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Everything posted by itsfinallyhere

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by ~*petals*~ They are all beautiful, but this one, he has a secret smile like he cannot believe his luck in what he has found! Just beautiful. I love them, obviously this is my favorite!
  2. Friday June 26th 8:30 am, avoiding the laudry room while its multipling! I swear it breeds itself. Everytime I look it's bigger. I am scared!
  3. What is this? I have never heard of it. Is it something from a different culture? What does it represent. I would love to find out more!
  4. I have a costco card and they don't have them. But I did see some in a place called Bo-De's they were selling them for $0.99 a packet. I thought that was too much. I am getting smegeneric type brand of tyenol or advil (not sure which) from my sister. Her company has a supplier come in every couple of months to resupply the first aid kit. She asked to purchase a box. I am not sure how many are in their but I would be willing to split the cost and ship it out. She can also get something like tums, but I think I am going to purchase the immodium tablets that are individually sealed in a sheet, and just cut the out in pairs.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Soon To Be Mrs. Gomez When I was a little girl, I loved Charlie's Angels. I am pretty sad with this news. Me too, I use to collect the "Charlie's Angel" cards. She was something. So sad, RIP. I think she will be remember best by that picture of her on the beach in a bikini (I think). I know it drove the boys crazy.
  6. I am in for arms, tummy, hips and thighs.
  7. How exciting for you. I will definitely check it out. You will have to tell us when. I think I may even get the emails. I am watching for them. Congrats.
  8. This happened to me too. I think I restarted my computer or just tried later. The other thing you could try is add a reply yourself. It will automatically put you on the last page to show you your post.
  9. Welcome back. It must have been horrible. I would go thru withdrawals! LOL. Need to attend meetings or something I am so addicted!
  10. I found today in the dollar store, individually wrapped bath fizz balls. They had bath salts too.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Lucky_Girl She has kindly informed me that her mother will always love her more than she will ever love me, and that her babies will be more special than mine. I just wanted to share a story about my FILs. They love to tell this one..... When they were little. They had many relatives about. But FI's Dad was the only boy in his family. So he was the golden one! FI's grandfather loved all the kids of course but had a special place for those that were going to carry on his name. As he got older he tolerate the others less. The grandkids from the daughters were not considered good enough because thier children would not carry on his name. It was always said they wee the real "Jones' " and the other children were not because mom married a "Smith". I know it sounds strange but it must be true. In FI's family I was not treated that great,.... UNTIL I got pregnant. Then when I had a boy. Well OMG. I was like the goose who had laid the golden egg and now could do no wrong. FSIL went insane because now she could not critize me. MIL and FIL would not tolerate it any more! I had the FIRST grandson. Woohoo. I was now top dog without doing anything. I know this is all stupid, but not everything everyone does makes sense. I got thru by staying away and ignoring her as best I could. My pregnancy was unplanned and so was having a son. Life can be real funny sometimes! Just do what you have to do in order to live with yourself. Good luck I hope everything turns out as well for you as it did for me.
  12. Those are awesome. I started to cry with the groom right to the end. Just wonderful
  13. Wow , what a great job you did. Everything and everyone looks great.
  14. I think that will be fine too. Also just check with your WC because sometimes they will include a small basic flower arrangement. If it is something they tend to do for their restaurants, they will may have something already included (i.e. a single flower in a vase). Or yo may be able to get something like this for a small fee. My resort will use a small flower arrangment and candles.
  15. I can really sympathize with you, but unfortunately I have no words of advice. Bur keep at it, because when it does happen it will matter that much more. I waited 22 years for him to ask. He always told he would but there was always a reason for delay. I am not 100% sure what made him do it now but he did. I had lost all hope of him ever asking. I figured maybe I was wanting to much and should just find a way to be happy. But it came up all the time, and just before Christmas he asked! He told he was nervous and unsure of how to ask! Like he had anything to worry about after 22 years and 2 kids. Yup, thats me wait all these years for the Big Question, so I could say no and walk away! But I guess thats a man for you. Good Luck I hope you can find a way to make him understand, because if it was just a piece of paper, you could get a blank photocopy and fill it in yourself. But it is the meaning behind the paper, what all the hoopla is all about. It is not just a piece of paper but a way to shout to the world that you belong to each other and love each other above all. That you are and always will be the most important person in his life.
  16. Hi girls I just singed my photographer, WooHoo! I am so excited and she seems fabulous. But she asked my what kind of photos and where I would want them. Obviously we will be having the big day done and a TTD session but other than that should I request anything. She said she would be willing to excursion or anything else. I thought maybe a day in Havana, or casual family photos on the beach (we have to kids)? Any suggestions? You girls always amaze me at this sort of thing, and I don't want to think of something later that I should have had done! Thank-you for any and all help.
  17. wow what a wonderful job you did. Very thorough. I can't for the wedding pics.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by BillysBride LOL, Dr. Phil would be in litigation if he had me sittin next to him....I'd end up making half his patients ledge jumpers. LOL, Or would he be the one to jump?!? I have to agree with these girls they are absolutely correct. Stay away! Good Luck and hopefully the issues be get farther and fewer bewteen.
  19. I would send them out. They are not just invites they are keepsakes and momentos. They are not presented the same way or look the same. They will slao give you guests their first impression of the wedding. How formal? What your colors are, etc. STD are great but tend to be more casual.
  20. I would not have a cash bar. I would limit it to beer and wine, but I have know people who wanted to provide a few drinks , and they provided X amount of tickets for the drinks. That way you limit the expense, if people want something differnent than beer or wine they can have but if they don't want all their tickets they could pass them on. But once they are out of tickets the onus is on them. That way you would not have to close the bar.
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