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Everything posted by julchen_79

  1. Hi, I am just wondering if there is still resorts out there that offer free wedding packages when you travel with a group of approximately 50 guests. If anyone knows some 4 / 4.5 stars that would be fantastic to know. THanks, Julie
  2. Hey Jennifer, Thanks for posting the link to your pictures! They are beautiful :-) Now that I have seen the pictures I have a few questions for you if you don't mind.. - Was the photographer a local one? What kind of package did you get, for how much? - How much did you have to pay per person for the reception? - And last but not least, I really liked your dress. Where did you get it from? I am looking for something similar to yours. Thanks and Congratulations again! Julie
  3. Hey Citydryms, I just sent them another email asking for anything that gives us a little more security. IT just sucks that we got a great quote on the prices now, but of course by May - who knows...prices may have changed again and may not be as great anymore. So moving on might be a good choice...we emailed with other resorts as well and some of them actually are already booked completely with their wedding dates (well the ones that would be interesting for us). I will keep you posted if we hear anything positive back. Too bad I guess... Julie
  4. Hey Jenny, would you mind sending me some information about the Ocean turquesa? We are still looking for the right place to get married at next January. julchen_79(at)hotmail.com Thanks so much, Julie
  5. HI, we tried to contact them and request wedding date for January 2010. We were told they could not give any dates until May 2010. How did you get your date confirmed? I find it hard to believe we'd have to wait so long. Don't want to book the hotel before actually getting a confirmation on the date. It be great to get more information from you also as to which package you chose, dinner options etc. THanks Julie :-)
  6. Hi, we are looking into having our wedding at the Kantenah as we just received a very reasonable quote from our travel agent. However we also contacted them about the wedding date and were informed that they could not give us a date until late May because that is when City Hall apparently gives them their schedule. It bugs me to confirm and book this resort without even knowing we will get a date for sure. Has anyone made the same experience? Anyone who got married there? We are looking especially into the dinner options as we will have a group of around 40 and don't want to pay a huge amonunt extra? Do they hold beach dinners? Anyone who has pictures or any other kind of information I would greatly appreciate to know more before making the final decision on booking this resorts. Thanks so much, Julie
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