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Everything posted by jam8x2

  1. Welcome! I'm getting married in June of 2010 on Maui. There are amazing places to check out. Have you been to any of the islands?
  2. This is a great inspiration, I want to start a garden in our new house. This gives me great ideas
  3. What's Eating Gilbert Grape: Johnny Depp
  4. It may be hot, but the flow of the dress is great for the location.
  5. jam8x2


    Welcome. You will find lots of useful information here.
  6. I like the idea of the "junior MOH" That way she can still keep the title that she probably feels honored to have and you can have your close friend in the position that makes you happy too.
  7. I would go with a back up plan of a tent if possible and I'm dealing with the possibility of that too. Everyone I have talked to says make sure you have a back up plan. Everyone will have a great time no matter the weather. Also, 60% means there is almost half of a chance that it WILL NOT RAIN!! Keep that in mind and try not to stress.
  8. I think this sounds like fun! Especially since you met on youtube. And you can't beat the price.
  9. These are so great, I'm sure everyone will love them!
  10. My FI didn't formally ask. We had been dating for 8 years and had talked about the engagement with both sets of our parents together, but no formal "permission." If you think he should ask, even out of formality, you should.
  11. jam8x2

    More plans

    Making more plans, getting so excited about everything. Found out one of the reception sites I was considering is already booked, looks like I'll have to go with something else.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by mmontgo My fiance and I joined a new gym a few months ago and ever since my motivation level has dropped drastically.....I used to go every night and now I barely make it 2 times a week! Any suggestions on how to get out of the slump I'm in? Does your gym offer group exercise classes? These are always a personal motivation for me!
  13. Worked out today, taught my water aerobics class. I also just bought EA Sports Active for the Wii, can't wait to start my 30 day challenge!
  14. I can't even imagine what you have gone through and to be together with the other most important person in his life is amazing. Congratulations and best of luck!
  15. Our destination wedding was decided upon by my fiance's family history. My fiance's 5th great grandfather was a missionary from the east coast in the 1800s and started a school to teach Hawaiian girls English and to educate the girls in general on the island of Maui. There is a museum named after his ancestors and that is how we decided to get marred at the museum. It will be a special occasion to add my name to the family ledger at museum when we get married. It will give us another reason to celebrate our wedding!!! Anyone else have a connection to their destination through family?
  16. We were together for 8 years when we got engaged and will be 9 1/2 years when we get married, we started young....
  17. I'm a high school physical education and health teacher.
  18. I got hot pink and green bags for my OOT bags from the $1 spot too!
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