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Everything posted by itsfinallyhere

  1. I too have done a bit of travelling. And it is true about using common sense. Try not to leave out anything that is valuble or that you don't want to replace. Most of the employees in these hotels are honest people who would not risk their jobs with theft. But you will always find a bad apple somewhere in the bunch. So use caution. Don't exchange large amounts of cash, don't wear lots of flashy jewelry and don't leave valuable (money, cameras, phones, jewelry, etc) unattended.
  2. Welcome. You will love this forum. There is a ton of information on just about anything here. I am sure you will be able to narrow down your choices here. The people on theis forum love to share information and ideas. They have definately made a difference in my planning. Good luck. Oh FYI I think St. Lucia also has a volcano that you can walk / drive thru. Very unique. I would have gone there in a flash, but FI wanted Cuba.
  3. Oh you poor thing, Not only to have to deal with the regular stress of planning a wedding but having to endure that kind of invasion is horrible. I am so sorry for you. The only thing you can do is be thankl it was not sorse. At least your car was not taken! But know that we all go thru something similar and somehow some way we all managed to find a way. You may not be able to see the way yet but it will show up eventually weather you realize it or not. So try to relax, keep looking at the bright side of things (that is one thing i have had to really try hard to do) and believe that in the end everything will somehow work out. For me this year it was a new vehicle and new tooth for FI (he broke his while eating some corn on the cob!). But I insisted that I was not going to marry a jock-o-lantern and therefore he must get his teeth fixed....OR ELSE! LOL
  4. Writing down a budget is a great idea. Not only for setting goals but to keep track of everything. Research is important. Somethings should be bought, others it's just as easy to make. The more you know and plan for the better able you will be to stick to your budget. But like LadyTrunck said the more detailed the easier and more realistic it will be. I too like many others started at one number until I started to list things in more detail. But when researching make sure to check the fine print. Somethimes things that seem a great deal turn out not to be bcause they did not inlcude everything that was wanted and those things were extra. And the biggest thing I have learned since planning my wedding is that all things are negotiable. Even things in the stores. Especially if it is a smaller store (not chain) and you are buying more than one thing, or just something very expensive.
  5. Welcome from one of the not so young as the rest of the brides. LOL. Yes we are here of all ages and coming from everywher and going to our dream DW. You will find all kinds of wonderful ideas, support and encouragment from these ladies (and odd gent too). If there is anything you need just post and I am sure someone will be able to help. The thing that makes this forum so great is all the interaction between us. Welcome and enjoy!
  6. Wow beautiful dress and your seamstress did a great taking it in. You look MARVELOUS! I would wear my hair down especially with the bustle. I think the wavy hair will really complement your dress, and draw the eyes to the bustle! Hair up would be very classy too. You always could put it up at the front and sides and let the back flow. do some trials and show us, ya ya show us! Just to be sure you know! lol
  7. I have had both too. I have to say thought that I believe an outdooer cat has a better quality of life. They definately seem happier and healthier (less likey to be over weight). As far as training them goes. Keep the little guy indoors until he is a few months old. He will know where he lives and will probably not go far at first. Also cats can be trained to come when called. I found "pounce" cat treats to be an excellent incentive to learn this trick. When first letting the kitten out, be sure to go out with it. Take abook or do some yard work (gardening etc). That way you can keep an eye on the little fella when he is first out. If you go in first leave the door ajar for easy entry. I have never had any issues with my cat going out, they always came back. It is just very difficult to do this after moving with them, but not impossible. Good Luck. Your are in for a lot of laughs!
  8. We are doing two weeks. We just don't feel we will be able to do enough given the amount of time the wedding is going to take. So out of One week we would only had a few days left to ourselves. So we will go for 2.
  9. Americans can go to Cuba. It is just difficult for them. They do have to take a contecting flight thru Canada, Mexico, or the Bahamas. www.usacubatravel.com/ ForCuba.com - For American Customers Traveling to Cuba Maybe these two websites may help. Good luck
  10. I love them. They are great and the to reuse them as christmas ornaments is a great idea.
  11. I am so sorry you have to deal with this added nstress. But my best suggestion to you now is to get everything and as much as you can in writing. What is included, what you are responsible for, timelines. Basically anything and everything you can think of. Because if it is in writing it is easier to know where you stand. You will eliminate a lot of gray areas that will cause you stress later, as they have already. Do This before final payment. Once he has you money he will be hard pressed to give it back, but he does want it and that is your pwer of negotiation. I would even see if you could hold back 10% until the day off or better yet the day after. Just to ensure everything goes according to your plans and not his. Good luck I hope everything works out as you would like.
  12. I think it is wonderful that you asked her, and I understand how and why things changed. The first thing I would do is check and see if legally she is allowed to be MOH. Can she sign the paper work? Is she old enough? And I do know about Mexico but in Cuba relations to the bride or groom cannot be the witnesses for signatures on documents. If this is the case then you have the perfect reason for having another MOH. I know for me I wanted my sister to sign, but no that can't be. So she is my MOH but I had to ask a friend to be the witness. I hopw this helps a ittle. Good Luck. Also is you want to make her more included, she can always to a reading or participate in a sand ceremony with the two of you.
  13. We are staying at the Sirenis La Salinas. Our group includes kids from age 2 - 16. They have kids clubs for all ages and also offer various activities for all kids. They have 2 children pools and a beautiful beach. I don't think there is a bad section of beach in Varadero! They also have specail shows for the kids and get the kids to put on a show. There all plenty off family friendly resorts avaliable. Good luck
  14. If you feel that strongly about it, stick to your guns. You need to be relaxed and happy on your big day. Not worried or anxious. Good Luck
  15. After checking that the seams are good flip it inside out again. Sew the bottom seam of the outer shell first. Then do the corners. If you left your material squared off you can cut it now or trimm off excess. I tried to match the bottom and side seams when pinning it. After doing the corners, flip everything inside out again, so that the shell is the right way with the bottom of the linning undone. The plastic is a little harder to work with. I found that pinning this really made a difference. Fold the seams inwards and pin the bottom seam together. after sewing the bottom seam do the corners, as before. my end result looked like this. Before pushing the linning, I used iron on decorations to jazz them up a bit. I got them from Michael's and Walmart. After cooling I pushed the liner inside and done. Good Luck I hope you girls can use this, and I explained it well enough.
  16. OK, ladies sorry for the delay but here goes. First you need to get your material, for the outer shell anything will do that you like. For the inner linning I found the plastic table cloth cut to whatever size worked best. I also tried a shower curtain thickness, but that was realy difficult to work with. I cut out a pattern out of brown paper (used diaper bag template!). When cutting I folded the material in half and cut two pieces of each for one bag. My measures ments were basically 31cm (12") X 25cm(10")top X 33.5cm (13") bottom Attach the zipper first. Place the first piece of the outer shell down face up with the zipper laying face down. place the inner liner fae down and pin after you sew the seam check to make sure you caught all three pieces. If the buckle of the zipper is giving you a hard time, trying unzipping the zipper and sewing half. Then zip up the zipper to where you have sewn. when placing the other pieces of material make the face to face. next you will want to sew the side seam. Do the inner linning first and then the outer shell. DO ONLY THE SIDE SEAMS. Check the side seams to ensure a good seam especially at the zipper.
  17. That was a really sweet story. It sounds like you have found your true soul mate. From the sound of things it looks it can only work out. One way or another it seems that you two are destined to be together. Everything happens for a reason, and the extra wait always makes it that much more worth while when you finally get what you what. Continue to love and appreciate each other and you will be together for a very long time. Good Luck. Where are the pics? LOL
  18. Wow that is CRAZY stuff. That just isn't suppose to happen here! I mean we are Canadians, and you're in Sudbury for crying out loud! But I guess it doesn't matter where you are, death and taxes are the only sure thing! LOL! I am glad everything turned out all right!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Kristin_And_Stewart Hello all, we're both from Kitchener (waterloo), Ontario. But hopefully we won't live here forever...i hate the cold...and summer's been crap this year!! Thats where we are. Yup summer has been crappy until lately, I have to agree with you winter assessment, but that s why we go south then! Haha. We moved here from Mississuaga about 6 years ago and love it!
  20. 1. I have no idea what I want. For me the wedding ring and ceremony is what I wanted most and since I will be getting that. I am pretty happy. 2. For him a BD book. I think it is something that he will love and obviously very personal. Something I am hoping will be a total wurprise, as it is completely out of character for me, hehehehe!)
  21. How did FI get along with this guy? Could he or maybe one of the other male members of the family maybe go talk to him. Really anybody that could try to help that he related well to may be able to help hiim see the light. But other than that I have to agree with the other girls there is not much she can do but wait. Maybe oray too! Good luck.
  22. Those are amazing. You both look so incredible. I love them. They are beautiful!
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