week. Again...absolutely no stressing is needed because once you get there everyone takes care of everything! Thanks for the update, congrats on the wedding, and have a blast on your honeymoon!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by lolosmama I am so annoyed at the ending!! I think it is because I read spoiler sites all season, and all along people have "spilled" that Ed was dating two different girls in Chicago when he left for the Bachelorette, was texting with them throughout the season, and that is the real reason he left - that producers made him leave to go fix the situation and end it with the girls. I should never have read all that, because otherwise I like them together. I'm trying to get on to the site today to see what the dish is, but it is overloaded! Sounds like the spoiler sites were right! They were on Good Morning America this morning, and the cover of the next US weekly is on the cheating allegations.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by KarlaS Aghhhhhh...I got my coupons this weekend and just went to target. The little dipshit at the register wouldn't let me use more than one coupon! I mean wtf?! Do you work for the coupon police or something? Now I am going to try the other Target, and maybe WalMart. If that doesn't work, then FI and I are going to have to make like 10 trips. I am so irritated right now!!! Ooh, I would be hot too! I bought about 8 at a time, because I didn't want to look like the crazy coupon lady. I purposefully picked a teenage girl as the checker each time too. I would just try again with another person. How annoying! They also have coupons that expire 8/31 for the little Johnson & Johnson Red Cross First Aid kits - at Target for $.99 = FREE!!!
  4. I might be interested once I see the sample, those are close enough to my colors! Will you PM me when you get the samples so I remember to check this thread? Thanks!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by jmb0902 SO I am still confused-- you don't have to do the Silver menus for $55 a person? What is the $20 per person options? I don't see them in my wedding packet that was sent (the pdf file). I think I emailed with of the the WCs about this, but if you check page 15 of the wedding guide, under "Group Dinner Reservation..." one of the bullets states that a group is considered 10-25 people, and the price is $20 per person, necessary to slect a set menu, selected from the regular menu of the restaurant. I guess in the guide, it isn't listed under the "Wedding Dinner" but under "Group Dinner". I'll see if I can find where she wrote it in email... OK, found it. From Landy: IN RELATION WITH YOUR QUESTION PLEASE CHECK MY ANSWER Advise if pricing is correct (10 ppl free, $20/person for additional 20-30 guests)? NO, THE 20 USD PER PERSON PLUS SERVICE AND TAX, WOULD BE FOR EACH PEOPLE Kind regards Landy Cahum Reyes Coordinadora de Bodas Dreams Tulum Resorts & Spa Tel.: 011(52) 984 -, Fax: 011(52) 984 - [email protected] www.dreamsresorts.com
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by KarlaS Absolutely! Karla's Blue Starfish Passing List 1. Karla - Negril, JA Dec 31, 2009 2. Brandynd - RM Jan 13, 2010 3. Maggie - Dreams Tulum Nov 13-24, 2009 Anyone else, let me know! Thanks so much!! Now to find something old and I'm good to go!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by jerzygirl85 You don't need to pay the $700 fee at the pool or beach, that fee is only for indoor/restaurant options. Good to know, thank you!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by KarlaS Okay...This will be the beginning of a new list for my Blue starfish... 1. Karla - Negril, JA Dec 31 2. Brandynd - RM Jan 13 Anyone else, let me know! I would love to borrow this! Would you be willing to pass it before your wedding? I am leaving Nov 13th, and will be home November 24th. This is such a cute idea!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by jmb0902 So one of the girls who just posted their review said they had the free package, but did pay for the dinner... my question is how was it only $20 per person for dinner? 5. Reception dinner outside of El Patio $20 usd each + 10% tax + 15% gratuity If you have a group larger than 10 people, they charge you $20 per person for dinner (I believe you choose a meal off the menu). Then if you want to upgrade to the silver or gold menu, it is more per person (can't remember exact pricing - $40-50/pp?). What I am confused about is WHERE you can eat. Do you have to pay $700 set up fee to eat at the pool or beach with the free package?
  10. Congratulations!! Glad the weather held out for you!
  11. Ahhhhh, I went looking for my daughter's flower girl dress yesterday, and found nothing for her. But I bought myself another dress! Yikes. I was looking for a TTD dress, and fell in love with one completely different from my first dress. FI thinks I'm crazy! I shouldn't have even told him. They sold me on this broach too, which I did not expect to like, but it is sparkly and has a little cornflower blue in it, so I have my "something blue". Fun!
  12. Would anyone be interested in a JCrew Gracie dress in size 4? I bought this months ago, and then made the mistake of trying on other dresses and found another one I like! Oops. It has not been altered, and has only been worn to try on. I can get exact measurements if needed and post pictures of me in it. It is at my girlfriend's house, hiding from my FI. I'm not sure how to post pics, but you can see it at JCrew's site below: Wedding Dresses & Wedding Gowns - Silk Dresses & Gowns Perfect For Weddings - J.Crew
  13. I went looking for my TTD dress yesterday, and ended up finding one I loved more than my wedding dress. I think I'm going to wear it for my wedding too, and sell my first dress. I won't be wearing my dress at my AHR...
  14. Ahhh...Nordstrom has their anniversary sale going on now, and I'm restraining myself from buying a pair!
  15. I'm curious about this too...I want to wear heels for part of the night, but I'm not sure if they'll work on the beach. It also makes it tough for knowing how to have my dress length altered!
  16. 1. Where is your cell phone? purse 2. Your significant other? working 3. Your hair? up 4. Your mother? awesome 5. Your father? workerbee 6. Your favorite thing? Lolo 7. Your dream last night? forgot 8. Your favorite drink? water 9. Your dream/goal? Retirement 10. The room you're in? Office 11. Your ex? Insane 12. Your fear? dying 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? Happy 14. Where were you last night? Dinner 15. What you're not? Rested 16. Muffins? Bran 17. One of your wish list items? Jeans 18. Where you grew up? Iowa 19. The last thing you did? Subway 20. What are you wearing? Sandals 21. Your TV? Home 22. Your pets? Labrador 23. Your computer? Desk 24. Your life? Amazing 25. Your mood? Anxious 26. Missing someone? Sister 27. Your vehicle? Honda 28. something your not wearing? Makeup 29. Favorite Store? Target 30. Your summer? Crazy 31. Like someone? Em 32. favorite color? blue 33. When is the last time you laughed? today 34. Last time you cried? Forget
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