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Everything posted by Adlergray

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by DarcyJAde What are you girls going to tell you FI you are doing? I am such a bad liar. We have a concert later that day so I will have to come up with something good so I can leave in the morning and come back with makeup. lol. Then just tell him you are having a spa day with your Girlfriend/bridesmaids..they'll cover for you!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Stephanie~ Ferris Buller's Day off! Q: Let's say this Twinkie represents the normal amount of psychokinetic energy in the New York area. According to this morning's sample, it would be a Twinkie thirty-five feet long, weighing approximately six hundred pounds. Who ya gonna call? GHOST BUSTERS Q- Thank you for a frightening, confusing, strange and dangerous time, what more could a girl ask for.
  3. Farris buhlers day off!!!-great pick Q- Thank you for a frightening, confusing, strange and dangerous time, what more could a girl ask for.
  4. Its reservoir dogs...right? Dick dick ..dick dick .. DICK DICK ......DICK Q-Keaton always said, "I don't believe in God, but I'm afraid of him."Well I believe in God, and the only thing that scares me is Keyser Soze.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by aimee&ted 27 dresses! new quote: "TROLL in the dungeon!" Harry Potter....and the sorcerers stone..I think Q- How can she be so evil? She's only in High school!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Gr8ful I was there in January -- it was definitely beautiful, however the person I spoke to said that they were management changes afoot, so I would make absolutely certain that you know what is going on before you book your wedding. That being said, the location is absolutely spectacular. Tulum has the most beautiful beach on the RM, but I'm definitely biased! :-) Good luck -- I have some pix if you want, just email me b/c I still haven't figured out how to post them on this site yet. Have fun in MX -- I honestly think that this health scare will die down in a few months, so you should be fine. I wish I was going with you! :-) Thanks, they did change management in april. All the new staff and policies have been changed. But good looking out!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by TorontoGirloutWest As of right now the plan for us is still to go at the end of this month! We figure the worst is over but to be safe we haven't booked a hotel yet. Adler, Had you originally been planning to stay at Blue Tulum? Did you find a good deal somewhere!?!? Angelina gave us a deal 180 for both of us a night and it goes towards our package price. There was also supposed to be a wedding that weekend and I really wanted to see that. booo but ya if you want to book with them see what they can do for you.-J
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Dynasia Adlergray, Are you still going to Blue Tulum? Yes but we have pushed our site visit back till July. It's not essential that we go right now, the hotel understood and will rebook when we decide what dates we are going, SOOOO now we are just waiting on Mexicana to hopfully wave there change fees over the 14 (fingers crossed!!!)
  9. Ok I'm board American Pie Q- You got a telegram from headquarters today. Headquarters--what is it? Well, it's a big building where generals meet, but that's not important right now.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by jmiranda LOL I love this Answer: Clueless Quote:You realize we're all going to go to college as virgins. They probably have special dorms for people like us. um this one
  11. FEAR AND LOTHING IN LOS VEGUS!!! I love that one!!!! use jmirandas next!!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Summer&Nicholas Hey Ladies, still thinking of you all lately! Thanks for the support earlier to not read this and get worked up... I just can't though, I have to keep checking back to check up on how you all are doing!! I just want to let you all know, especially ones deciding to troop through this..Don't watch the Dr's today. It's ALL on "H1N1" flu. It is very informative, but definitely (at times) not advising traveling there They even brought up wedding's not being an essential means of travel. However, it is good to watch as it really tells you things to do as far as precautionary measures and things like that! -Just a heads up, in case anyone would like to see that, or is a fan and would rather not hear not to go to Mexico. Whats the DR's
  13. ohhh I was too late so I will answer yours SIMPSONS!!!!! And back to my last one Why am I listening to you , you are a virgin who can't drive!
  14. 16 candels oooh this is fun!!! Why am I listening to you you are a virgin who can't drive!
  15. Loyd Christmas!!! Dumb and Dumber!!! Q-No I will not make out with you. Did ya hear that? this girl wants to make out with me in the middle of class. You got Chlorophyll Man up there talking about God knows what and all she can talk about is making out with me. I'm here to learn, everybody, not to make out with you. Go on with the chlorophyll.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl i'm so very sorry. what does your FI think? does he still want to go through with the wedding there? he is truly the one who matters most. i am glad your parents will still come ... does FI have any family at all coming? and please know that just because people have canceled, it doesn't mean they don't love you both. some people just scare easily, others have medical reasons, and still others will be kept out of work that they can't afford to miss. honestly if they are scared enough to cancel their own trip, they probably love you enough to *wish* you'd cancel yours to be safe. i know it is very hard not to be hurt and you must be so devastated. WOW that was very well said!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by tylersgirl I'm so sorry Sensatori Bride! *hugs* Jillian-I am so sorry too! *hugs* to you as well Thank you but its just a site visit I feel so bad for you and all the May weddings
  18. I'm sooo sorry. These are terrible things to happen during you wedding. But my TA said things would probably be changing in the next couple days so maybe you will get a couple more people to go!!!! Quote: Originally Posted by Sensatori Bride You guys all of my wedding guests have bailed on me!! We already were having a small group and now no one wants to go. My mom and dad will be there and our very expensive photographer but no one else! I am sooo hurt. I have definitely learned a lot about people who I thought were my friends. My mom has a friend that works for the CDC here in Atlanta and this guy said that my wedding in not an "essential" reason to travel to Mexico. WTF
  19. Wow so much drama on here today...at least its not about the swine flu On a brighter note since we canceled our site visit my WC has been giving me hourly updates about how nice it is down there
  20. SO my FI and I both talked to our doctors today both of which flipped out on us for even thinking about going.Which is really surprising because my FI dr is a really mellow guy. So we have canceled our Site visit
  21. So I am soooo pissed right now!!!! I called my Dr. yesterday to get a prescription for the tamaflu or the other one saying that I am going to Mexico in 2 weeks (for our site visit) which is what the CDC has told travelers to do. So I get a call at 8:15 this morning (which I know is not early for some but my daughter and I don't get up till 9 soo already pissed at whoever is calling before I need to be up! Anywho, Its my dr. who proceeds to go yooour gooing to Mexico? you know there's a travel warning out. NoI called you for the prescription because I wasn't aware there was something going on. " You know you probably shouldn't be going, Well if the situation gets worse you should not be going ect, ect yes I'm aware. Oh my god it was so frustrating to have her sit there and act like I'm totally incompetent or dumb for considering going! However I found out after all this madness that while the CDC has told us to all go to our DR for a prescription to take with us. The CDC has told Dr's not to give it out unless you are exposed or have it because to many idiots who don't need it right now made a run on. Thanks panicy people everywhere! Sorry for venting but there are reported cases in Chicago so whats the difference? I just really hate being treated like an idiot.
  22. I don't know tammyB is coming down from WI for us but when I was looking before I found a couple googling
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by tammylynn Hi, I am going to be a December 30 bride in Barbados. We are taking a southern carribean cruise for 7 days we leave december 27. We have the location with the wedding planner all set. I have my dress not fully paid yet though. None of our families our coming except our kids, they will be with us on the cruise and at the ceremony. Congrats! Sounds Like Fun!!!!
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