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Everything posted by JennandMike08

  1. Thanks, Kristen. I absolutely LOVED your wedding. Your's is sort of my inspiration for what I want.
  2. I finally ordered mine a few weeks back from littlecoral. I ended up going with this one. I have not been able to try it on so I'm just going with lady luck! I tried on VERY similar styles and this dress is pretty much two of my favs combined. I can't wait to get it! And I'm PRAYING it looks and fits right. I cut it close so there is no real room for error.
  3. shoes , Shoes, Womens - Search Zappos.com There are a few I am looking into on here.
  4. No I don't think there is a planning thread specifically for ROR. I'll keep looking. But hoping someone here can also reply.
  5. I can't seem to find this info anywhere. I know some brides bring their own stuff to decorate. I just want to get a sense of what the decor is that they provide for you as far as the table set up for dinner and the beach gazebo (i.e., rose petals, flowers for table and cake, candles etc). I have seen several pictures, but not sure if they provided the decor if you ladies brought them yourselves. Can you help me out, so I know what I should bring?
  6. Hi Aisha!!! We have the same problem. FI lost his job two weeks before Christmas! He has been temping. Right now they have nothing for him so he's been out of work getting unemployment for the last three weeks. With everything already sent out and not having the option to cancel here are some things we did to save/cut back: - We moved to a smaller apartment. We were renting a huge house and didn't need all that space. Right now in rent alone we are saving $700. - LOTS of DIY. I did my own invitations, bought the templates on sale at Michaels and added my own twist. I never knew I could be so creative! - Solicit help from my BMs on those DIY projects. - Look for SALES! - I ordered a knock off version of my wedding dress and saved thousands. (This option is touchy for some people, but again, we are relying on one income) - BUDGET, BUDGET, BUDGET! And stick to it! I decided to go with real touch flowers instead of real ones just to cut costs. - Instead of flowers for the BMs, they will be carrying parasols. - FI pays all the small bills. That way I can use that money on things toward the wedding. - I got a photographer that gave me one set price with no time limit. That way I am getting the most for my money. These are just some of the examples to try to cut back and hopefully in the mean time you will find something. best of luck to you!!!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by carolina24 AMEN!!! this is what i was thinking the whole time while reading this thread! yes you love him, yes he loves you, yes THAT is the most important thing BUT....you deserve a ring and a proposal...for you, not for anyone else. don't feel bad that he's being pressured, he should be! I get that I deserve it, but financial straits have prevented him from being able to give me that ring. I feel like if he can't do it right now, the ring can wait. Its a symbol, yes of love, but I also don't want him to go out and get just any old ring because its the one he can afford. I'd much rather wait out for the one I and he both know I WOULD want.
  8. OMG, I'm also starting to feel overwhelmed. My STDs were sent in Feb, invites almost done, set for Monday to be sent out. I JUST ordered my dress last week. I feel like there is SOOOOO much more to do. I have a list a mile long and just keep adding to it. Everytime I come on here and see so many ideas I get overwhelmed and feel like I don't know if I am doing enough.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Patourn While I understand where Allison is coming from the bottom line is it is still hurtful! We chose to have a DW because my FI family is extremely large....Dad is from a family of 14, mom is from a family of 12...with over 45 cousins who believe it or not are very close there was no way combined with my family we could have done it at home. We really wrestled with the idea of a DW because we knew and felt bad that not everyone was going to attend. In the backs of our minds we knew that we would be disappointed should some people not be able to come and I too promised I wouldn't get miffed and when it finally did happened I cried for 2 days. Our case was different then this of course and I think the reason that this hurts more is because it was kind of done sneaky and behind your back. If say you can't come because you can't afford it is disappointing to the bride and groom, but at the same time understandable. To say yes, back out of being MOH and then back out completely is just sneaky and hurtful. Honestly is the way to go. it's your wedding and at the end of the day will be about you and your FI. That’s what is important. Enjoy this special time as it hopefully only comes once. Hang in there! This is just 1 small bump in the road to a wonderful day and life ahead! Thanks. This means a lot. While it bothers me, I haven't had a chance to ask her how its possible she could be traveling. Even with airfare, what she would be putting toward my dress and her cruise, probably could have paid for her entire trip. If it were me, I would damn sure to do my BEST to be there for her on her special day. I'll get over it in due time. I can't help but feel like unless she has a GOOD reason for this, our relationship is going to be affected.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by alison15 You also may want to look at it from a different point of view. Personally having been a BM in 7 different weddings over 5 years, it can be a bit annoying when any extra money you have and all your vacation time goes to being in weddings. Yes a destination wedding is a vacation too but it's not a very relaxing vacation when you have all the wedding stuff included. And as much as I love my family, I would never consider it a relaxing vacation if my family were all around me. I would need another week off to recover from that (j/k sort of). Depending on when you asked, she may have already had a deposit down on the cruise, or the cruise may be cheaper in the end. Just because they can afford it, it may not be the way the want to spend their money and vacation time, that always has to be a consideration when planning a destination wedding. Allison, I get that. I do. But I expected this from some of my regular friends. Not someone who is practically like a sister to me.
  11. You know, I completely get that we are in a time of financial hardship. Certain people may not be able to attend, and I get that, I do. Some people have other situations that prevent them from coming as well. When I planned my wedding, I had every intention of keeping myself NOT stressed over who is coming and who isn't. But when you make excuses and not be straight up, thats when I am ready to get angry. Just be REAL with me.... My cousin and best friend was asked to be my MOH. She gladly accepted in the beginning. After a few months she first backed out of being MOH, then recently said she can't afford to come and its too expensive, but she would help contribute to the cost of my wedding dress (I guess to make herself feel better). At first I was really hurt, but I got over it. TODAY I log onto Facebook and GUESS WHO is going on a weekend cruise to the Bahamas? Yes, my very own broke cousin. She has ALWAYS been one to travel, finding various deals and such. So thats why I was initially bothered when she said she couldn't "afford" to come. This girl travels two, three, four times a year. I always told FI that if she goes ANYWHERE this year, I would be pissed. And here we are. I'm not sure how to confront her about it because I am very angry. I IMed her and asked "so you're going on a vacation?" She replies with a smile and says "yep going to Miami for the night and then weekend cruise to the Bahamas" WTF?!!! I couldn't even say anything. I don't want this to affect our relationship, but I feel it already has. How do I say something without coming off as selfish and a complete bitch?
  12. Hi Kevan, I just contacted you! Welcome. You seem to offer a lot. Music is CRITICAL with my family, so I'm glad you're here!
  13. Same here! I feel EXACTLY where you are. Its almost putting me into a slight depression. I feel like he may have something up his sleeve, but then again he recently lost his job and I wouldn't even know where he would get the money to get me an e-ring. I HATE when people ask for the story and I don't have one. We are set to be married in 5 months....5 MONTHS!!! And still nothing. It almost makes me feel like the wedding isn't real, despite all the planning thats been going on. I guess I do look at it that we have love and a really great commitment to one another. He's a good guy, I just wish I had a story like 99% of other brides to be.
  14. So I've booked Marcia for my wedding. She does talk really fast on the phone so I've found that email works better though she seems to prefer phone. She offered an all day session and TTD the next day.
  15. This is helpful information. Like you I don't want to be stressed with the details either, but I don't want to spend unnecessary money either.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by staceysbride I know the feeling- I'm about to put in a texturizer right now. My hair just got sooo thick over the years that even I can't handle doing it. And when I do go to a salon it's always a nightmare because I lose length due to them ripping at my hair to detangle it. I was in tears the last time I came from the salon. And I don't have....grrrrr hate using the phrase...bad hair, but the domincan ladies were all 'pelo malo' (as if I didn't know any spanish) and trying to get me to relax it. I lost 3 inches PLUS what had to be trimmed for splits that day cause the lady was just ripping the comb through my hair trying to detangle it. I'm leaning more and more towards a weave, thinking remy saga. Am visiting Philly (half bz half pleasure) and the stores here all have remi by outre. I wonder if it's the same quality? Anyone else used the remi by outre and have any comments or reviews? I have it in now. I broke down and decided to try it out myself. I've had it in for two weeks now and its great. I washed and blew it out and its retained the same texture and hasn't tangled. I may be going for a much higher quality hair for my wedding though.
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