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Everything posted by itsfinallyhere

  1. LOL that is so funny. I thought i was reading the thread wrong! I thought this is a wedding forum WTF is a thing about obits in Sandals in Jamaica no less. Then almost fell off my chair laughing. That is an ingenious idea. VERY orignial. I am sure he will apreciate it and get a kick out of it too, as will everyone else!
  2. I really love it.. I had never heard of it. Once you girls have taught me something new and I think may borrow this idea too. Thank-you
  3. OMG you girls are scaring me!!! I think I need to buy another suit case set!!!! Better keep my eye out for deals!!! I thought I would be able to impose on family to carry excess but now I am not so sure. I would get stressed thinking about anything I may have to leave behind! I would probably choose the wrong thing to leave!
  4. Enjoy, relax/ Make apacking list and add to it as you rememner stuff, in order not to forgt anything. Good Luck, Have Fun!
  5. Wow you guys looked like you had alot of fun!!! Your pictures are going to be great!
  6. I tried both the gel with the trays (didn't like at all), and the crest white strips. The OTC counter ones are ok, but I bought some from my dentist and they work a lot better. They are the crest white strips but are stronger than the ones you can get OTC. You can use them twice per day but I only used them once per day and they work great. I notice a difference in 2 - 3 days. I am a smoker and LOVE my morning coffee! So I really hate it when my teeth are not white. These work really good. I also brush with a sensodyne type toothpaste. I think all of them cause a cetain amount of sensitivity.
  7. Congrats, and welcome. I would suggest Cuba to you since you are Canadian. There should be no problem finding something less than $1500.00 We are going and our 1 week guests are paying just over $1000.00 and we are going for 2 weeks and paying just over $1300.00 per person. Time of year will also greatly affect the price. To keep prices at their lowest I suugest you go in one of the off seasons. That will keep the resort cost down as flight hardly ever changes. The Dominican is also cheaper. These places tend to be cheaper for us because the flight is a little shorter. I have found that the longer the flight the more the package tends to cost. Good Luck I hope you find the place of your dreams.
  8. 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 can you guess which I perfer. LOL
  9. What a wonderful thing you are doing to be so involved and want to help. You will find all kinds of wonderful ideas here. These girls are great and very generous with their ideas and support. I am sure with your help your niece's wedding will be the day of her dreams.
  10. Congrats on your marriage. I was crying I was laughing so hard, and gasping in shock. Wow what stories you are going to have to tell your kids!!! Love truly wins overall! Yah. I feel for you that you also have to go thru a separation when you have just been joined. But you think of it this way.... you get to have another honeymoon when he comes back, you lucky girl. Then when they ask why you didn't answer the phone, you can make them sorry they asked! LOL
  11. I would love to see the picture but regardless I have see wedding parties with hats and I always thought they looked great. Something a little different from the rest and if he drives you crazy in one I say tell to wear it and nothing else on the wedding night LOL!!!
  12. Is there any chance that a starfish would be available in November for me. I would love to borrow one and have it as part of my bouquet also. I am departing November 12th, returning the 26th. I will gladly pass it on or return it promptly.
  13. Thanks girls you make me blush! I use clinique 7 day scrub cream ( but not everyday, most days just water), then i use their turnaround concentrate. I love the way it makes my skin feel. So very soft and smooth. You can always go in to ask for a sample, that is how I was turned on to it. I got a sample at the Women's Show in Toronto last year and love the feel, not oily or heavy.
  14. Oh God, My only tip is to try to get enough sleep. I see you already have a little one, adding another one to that mix will be all the help you need. They will keep you hopping and running! After I had my kids I ended up losing 55 lbs.! I did nothing different, I just had to kids to entertain and run after and serve! LOL. They did for me what I couldn't do for myself! Kids are great to help you oose weight, and with the nice weather here it will be easier. Take them to the park, for a hike, swimming. Take them anywhere or stay at home but get involved with them. They will wear you down and suck all of those extra calories and pounds off you!!! GOD BLESS THE CHILDREN, (especially when they are sleeping and you know you see an angel!)
  15. Hi Girls, I am back and after several miserable attempts I have finally figured it out. I want to thank Tammy for her help thank god for all those info posts. I'd be lost without them. I also want to thank all you girls for giving me this idea and helping me find the courage to do this. It s definitely not my norm!!! And once again I have to scream Kathy's praises. She is incredibly awesome. I showed up dragging my feet. I am not one of the younger bride. I just had my 40th birthday not to long ago and I also have two kids. My younger one just happen to be sick all night, the night before the BD shoot. But Kathy made me look incredible! Thank-you Kathy. Oh I am also a giant clutz, and fell at my older sons track meet earlier in the week. So not only did she have to deal with bags under my eyes but bruises all up my legs and backside. I ended not being happy with a few of the poses. It just so happen I seem to like the same pose repeatedly. So I called Kathy up and she offered to redo a shorter session in order for me to get the racier photos I think I was to up tight to do I the first place. So I should have more in a little while. I hope you like!
  16. I am so glad it all worked out for you. It was crazy to think that you are being selfish by wanting this. I think it is perfectly normal to want this. If only I could dothe same as well! I also think that men tend to say we are being selfish when it is really them being unreasonable and unwilling to admit it! LOL That stupid make ego getting in the way again!
  17. Hi, I am sorry to hear about your troubles. I too have had a similar experience, and from my own it was easier to let it go. I however did try to clear the issue with my FSIL. She did repay some but not all of the money. If I were you I would try to talk to her again. Or maybe your DH if it is his sister (mine would not get involved), or brother if it is his wife. Hopefully she will understand and refund your money, but if not I recommend you chalk it up to a very expensive lesson in life. God willing you won't have too many of those, but they are hardest when inflicted by family. After this is sorted out I would avoid any further financial involvement, regardless of how it is presented with this individual. Good Luck I hope evrything works out for you.
  18. It is beautiful I would go for it. After the ceremony you could always bussle (sp?) the train. That is what I am planning on doing. I love the trains and that is not too long. But think about what you are walking over, and if there is anything your dress could snag on (twigs, and sticks and such) ask them to put a runner down. They cold use a bamboo runner or palm leaves are always nice too.
  19. Oh you girls are absolutely horrible. My FI is ready to ban me from this site, but like an addict I can't resist. I loved what each of you had to say and was touched so much I could not stop crying it was all so beautiful! And of course FI thinks there is always something wrong when I cry but I seem to cry about a lot of things. And let me tell you, each of you of needed a tissues to themselves. I cannot wait to add my own addition! Thank-you for the inspiration.
  20. I think that email is very nicely worded and no one should take offense. You are being pushy, just giving a friendly and courteous reminder. I would be unhappy if I was one of your guest and had forgotten about the deadline. I think they will be very appreciative of the reminder and also the update to check your website.
  21. wow what a great job you did. Everything looks beautiful.
  22. Oh you poor thing. You must feel absolutely horrendous and completely violated. I hope they do catch who every did this. I do not understand why people cannot be more helpfull like the girls on this forum! I hope everything turns out alright for you.
  23. Hi Girls, I am so excited. I just my pics and I am over the moon with them. I am however not thrilled with some. And of course it is no the photographer but the model!!! I guess my choice in outfits was not the best. So I called Kathy to tell her and we arranged for me to come in and redo a partial photo shoot! I cannot tell you how happy and thrilled I am that she is willing to this!! Once again I connot tecommend Kathy enough she is amazing and her photographic abilities as far as I am concerned are beyond belief. Heck she made me look good. A miracle in itself!!! LOL AAAAAArrgghhhhhhh I feel so stupid. But I just can't figure out how to post some of these. Could someone please send me step by step directions? I wanna share too. Especially because I hav found a new love for myself after seeing these!!! LOL I can't get the smile off my face! Of course the other girl that went with is like WOW a total SIREN!!! She might melt the screen! She is gorgerous.
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