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Everything posted by Butterflyf369

  1. Welcome and congrads. My girlfriend got married on a beach a couple of years ago and I loved the idea so much my FI and I are doing the beach wedding as well.
  2. Welcome. You've come to the right place as there is loads of information to be found.
  3. Thanks for the additional information. I'd doing a white affair so was looking for white. Doesn't seem to carry this colour. If this colour becomes available, let me know and I'll order 10. Thanks again for organizing this one.
  4. We're looking at January 20, 2010. Just waiting for confirmation that we can book in Mexico.
  5. Thanks for posting. Can't wait to see the pics in all the mags.
  6. They look great. I was in Mexico in January and everyone had them. They loved them and found them really useful instead of the little drink glasses they give you.
  7. How long do you wear them for? Sounds really worthwhile.
  8. Welcome and congrads. This forum has really great information. Happy discovering...
  9. They are cute and I love the incorporation of the Mayan symbol.
  10. Butterflyf369


    Congrads and welcome
  11. What a great thread, you women are superstars....
  12. Darn, they don't have my colour. Thanks for the response back, my hunt continues...
  13. Congrads and welcome
  14. Welcome. This forum has excellent information.
  15. Thanks for organizing this one. Do they come in any other colour and how does it work for the delivery and paying?
  16. Congrads and welcome.
  17. Congrads. You'll find great information on this site.
  18. Great review. Thanks so much for this information. Love the idea of the projector. Hope you're able to post some more pics. They were lovely and you both looked soooo happy!
  19. Butterflyf369


    Congrads and welcome to the forum. I've found tons of great information on this forum and the ladies/gents are really helpful.
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