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Everything posted by itsfinallyhere

  1. Yes! It makes me nervous because of all I have left to do and have not yet even started, It makes me feel excited too because I am always surprised by how close it is!!! I can't wait!!! Leaving in under 3 months! Yikes, I gotta go find a dress! LOL I think like all things we greatly anticipate, the excitement of the up coming festivites and wanting the planning to go on a little longer, because once it is done, it is done, boohoo!
  2. I too wanted to give starfish sets, but my MOH already had one given to her. So I am on the search for something else.
  3. I love this idea. I was trying to find a picture/ coffee table book that was small enough with margins avaiable. But this is soooooo much better!!! Do they delivery to Canada?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Stephanie~ I confess that sometimes I wish that FI's daugther would go live with her Mom. I know that makes me sound evil and hateful but its only because she won't warm up to me no matter how hard I try (partly because she is a teenager and its the age) and because she is the only thing that FI and I ever fight about! She can't seem to remember to brush her teeth, hair, take a shower, etc. She argues and talks back, which is normal for kids, she doesn't do things with us as a family unless we make her, she only cares about herself. (again, probably normal for a teen). I always get to be the bad guy telling her to do these things and FI is so passive and I feel like he doesn't care about this stuff. Although he tells me that he agrees with me and is behind me, I don't feel like he is because he doesn't step up and take action with her. I truly feel like a horrible person for feeling this way, and I would never tell FI that, but when she was gone all summer to her mom's it was so great to not be arguing everyday with her and then with FI about the stuff she wouldn't do. Ok, someone kick me please. Oh you poor thing, I can totally understand what you ae going thru. And I will tell you what I think in hopes that it makes you feel a little better. My Fi also had a daughter that throught out the years made me want to scream! Let's start off with her. She is probably a lttl more insecure than your typical teenager, just because of life's circumstances. She does not need you to be her mother, as she already has one (she's propably thinking this). But we can all use an extra friend. As far as her personal habits go they will probably change. For me it was, I will not have a messy house (hehe that was before I had my own!),so when I cleaned the house I would do her room too. She did not want me in there moving things and opening drawers. She wanted her privacy. That was no problem as long as she put things away. I wold put ther laundry on the bed, and come in to vacuum. She would know before hand that I was doing this and did make an effort to "keep me out of her romm". I also think that this shower thing is a phase she will pass thru. As far as FI goes he is probably dealing with his own issues. He does not know whot to handle this and that is why he is avoiding "dealing" with the situation. Don't nag him too much he may come to resent that you are making him be the bad guy with his daughter. Or if you can talk to her mother maybe she can help. My best advice to you is stay strong. Don't let anything wear you down. Sometimes it is not the in-laws that really test your love for each other but family that is even closer (children). They can put a strain on the best off relations. But remember all things change for better or for worse but true love will endure. It can be be very frustrating at times but they do grow and mature. With my expierence, I got pretty lucky. My step-daughter was a little monster that turned out into a pretty wonderful women. I would like to think that I had a small part in that. But with maturity comes a certain 20/20 knowledge. Good luck I hope things work out for sooner rather than later!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by SSNM lol...I told my sister this story and she said she would have mc'ed and wrote a long, comemmorative speech on how blessed they are to be able to pull off a wedding on such short notice given that they sent her invite a mere 3 weeks before the date. I was cracking up! She's bold to ask you to do that, if she asked someone like my sister, she would be so shamed she'd wish she'd eloped! LOL we have to love our sisters!
  6. I too am sorry that you are having to deal with such difficult people. But my best advice to you is that both of you go and deal with this issue. Maybe you could split the chore and take each one on individually. You have to get to the heart of the issue, and what their problem is. So I would have FI invite his mom to luch or dinner but instead you be there and talk to her. You must find and stand your own ground! Have FI talk to his father alone, and see how that goes. My guess is that FFIL does not really have an issue, but is going with the flow as far as FMIL wants and needs. And I think maybe that FMIL is worried that she is losing her son, and that their relationship will become a thing of the past. Or some other fear. You need to at least try to extend the olive branch and try to find middle ground. To have both parents support is a wonderful thing and will mean more to you as time passes, but that is not always possible for what ever reason. No matter what happens at least you can say you tried. Good Luck I hope you guys find that middle ground to make everyone happy.
  7. I am going with a french manicure on my hands and I was thinking of going with a pale pink on my toes, but I was to jazz them up a bit with a starfish on the big toes.
  8. Yeah ladies it finally arrived today! I am so excited, it seemed to take forever for it to get here, but she is here and she is beautiful. I love her! itsfinallyhere's blue starfish list 1. Heidi (itsfinallyhere), Varadero, Cuba - Nov. 12 - Nov. 26 2. Jacqueline (immpearl), Punta Cana DR - Jan. 3 - Jan 10 3. Nicole (beachgirl), Punta Cana DR - Jan. 10 - Jan 17
  9. Those are fantastic. They are absolutely perfect for a DW.
  10. We too are getting ours engraved. I am also getting my e-ring done. My e-ring will say 4 now. My wedding ring will say 4 ever. His will say both. And we are using the #4 because we have 2 boys together.
  11. I am so glad that things worked out for you. I am sure that Colin (love that name, its my son's name too!) will be more attentive. But like all men he will probably need reminding down the road. And sometimes even a kick in the butt! LOL! I think it is a good idea to get to know this "chick". Trust your instincts and remember that famous quote..... "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by beachgirl Hi Ladies, I would love it if Jacqueline could pass the starfish along to me, thank-you! itsfinallyhere's blue starfish list 1. Heidi, Varadero, Cuba - Nov. 12 - Nov. 26 2. Jacqueline, Punta Cana DR - Jan. 3 - Jan 10 3. Nicole, Punta Cana DR - Jan. 10 - Jan 17 I am thrilled my starfish will be able to travel and share your special day.
  13. I do not think you are being unreasonable, but for some reason he is. I would broach the subject again in a little while. There may possibly be something else that is bothering him. He could also not understand how close you two are. I know my FI has the exact opposite realationship with his family, than I do with mine. Good Luck I hope everything works out the way you want.
  14. From the very first time I met this woman I felt jealous. It was such a horrible feeling. I met her after their first session and I just wanted to scratch her eyes out. She's young, pretty, knowledgeable when it comes to the body and health (something my hubby is totally into) and she's easy to talk to, very friendly. I told him how I felt right away and he made me feel like a big idiot for feeling that way, and even made me feel a little guilty for making HIM feel bad for finding someone who could take his pain away. NO you are not psycho! I would say your intuition kicked in and something may be going on. I am not saying that your hubby is doing anything wrong except maybe being inconsiderate to your feeling, but this chick may not be so innocent. If it were me I would definately insist that he change therapists. There is something to be said about our sixth sense and if you felt that stronger right off the pop then I would say there is a reason for it. Trust yourself So I shut up. Never shut up, always be heard. Sometimes it is just finding the right words. Now, fast forward to last night. Hubby has another massage appointment with Katie (physio chick) and he asks me to pick him up after he's done. His appointments are usually from 5:30-6:30 or 6:45 depending on if they start on time. So, I get to the physio place around 6:35 ... and nearly 45 minutes later (around 7:20 p.m.) Katie emerges, dressed in heels and a skirt, all dolled up with her hair done and a nice pink lack bra peaking out from beneath her shirt apologizing profusely because they "got to talking." I do not know how you had the patience to sit in the car and wait. I would have waited 10 minutes max, then gone in to find out the delay. That was really rude and inconsiderate of him. And where you have ben together 9 days or 90 years he should not treat you with such disregard. How would he have reated if the tables were turned. Not so gracially I think. I would watch out for this woman and get your husband away from her. Maybe next time you need to get him you can get all dolled up and show up early, for the dinner plans you forgot to tell him about. LOL : Good luck I hope this get better fast for you. You deserve to be walking on clouds right now.
  15. Hi Ladies. I am sorry I did not reply to you girls earlier. I thought I would wait until I recieved my starfish. Which by the way I am still waiting for. I have been told it has been sent but I guess because it has a long way to travel (California, USA to Ontario Cda). I would love to share mine as well. I will let you ladies know when I get it. I ordered a blue one. One girl had the insite to get a hold of me already so I too will start a list for all to see. itsfinallyhere's blue starfish list 1. Heidi, Varadero, Cuba - Nov. 12 - Nov. 26 2. Jacqueline, Punta Cana DR - Jan. 3 - Jan 10 I added the location in case it could be exchanged in person if possible to left for the next bride just for ease of exchange. Again I am sorry for not checking back earlier and responding accordingly. Hopefully I will be able to make-up for this by sharing my starfish too.
  16. Jerseykitten is a genius! She is right on the money. "Your friend" is being very inconsiderate and rude.
  17. it all looks amazing. You have covered everything. It is going to be beautiful.
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