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Everything posted by itsfinallyhere

  1. Also remember Costa Rica is really close to rainforest so you will tend to get a little more rain on regular basis. It probably wont interrupt your plans but should be something you are aware of. We were original planning Costa Rica or Honduras but because of this We decided to visit those places another time.
  2. Welcome and congrats. I am planning on getting married in Cuba in November, and I think you shold have no problem finding everything you want in Cuba for the price you want. It is beautiful and the people are wonderful. Very accommodating and courteous. We went to check it out first and loved it!
  3. Everything looks wonderful. You looked amazing. Congrats, and all the best. Can't wait to see more pictures!
  4. Thank-you girls for all your support. Well, the issues has kind of resloved itself. My parents sent theirs out before I was able to tell them a new and revised version was going to be ordered. But the are already gone so nothing to worry about there. I just have to get new envelops for me as some of our are going to people who will not reconginze my name or don't know me. I will feel better is both are names are on them so people will know even before they open them who it is for. Fi is taking care of fixing everything for me.
  5. They are and you are beautiful. I can't wait to see more
  6. I love the idea of having the oot bag in the rooms to welcome guests! But I would hate to have to pay for it. I will definately ask my WC about it. Otherwise I think I will give them out when they arrived. We too are arriving several days before our guests. If any of you girls who are getting married in Varadero could lets us know what your resorts are doing that would be awesome. Also if you don't mind add the resort you are going to.
  7. We want pictures. We live for pictures. Please find and post some pictures! Congrats on your find.
  8. Welcome, and congrats. You will get tonnes of advice here. I vote for the Dominican Republic. It is beautiful. But allthese locarions are beautiful.
  9. That is fantastice! Probably something my MIL would have came up with!!! May she RIP. It could of been why he waited 22 years to ask!
  10. Wow I love it. Everything about it. It is really really good. I am so impressed. I wish I could come with something like that.
  11. Wow whata story. And you are an incredible woman to have come through with your sanity still intact! I know i probably would have had to be institutionalized! Or medicated at the very least!!! But I am so glad that everything worked. Don't worry about Cuba the island is beautiful and the people the most hospitiable in the world. I can't wait to hear what new adventures are to come your way. It is also so action packed they may make a movie! LOL
  12. I love the second better then the frist. The first is nice but the second is the wow. You llok so beautiful and it really suits you.
  13. Everything looks great. I hope you have a great time. Good luck
  14. Hope your wedding day was everything you ever dreamed of and more! Wishing you all the best ( you and Martin). Don't for get to post all the lovely details. You know we are waiting!
  15. Okay ladies I am back again. And apparently I have screwed up even though I have gone out of my way to appease and please. Awhile ago I had brought up the dilemma of my invitations. Well here is what I did and I thought that I had come up with an amazing compromise. I ordered two sets. Yup stupid me. I order a small order for myself and another larger order for my parents. Well they were happy enough with the invitations, but. Ya isn't there always a but! Anyway the return address has only my mom's name on it, and now apparently my sister called me to tell it is not right that it be addressed only to her! FI is freaking because he feel slike I cater too much to them to begin with and I am left feeling miserable and totally bummed, because apparently I am the but for ordering them like! I only did this because I wanted to make them happy. I seem to always end up with egg on face one way or the other. FI says that if anymore complaints or demand come from my end he is going to step in. And it won't be pretty. Last time he stepped in, my mom would not talk to him or even be in the same room as him (she refused to attend the reception for our sons christening because he was hosting it). So I have some very head strong people I am caught in the middle of. I understand why FI is angry (he hates to see me stressed or upset, and we are paying), but I wish he weren't venting at me! But to let him loose will cause irreputable damage. Kind of wish I had a place to hide
  16. yes i acutally bought the blue ones. let me know if you need any I think I have extras
  17. Avon's skin so soft! It is suppose to work amazing. I use it when we go camping up north (millions of bugs!!!!) I guess around Georgian Bay area? And added bonus it makes your skin soft!!!! They have lotions and oils, and sprays too I think! We also use the citronella bracelets.
  18. Hi sweetie, I am sorry to hear you are going through such a rough time. Let me start by telling you, you are not alone. I have to think that yes you are depressed and definitely need some help. Nobody should be feeling like you do. I understand it was not so long ago I too felt like that. But yes definitely go see your doctor. Talk to somebody anybody. Us if you like.. I promise you all of us will do our best for you. Maybe you are doing too much? Are you eating healthy? Getting enough sleep? Fresh air? Sunshine? Try getting together with some girlfriends that you know always make you laugh. You NEED to laugh. You must be worring yourself over sick about something. There are several great books out there for people to learn to relax and relinquish control (I know these were things I had a hard time with). I will be sending you all my good wishes. May your guardian angel let the sun shine on you.
  19. I have to say you are getting really good advice here. I would not go out of my way to include her and most definitely would NOT pay for her. She is just angry because this is taking the spotlight away from her. That is what is eating her. And every negative thing she says to you is because she has her own insecurities and issues. She will be like a poison pill to you. Don't let her bother you and my best advice is stay away from her she will only cause you grief. You get to pick your friends not your family. Unfortunately they are kind of a package deal but you can always limit exposure. My FSIL is a prime example. Oh the stories I could tell! Maybe on another thread. Needless to say we get along great as long as we stay in our own cities! And sometimes even two hours away is too close! Another thing is just smile and nod! LOL. You will always come out on top. She will only make herself look bad.
  20. Ladies party packagers has really big beach bags with a zipper closure for only $1.99. The are great for the beach they are two toned with three suns on the front. You could easily personalize them by ironing on your own momgram, logo, imprint. I will be handing out my oot bags as people arrive. Hopefully just after they have unpacked. Maybe the first night when we greet everyone.
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