Okay ladies I am back again. And apparently I have screwed up even though I have gone out of my way to appease and please. Awhile ago I had brought up the dilemma of my invitations. Well here is what I did and I thought that I had come up with an amazing compromise. I ordered two sets. Yup stupid me. I order a small order for myself and another larger order for my parents. Well they were happy enough with the invitations, but. Ya isn't there always a but! Anyway the return address has only my mom's name on it, and now apparently my sister called me to tell it is not right that it be addressed only to her! FI is freaking because he feel slike I cater too much to them to begin with and I am left feeling miserable and totally bummed, because apparently I am the but for ordering them like! I only did this because I wanted to make them happy. I seem to always end up with egg on face one way or the other. FI says that if anymore complaints or demand come from my end he is going to step in. And it won't be pretty. Last time he stepped in, my mom would not talk to him or even be in the same room as him (she refused to attend the reception for our sons christening because he was hosting it). So I have some very head strong people I am caught in the middle of. I understand why FI is angry (he hates to see me stressed or upset, and we are paying), but I wish he weren't venting at me! But to let him loose will cause irreputable damage.
Kind of wish I had a place to hide