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Everything posted by Butterflyf369

  1. Your mom did an awesome job. I love the one of your pinkies, so cute.
  2. Oh, everything turned out amazing. Congrats your guests will love the special touches. I loved your survivial kits so much, I'm also making them. As well, I'm also giving my girls the coach wristlists!
  3. Ahh, you look beautiful! Lovely looking wedding. Hope you post more pics!
  4. Wow so cute. I'm not even a mommy to be and I want one!
  5. Ohh, really cute photos, the last one is so adorable. I also checked out your website, really great!
  6. Just PMd you about the (19) Immodium and Advil bags. Thanks!
  7. I recently saw your pics and they are awesome. Did you bring down the table decorations or did you get them from the resort? I loved the decorations, it looks like everyone had a ball. Congrats!
  8. Oh, I love your photos. Looks like everyone had a ball. You're set up was amazing and I love the little touches that you included.
  9. Thanks for posting. Definately keep this in mind!
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