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Everything posted by Butterflyf369

  1. Congrats and happy it all worked out for you! I also loved some of your shots...I'd have taken a pic of the bathroom entrance too...
  2. Congrats and happy planning. I believe there is thread specifically for Maroma on this forum.
  3. Hi Ladies, I was at Michael's today and got some decks of cards in containers for $1.50. What was cute about them is they were travel themed and I also got some what to bring checklists in the same theme.
  4. Butterflyf369


    Congrats and welcome.
  5. Welcome and happy planning.
  6. Congrats and welcome to the forum.
  7. Welcome to the forum!
  8. Welcome to the forum. There is tons of great information and advice available here.
  9. We're thinking of having a get together before we go and giving them out then. I'm not sure, I'd love to give them out at hotel but concerned about having to travel with it down.
  10. Congrats and welcome. You'll find tons of great information here....
  11. I heard that the license plate was a homage to the old 90210 as it was donna's license plate in the old episodes. As well, Liam will be a full-time cast member. Wasn't sure what was up with Kelly and the principle. I think next season they will be concentrating more on the younger generation. I hope he doesn't cheat, I like Annie's parents relationship. I just don't know why these shows can't keep one couple happily married...it's not unheard of.
  12. I'm glad it all worked out. I'm so happy it turned up and all you can do is LOL, especially what the UPS guy asked you.
  13. The knot doesn't post to Canada. I tired to order from them and was pretty bummed when my order couldn't go throug. Try weddingstar as they are a canadian company. They have a catalogue that you can get at most mag. shops.
  14. Welcome and happy planning...
  15. Hey fellow Vanessa, welcome and happy planning...
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