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Everything posted by itsfinallyhere

  1. I only have two, so my MOH I bought here dress, broach and jewelry for the day. I will do the same for my jr. bridesmaid. I may still buy them their shoes. I was only going to get themtheir jewelry but then I thought to off set the cost of the trip. I hope this helps. The people in the bridal party will also get oot bags with some extras thrown in.
  2. They are cute but can make a lot of noise. sunrise coming up over the lake on a misty morning
  3. He was a good guy. He will be remembered well.
  4. Edwards Scissorhands - Winona Ryder
  5. I to understand both the ups and downs. We wanted to go away but I wanted to have a party atmosphere with the people I care about. Infortunately not everyone felt the same. My family is a tight knit family so they are all going but none of FI's family will be going. One of his cousins is coming. I know this is hard for him because everybody who will be there is associated with me, but there is not m uch you can do. I am surprised by who is going, because it is people I never expected. And of course the people I thought would go (they love to travel) can't seem to make it. Out of 90 invites, 13 people will be attending. But regardless of who comes it will be great (so FI keeps telling me). There could always be surprises at the end, but enjoy the day with people who care enough to be there. Remember the people who were unable to comee due to circumstances beyond their control, and laugh at those who are missing out on the time of their lives. For me this is not a wedding day, but a wedding week! Sure your guests will have their own time, but there are going to be at least 3 or 4 days of stuff to do with the wedding. Welcome dinner, wedding, excursions, bachorette party, etc.
  6. Wow I am so sorry ou have to deal with this at this time. I do understand what you are going thru and it can be very difficult. There are so many factors at play here. Culture, age, and what they envisioned for their son. Do we ever home with what they excepted? Probably not. I know things like this can be very hard especially when it is prolonged, But the will eventually come around. My best advice to you is be as sweet as you can be. They will soften over time. Good Luck I hope this works out for you sooner rather than later.
  7. I am not sure if I like or dislike, because I am not sure wha thtis is! Never heard of it! magic fire for campfires
  8. I am not a teacher but I will be pulling my kids out for 2 weeks in the middle of the semester (november). But I also believe that the experiences and knowledge they will pick up there will stay with them longer than what they will learn in school. The family time is invaluable. There is nothing that could replace the memories and experiences they will have. It does not need to be time without learning. I believe that they will learn it better and remember it for longer when they see and experience these things first hand. The classroom cannot replace that! Having said all that I am also sure some kind of homework or something will be sent along!
  9. Please try not to worry about it. There are always going to be people who will disagree or be unable to go. We too had to face this decision. But when we deided we figure it was spend the money on a trip for our family. Or spend 2 or 3 times the amount on one here for people who would not otherwise bother to come. The people that mean the most to us are coming, andthe others well, they are missing out. I hope it is a cold a bitter winter for them! LOL But doin it here is it then for others or for you? I love to travel so this is another opportunity to do that! It may not be the wedding I've always dreamed of, bit instead I am given a fantasy wedding I never dreamed possible. That makes others jealous. Of course you don't expect gift at this type of event. Their presence is enough. The memories are unfortgetable for you and your guests. They complain because it is inconvient for them. On this day of all days do what you and your FI want. Forget eveybody else. They can have anyother day but this one. Good luck.
  10. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Those are perfect for a BD shot. Don't worry about being nervous Karla is right, everyone gets nervous. And you may possibly feel ridiculous when you are there. But when remember this..... YOU WILL BE THE CENTERFOLD. And rightfully so because you are beautiful. And the BD session will only reforce that especially when you get your pics. I am not one to say I am anything special. NEVER have been. But let me tell you , WOW was that ever the best experience EVER. I MEAN EVER. Very empowering. It really makes you feel good about yourself and helps to let you see yourself in a different light. The worse decision you could make would be to cancel. PLEASE do this, if not for him, then for yourself. The end result is a hard secret to keep! Good luck, but most of all have FUN! This is a great opportunity to buy lingerie you normally wouldn't. This was the first time I bought and wore a thong! I was amazed at to comfortable they were! Needless to say FI did not object!
  11. its ok, not my favorite pass time baking
  12. We are going to Cuba so we kinda feel we have to give out cigars! I mean we will be in CUBA! I also bought specialty labels just for cigars and I put our monogram on them , with the date. I will attach them to the cigars once we ge tthere. The labels go roght over the other label if you like and they can be slipped off when smoking! We will also be bringing some home to give out!
  13. Angela remember he is house trained, and he doesn't chew on things, or scratch them!
  14. sorry did a double post but not how!?! LOL
  15. Wow what I great site! I just tried it and it will definately send my welcome package over the top! Thank you very much
  16. Dislike birds singing in the morning
  17. I am sorry you have to go thru all this. But am extrememly happy and pround of the way everything turned out with our BDW group. I do have one complaint ladies, how did you ladies set this up . I would have love to contribute to such a worthy cause. Watch girls they are very sneaky. I am all the time and saw no hint of this going on. I am glad the package was able to pick you and keep you going. When unexpected things like this happen it is always extra special.
  18. Woohoo, congrats! we all understand how exciting that is. WhenI got mine home I could not stop looking at them! Make sure to post a picture! The suspense is killing us!
  19. Only because I have to, I enjoy it if it is live, but not on TV orchids
  20. We too wanted to away on our own, with maybe just a BM & MOH, but it just didn't work that way.
  21. use to, but I don't watch it anymore. AFV
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