I made them ladies. Thank-you so much for all the compliments. I will try to post step by step instructions by the end of the week. They were really easy to make.
We are giving out OOT bags to thank everyone for coming all the way to Cuba. Just to welcome them and give an exptra special thank-you/ For favors we want to gives these as momentos of the wedding. It will be hand painted scenery by a local artist. That we will frame.
The bags and passport covers I found at a surplus store (K-W Surplus), The Hat and sewing kits were bought at Bo-De's in Waterloo and the rest of the stuff if not at one of those two place was the dollar store. I wanted to get them done because I was worried i would not find it when I needed it.
Sorry girls I for got to add the snack pack I included.
I know we are going to an AI, but sometimes a taste from home can beat nothing else, especially when you have kids! ( I always travel with a jar of Nutella)
Thanks girls I love them too. I now want to get them engraved with "For now, Forever". I wan to put on my e-ring- "for now", and on my wedding ring - "forever". On his will be both.
I got a number of things including the bags at a surplus store. You never know what you are going to find in those places. I also found the passport covers there and the puzzle books too. The one in my area is called K-W Surplus.
Yes they were iron on. I just cut out the lettes and presto!. If you are going to try this too, just remember to pull the liner out when iron (liner is plastic it may melt)
Woo hoo, I am so excited. I just cannot stop looking at them. I love them both so much and we both got exactly what we wanted!
Here is a pictue of my e-ring. He picked it out with no help from me. I love it too and love the way my set looks together.
Thanks ladies for all your help. I would not have even thought of or done these if not for you girls. I hope that you will enjoy looking at my stuff as much as I did yours.
First up is the bag. We wanted something that would be reused for shopping in the flea market. Another weekend trip, going done to the beach or pool, etc.
Inside we put two or three packages depending on if they had kids.
In everyone bag they got a " health and beauty pack"
I tried to write cute little saying that somehow related to the theme of a wedding.
Our adult fun pack
I love they way the hat fold up
Kids fun pack (kitten not included although I am sure they would love that! Customs may be an issue! LOL)
Bag tags (front and back)
Bags as will be presented
I want to also include a few Bubba mugs (not everyone will need one) and a welcome brochure.
Everything I bought was $1.00 or less, except the bag, which was $3.
Now if only you girls will STOP giving me more ideas I may be finished with this part! LOL
First ladies I want to thank you all for the wonderful ideas you have given me. It is because of this forum that I heard of and even attempted to do this. A number of brides had purchased these bags for their wedding parties and I too wanted to give a few away. Unfortunately I am pretty much at my limit on budget for these things (ok truth be told I am over already LOL, but that will be our little secret). So I looked it up on the internet and came across a few that talk about making these bags. So I decided to try my hand at it. I was thrilled with how they turned out. I was so happy with the first one I made I ended up making 7 more! Here are pictures of the first six that are finished. I love them!
Congrats and welcom. I cannot tell you about the resort, but you will love Cuba and Varadero. It is a beautiful country with wonderful beaches and very friendly people. You find here amazing people who will share awesome ideas that will only improve your day.
Hi everyone, my name is Heidi, and I was born in Toronto, grew up in Mississauga, and moved to the K-W area about 6 years ago. I too know where Alymer is!!! In Ontario not Quebec. FI is from Scotland, he moved here when he was about 12.
Do the church you love. I think it is very thoughtful of you to provide the transportation for your guests. And because of this, I think you should go with your hearts desire. You are really inconviencing no one, they would probably have time to kill inbetween while you take pictures. If this church is what you want it will be something thing you will regret later. Especially when looking back at pictures. Location is very important, and another 30 miles is nothing.
We choose Monday, because I hate Mondays! Hoping this puts a good spin on them!!! LOL Because there are no Moandays on vacation! And since all our guests have to come for the week, we wanted them to have as much time to themselves as possible. We also plan on doing a few excursions during them week. But we also wanted to get the festivities done with so I would get stressed out over things. We will be there four days befor to finalize all arrangements.
You shold try looking in the flea markets and barter with the sellers. They will sometimes be willing to lower their price when you are buying multiples.
i don't think you ar being too sensitive at all. I think they are the ones being inconsiderate. An occassion like a wedding ia time to celebrate and to out of your way for friends to show them what they mean to you. You are doing this by providing accommidations, amongst other things. I would be just as hurt and offended as you are. They definately seem to be fair weather friends. Good luck..Life is hard enough, friends should make it easier.