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Everything posted by Butterflyf369

  1. I booked them for my wedding in January 2010. They have been very responsive and I'm looking forward to working with them. I'm not on my regular computer so I don"t have their email address on me but you can pm them as they are members on the forum.
  2. I had the benefit of going to Dreams Tulum for a 1 week for my girlfriends wedding. I had an amazing experience and the staff are wonderful. Yes it's a bummer to read cons so you may want to do some additional research before you commit. From what I gather, there's always hiccups along the way.
  3. These are lovely. Great location and the picture colour is amazing.
  4. Wow, very impressive! They turned out really professional looking, congrats!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by spikes and tiki HI After spending hours upon hours searching the internet for all my oot bags and contents, I found a website Navy and Lavender ? Fine Gifts & Favors. They have pre-made welcome bags (which are expensive) but they also have 'rescue me kits' for $10 each. They contain sample size advil, pepto, sewing kit, etc. I am ordering them to put in my bags since it is cheaper than buying all these products individually. Its worth checking out! Great find, definately better than buying everything. I think it's a good price.
  6. I love it. I found a strapless one just like it from BCBG that I'm wearing for my welcome dinner. I had bought it for my wedding day but ended up going with a "puffy" dress. It's very pretty.
  7. Tough choice. I think when you step into the one you really do know it. If you're tossed up, you may want to continue looking. I like number 1 but agree it would be good to see you in both dresses.
  8. What a beautiful dress. You look lovely in it. Congrats on finding it. It's perfect for a destination wedding.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by britsytoll or...this one I really like your monogram. Good colour combination!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by dawnkyeknod Thanks so much! I still have a while to decide but I am trying to be prepared so I am on the hunt for pics to help me to see what it looks like. Thanks for the suggestions about sashes and flowers- great idea. (I am not a spotlight hog but I figured that for 1 day I might not have to blend in....) Buttefly - I cant wait to see your pics. Good luck (lets home that the one person doesnt wear bright red or something lol) Thanks. My FI and I have talked about photoshopping her dress to white LOL.
  11. Great idea, here is what I've done thus far! 1. Registry: Will registar at The Bay and Crate and Barrell 2. OOT bags: Indigo for the bags, other items, gosh too long to name 3. Wedding Attire: The Dress Room, Groom- not yet purchased 4. Rings: Tiffnay's 5. Invitations: Made by FI father...turned out lovely 6. Flowers: Assortment of white flowers I'll purchase from the hotel 7. Decor: Hotel with odds and ends picked up from Pottery Barn and Esty 8. Travel Arrangements: Travel Masters in Niagara Falls 9. Are you active on any other Canadian Forums? (if yes which ones): No 10. Other: BD shots (photo to be determined); welcome dinner, grooms' gift tbd
  12. A couple of women have used Lisa Mark for their BD shots and rave about her. I think she also does wedding and engagement...Toronto Wedding Photographer - Lisa Mark Photography Good luck!
  13. I'm doing an entire white wedding. My FI and I wanted something pretty simple and understated. My guests have been great and are all ok with wearing white except for 1 person. My invitations asked that everyone think "white chic" so for those that didn't know they simply asked. I'm sure some will wear off white or ligher shades. In the end, I'm just happy people are coming so whatever they turn up with will be fine. I'll post pics but not getting hitched til Jan so probably won't help you in the interim with your decision.
  14. Everything looks great. I also love the angels in your ring. Such a beautiful touch!
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