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Everything posted by itsfinallyhere

  1. I am so sorry for your loss. How terrible that it has happened and een worse that it has happened now. But DO NOT CANCEL THE WEDDING. You FI is going thru a terrible time. He is going to be very lost for a while and things will be difficult for him. He will come around and having to do a few last minute this will help him. The best thing you can do it be there for him witout any demands. He is going thru one of the biggest and hardest adjust we have to make as people. Dealing with the loss of a loved one, especially when it is unexpected is hard. He will be replaying a lot of memories both good and bad for the next while. Try to make him laugh with funny stories about his dad. He needs to mourn but make sure after a while he gets out for something other than work. And also find a way to incorporate his memory into your ceremony. A friend of mine got married in the Mayan and her father had also pasted away before she was able to marry. In his memory the included the candle lighting ceremony and also contiued down to the shore to throw rose pedals into the ocean as a tribute to him. This of course is just an idea, but it will be important for everyon that you find a way to honor his memory on tha day. You will "FEEL" his presence there smiling down on all of you. Good Luck.
  2. I would buy it now because you will probably have a better selection now than in the winter and better prices too. We bought their suits in May when they first went on sale. I was going to wait but the were selling fast then and I did not want to pay thru the roof. We got a two piece lined linen suit for $250.00 (it was a $100.00 off), And the Jr. Usher and Ring boy, we got theirs on clearance at the end od April for $25.00 (reg. $75.00). As far as see thru goes, it goes back to quality. Some have a thinner weave and are slightly see thru. Others are a little thinker or partial lined so that doesn't happen. As for the color, the lighter the color the more see thru it will be. We got a white linen shirt (a little see thru, would be almost transparent went went, can't wait to see that!!! LOL) and off white/cream/light tan suit. Not see thru at all. The jacket is also completely lines so it will not stick to the shirt.
  3. itsfinallyhere


    Congrats and welcome. You will love this forum, and be amazed by all the helpful hints, suggestions, and support these girls have to offer. They are the best.
  4. If you know the resort you want to have it at, I would contact them with your requested date. See if you can get that set-up and then worry about the rest later.
  5. mc5363, Thank-you very much, unfortunately I am getting married in Cuba not Mexico. I am leaving Toronto on the 12th of November. If one does not become available could somebody please tell where I can find a blue one. I have only been able to find a white one. Then I too could pass one on.
  6. It was the same for me. I had never heard of these before. I was not going to them either, but could not think of anything that would surprise and shoke FI more. It is because he knows how I am about my body that he will appreciate these all the more. If it wasn't for the girls on the forum I never would have thought of it or had the courage to do it. It was one of the best experiences of my life. Very empowering and a great confidence booster! I recommend it anyone, especially those that it is out of the norm for whatever reason.
  7. Any and all of the above. I get on BDW as often as a I can. Even if it is only for a minute! Unfortunately if has even been the cause of over cooked dinners! Oops sorry! LOL, but I only had one or two more posts to read!
  8. You mean fairy tales are NOT TRUE! Aaaaaaggggghhhhhhh!!! I guess you have have to count me too. Sue for millions! Billions even! Trillions? Lord know the industry made enough from us! LOL
  9. OMG how horrible for you. I know for me if my sister was not going I would maybe think twice. If one of my sisters fifn't go it wouldn't bother me, but my other one, I would be devasted. She IS my best friend thru choice not birth. I feel so bad for you. Maybe if your talked to your sister's husband and explained the importance of their attendance, or maybe, just maybe she can go without him, maybe take one of the kids instead (in case he can't go because of work, fear of flying, or something), But since you have the insurance I wouldn't cancel their tickets right way. There must be someway to convience them, I mean this is not just a family friend, or cousin even. It's immediate family, They should always be important. Good luck, I really hope everything works out for you.
  10. It seems like a whole bunch of little are building up and just one thing to deal with at this point is too much. You poor thing, It sounds like you need a breather. I would try to arrange a nice quite relaxing evening for yourself, and FI. Order in, or get some take out. Put one some quite music and open a bottle of wine. These girls are right, you do need to talk to FI about what is happening, but remember when you do it is the women's behaviour you are having trouble with, not his. Is he doing anything different than before, or is he just being himself. The same charming guy you fell in love with. If you explain how you are feeling and what needs to be done in order for you to be reassured. Good luck. I hope you are feeling better soon.
  11. I would tell her that you tried to change the appointment but another one was not available for quite sometime, and that they were not happy about returning the deposit. If the shopping day is not on the day of arrival I do not think it should be any problem for her to be able to take a few hours out with you. I am also sure that Kyle will want some time alone with his Dad and brother, to talk about things he may not be comfortable talking about in front of his mom. The other thing I would maybe point out is the trouble everyone else went to, to arrange time off to be with you and this opportunity with may not be possible again. I am positive that she will understand, and so will FSIL. As for guilt, well that is something mom can without even knowing it. And if she trying to manipulate you thru guilt, well then stand your ground, you want this to sent precidence. Good luck I hope you find a way thru this with everyone happy, but remember you can't always please everyone, and gor this day you whould only be worried about pleasing yourself and FI. I would also talk to FI about it. He could very well solve your issue for you, with a little word or suggestion to his mom.
  12. I like the third the best too. A happier and brighter color for wedding and pictures.
  13. Iscillwy, my date twin. I knew you were out there, and couldn't wait to find you! hehehe. I booked with Nolitours. We booked in April, but recently the pricing has come out for other tour companies. Some are better some are worse. When I talked to my TA about this, She told me that in September when all info will be finalized we can do another price request and if there is a difference we will be able to get the lower price. They are willing to do this one time only. So She suggested waiting until closer to the date to do this request. As far as problems go, we wanted to fly out on the 11th and were told that was no problem and then they changed the flight dates and now it is Thursday. No big deal. Good Luck I hope everything works out. I am sure it will
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Sapphire723 Heh, I would have handled it like this -- "You're going to buy us a brand new bedroom set, Mom?! That is SO THOUGHTFUL!" LOL I like that one! But really it is just furniture, and material things come and go. If you like the set, take it, it will be new for you. You can also tell your Mom you misunderstood and it was a wedding gift to the two of you. Maybe save your self an ongoing headache.
  15. Those are great and you look awesome!!! I love the theme. Very original idea. And you're outfits are HOT HOT HOT!!!! He is going to think he died and went to heaven.
  16. This is a great thread. I love hearing all the wonderful things that happen when you get married! I can't wait! hehehehe
  17. Wow what a great and through job. It must have been amazing. I am definately got a number of ideas. Thank-you for sharing. By the way LOVE your shoes. They are to die for!
  18. 1. Registry: not doing it 2. OOT bags: KW surplus, dollar store, Bo-de's 3. Wedding Attire: Jr. Ushers - The Children's Place (Linen suits) groom HM&Co (linen suit) Banana Republic for linen shirt 4. Rings: mine - Ben Moss 5. Invitations: 6. Flowers:N/A 7. Decor: micheals, dollar store, walmart 8. Travel Arrangements: Marlin Travel 9. Are you active on any other Canadian Forums? (if yes which ones): Canadian Bride, wedding bells 10. Other: boudoir - Honeybourne Intimates photographer - Pamela Wideman Photography
  19. Wow Russian huh? All I can say is you got your work cut out for you. My best advice is DON'T change anything to suit her, because then she will expect it forever. Yes she is being stubborn but I think that is a national past time from some of those european countries (I know growing up in one!). I don't really believe that she will miss the wedding but what I do think is trying to do is establish a kind of matriachal power play. I think she is testing you to see how much you will cater to her, and please remember by doing this you are taking control of the situation and this is probably driving her nuts! Just keep on planning, let her know what is going on, details to get her excited and maybe even ask her opinion on some stuff. I honestly believe she will not miss her son's big day. How would she be able to explain that. Plus she will want bragging rights and the only way to have that is to in the pictures to proves how incredible it was. How much more unique it can having a DW as opposed to one at home. Good Luck, I know thses women can be extremely stubborn, but patience will win out. Just smile and wave at her andrant and rave to FI. LOL You will have to keep us updated
  20. Everything looks great. I think going with ust the earrings would be perfect. Simple elegance is what I like to call it. If you add to much, then it is gaudy.
  21. Wow what a phenominal job you have done. Every time I think I am almost finished one of you girls inspires me to do more. You will have to come back and tell us how everything went and what everyones reaction was.
  22. I too was not going to buy the dresses for them. But after further consideration I changed my mind. I only have one BM and of course my MOH, both are related. I wanted to give them something really nice as far as accessories goes. and I was going to pay for them to have their hair and make-up done. But now I think I will buy them their dresses (my choice of color, their choice of dress, I get final approval) That way they will be happy and comfortable the day of, I can imposes my wants without guilt, because I am paying for the dress, and I will also buy them their jewelry (surprise gift) and also their hair the day of. If there is money left over I will also do their make-up. I changed my mind after reading all these posts and talking to few people who have been in DW wedding parties. Although none would have refused in hindsight, they were still a little put out by how much money they were required to spend. They of course included the total cost of everything before and after (showers' stag & does, bachorette parties, clothes, and trip, plus gifts). I thought to help out I would pay for what I wanted (ie. get to pick dresses, colors, hair, accessories). Doing this has eased my conscious by asking them to pay for the trip and take time off work (in one case without pay). I also want to show them how much it means to me that they are willing to go to such lengths to be with me on this day! When others I thought would be coming for sure, have been a great disappointment.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv Love that hottie black dress. Too bad my fat ass wouldn't fit in it. Very sexy!!! I would have to agree with this sentiment!!! That would be me too!
  24. I bought my children's linen suits from "The Children's Place" They may not have them in stores anymore but may have them online Good luck, and I know the website stuff in for the States not Canada (They don't ship up here)
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