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Everything posted by itsfinallyhere

  1. Kitchener, Ontario Hi everyone Wedding date Nov 16/09 Varadero Cuba
  2. Hi, I too am getting married in November, November 16th 2009 in Varadero, Cuba. I am nowhere near as organized as you girls. I have done nothing. We have booked our resort and confirmed the date. That had to be changed a few times, but it is finally settled. We are not sending out STDs as we will sending out the invitations a little early. We are not having a large number. I have been trying to find a dress with no luck. If I like the dress I'm not impressed with the price. But I have not found a dress I love. And I really want to love it. If I love it, then the price wont matter so much! I have my MOH and told her the color of the dress I would like but have left the choice of the dress up to her. But she hasn't found one yet. The BM is willing to wait until the MOH picks so she can pick one that compliments. I have found the Jr. Ushers suit, and the ring boy's suit (linen jacket and pants, with linen shirt). I also found the suit for the groom, but he has to see it. I think I found the thank-you gifts for the bridal party but have to confirm the chain length. I have done a lot of looking but accomplished very little!
  3. If you like fantasy fiction, anything my Margaret Weis and Tracey Hickman is fabulous.
  4. OK, Here is my rant... forgive me if I ramble on but I do have a few things I would like to get off my chest. And I am sorry if I have to comeback because I forgot a few!!! I wanted to ask my oldest and dearest friend in the world to be in my bridal party. I would have love to have her as my MOH but she lives in a different city and is always very busy. If we are able to get together 2X per year thats good. We have been thru so much together. My FI and I have been together over twenty years and I thought she would be excited that it was finally happening for me. But when I tried to talk to her about going she basically told me that if she does not get married this spring to her long time FI then she could not possibly go to my wedding as it would be to upsetting! UPSETTING! She will not travel down to my DW unless she can have hers first! I was so upset. I thought she was my friend and would be happy for me. I cannot express the hurt that I feel, and so very let down. I just always assumed that we would be there for each other. The only people I have known longer is my family. Which leads me to my next subject. My family. My Dad wanted me to do this here and next year so it could be a huge shindig, that I would be expected to foot the bill for. When I told them no that we wanted a DW and that if they wanted they were more than welcome to come. All I got were complaints about cost. It became such an issue than I ended up paying more for my package than my guests, just to ensure they got the best possible deals. My FI does not want to seem to invite anyone. The person he wants to be his BM, he can't seem to reach and does not seem to be concerned about this. I don't want to do this alone, but can't afford to do it here. I get depressed because I seem to have to compromise on everything. I don't want to sound selfish because I really do try to be flexible.
  5. Hello girls, I read something and am a little nervous. Is there a problem with having your sister as your MOH in Cuba? Has anybody ever had a problem with this or dealt with something similar? I have already asked her and I would hate to have to tell her different now? Please help
  6. Try Checking out the Sirenis La Sirenis. It is in Varadero. Some tour operators give it a 4 star others a 4.5 stars.
  7. I don't think you should worry about it. It would be different if you were going to take up all their time. But this is a vacation for them as well. They are paying because they want to go and the place and everything that goes with it, wedding included. I am going to try to bring extra special bonbonierre and other than a destination wedding when are you going to receive a OOT bag? I am sure that there are extras you will be paying if that eases your mind, and if not then that excursion idea is awesome. Just relax, Enjoy your Day Remember worrying will cause wrinkles!
  8. Ok since I am not the first now I would like to modify my list because I would like to agree with purrfected's inclusion of FI family. I don't want to be catty but I have been with him for so many years (over 20) and they have never been very nice. And as far as stiffness goes girls I am sure you all agree we could all do without that until our wedding night!!
  9. Stephanie&Luke - June 2, 2010 - Melia Las Dunas, Santa Clara Fudgie - April 13, 2009 - Sol Palmeras, Varadero DWbride09 - May 21, 2009 - Sirenis La Salina, Varadero Amelia & David - June 18 2009 - Iberostar, Varadero C & I - January 22, 2010(to be confirmed) - Playa Pesquero itsfinallyhere - mid-November 2009 - Sirenis La Salina, Varadero
  10. Hi sorry to hear you are so stressed out but I do have an idea for you to consider and also maybe if you like discuss with your FH. You could go away and get married with just a few people. Have a small intimate reception/ special dinner with these people. Then when you get back from your trip plan a bigger reception here at home. I know most people do DW because it is more cost efficient but you should not have to compromise too much on this day. I am sorry ok he is part of the day but really its about YOU. Boys don't grow up dreaming about this day and who it will be or what we be wearing. Whatever you do, try to keep true to your own dreams because if he is not willing to bend over backwards to appease you now, how selfish is he going to be 10, 15, 20 years from now when things are not so warm and fuzzy. I don't want to sound mean I just don't want you to have any regrets later. This is suppose to be one of the best days of your life. I think the only thing to top it is having a baby! the best of luck
  11. Stag and Doe is a fun party held in honor of the bride and groom before you get married. Kind of like a bachelor and bachelorette party combined. Its suppose to help raise money for the wedding. So people play games for money and gamble in order to help out the couple. No gifts at these just cash, alcohol, and lots of fun. Must Haves.... Family & friends My dad walking me down the isle I want to look amazing! (dress, hair, make-up) good food and endless supply of alcohol (to endure the family) Music Don't Care For garter speeches receiving line ( anything too stiff) I want everyone to be relaxed and have fun!
  12. I have to agree with the other girls. Dress #1 has nicer beading on it, I love the buttons down the back and I like the flow of the dress better. You look beautiful in both.
  13. Does anyone know if there is a problem to bring your own photographer to this resort? Do they have to be an "uncle"? Can anyone tell me?
  14. Have your TA check and see if there be another flight on the same day. Depending on the tour company they may have more than one flight going down. Good luck
  15. thanks girls just wanted to give something back, since you have all been so helpful to me. Thanks again if I find out anything else I will be sure to post!
  16. Hi girls I was doing some research today and found out something wonderful that I wanted to share with all of you. Not even all of the airline personnel are aware of this. But most airlines have a list of things that are except from regular rules! That means we are allowed to bring a wedding dress on board you flight WITH A CARRY-ON piece of luggage. It does not have to count as your carry on!!!!!! Just make sure you go to the airline website and print off their policy and take it with you when you go to the airport. Make sure to keep it handy because chances are they will argue with you about it but if you have the documentation to prove the policy to them they cannot deny you. But knowing that you do not have to give up that extra piece of luggage gives me some peace of mind.
  17. Thank-you girls you are the best. You have put my mind at ease we will be booking this week. Please send me any pictures you have. I would love to see, maybe help get more wonderful ideas!
  18. Hi, We have been having the most difficult time deciding and think we might go to the Sirenis La Salina Resort. Has anybody ever been there or heard of the weddings there any information is always appreciated.
  19. Hi everyone my name is Heidi and I am planning on getting married this. The Only thing I know is that I want it to be a destination wedding and in November not much else. I would really appreciate any suggestions as to where to do this with the least amount of hassle as I know, I know I am starting late in arranging this. Cost is also an issues as I want to try not to exclude anyone because of financing. The only place I have to exclude is Cuba because of relatives that we would like to invite. Our group will not be overly large and will contain all age groups. Thank-you for your time
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