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Everything posted by CaboBride2010

  1. I believe she was not wearing a helmet....but it just terrifies me that she didnt even have so much as a headache at first!! sooo scary that it didnt sink in until it was too late i havent skiied in years but when I was a kid I never wore a helmet so from now on I definately will wear a helmet!
  2. Wow this is beyond heartbreaking and so terrifying that it started from just a fall on a beginner ski hill. I can not even imagine what her family is going through right now!
  3. i definately agree that this is added stress that you dont need right before your wedding. definately just ask what they plan on doing if you dont give them the info. good luck!
  4. Then call your travel agent and ask if this can affect your trip, since it is already paid in full. Also I would just say to her/her that unless you can be given a good reason you will in no way hand over your credit card. Don't let them bully you into handing it over either. I can understand if the resort asked for your credit card so it can be put on record in case of damages while you stay there but other than that I am stumped as to why it would be required.
  5. honestly I have never used a travel agent before but if the only reason they can give you is "just because" that sounds a little too sketchy. i agree with with a previous poster said about just keeping an eye on your credit card bill after to make sure nothing is charged onto it that you didnt authorize. however it scares me that someone would have all your information off your drivers license if you send them a copy of it! what stops someone from copying your identity. maybe this sounds paranoid to think that way but there is so much identity theft lately that it doesnt hurt to be extra careful. unless you can be actually be given a real reason as to why they need your credit card and drivers license I wouldn't just hand it over.
  6. ya there is much better ways taxpayer money can be spent to end the recession than just handing money freely to failing companies. and you are so right these companies just need to fail and then maybe they will learn that things need to change in order to do well....but im sure that will take a while sadly
  7. Ok so this is a vent for sure. After obviously everyone seeing how badly both Canada and the US are sinking in this recession and jobs being lost because of lack of money to spend on wages how on earth how do companies feel justified spending money paying bonuses to their executives?!?!!? that just boils my blood that people who are struggling to survive without their jobs since being laid off are now finding out the the top people in their companies aren't taking a pay cut at all and they are still receiving full bonuses!!!! Obama just banned AIG from paying out an estimated $160 MILLION IN BONUSES!!! because he said the government just bailed them out and there is no way that money will be spent so foolishly!! Sorry for the random vent, I am just wondering how will both Canada and the US get out of the recession if the CEOs of companies can't seem to learn how to manage their companies better Everyone in our world seems to only care about having money today but not worry about the future which is so worrysome! My question that I have no idea how to get an answer or if there ever will be one is HOW are we supposed to get out of such a huge recession if no one seems to want to change their habits and take cuts in pay?? Ok rant over. Just I hope from this the government won't just bail out companies so easily since the companies don't seem to use the money for the purpose it was given!!
  8. out of my personal experience although Iams is a good name for cat food, my cat cannot eat Iams without throwing up. As soon as I switched to Whiskas she has now been totally fine and doesnt throw up at all after eating. So try something other than Iams I would say.
  9. wow Tatiana needs to learn to shut up and stop being so wierd and emotional...i love how they made fun of her to her face tonight though..she just needs to go home seriously ive had enough! lol
  10. ya it is true that small traces of listeria can be found in alot of different foods. but for now and probably for good I am finished with buying maple leaf products.
  11. but even if it was human error I dont understand what they are doing that is still causing listeria to be found in food. They only reopened a couple months ago their standards should be very high not so low that things like this are already happening.
  12. They are recalling hot dogs so far but apparently that list of items being recalled will grow in the next couple of days. I truly think they should be shut down for good though. They have already messed up once and the fact that they are doing it again is just pathetic.
  13. its so true, they are obviously not capable of taking care of food properly!! I gave them a second chance because I know the daughter of the CEO of Maple Leafs so i felt bad thinking the first recall was a huge accident and they didnt realise there was a problem until it was too late. But I am just watching the dinner time news now and the Maple Leaf rep said they knew there was something wrong with the food that is being recalled today and they had the boxes off to the side so they wouldnt get sent out and some bone head sent the boxes out to grocery stores anyways!! they are going to lose so much business over this! after so many problems they need to be alot more aware of what happens in their factories!! They have begged for forgiveness once, too bad for them that it wont work again! ugh you would think they would just get shut down by the Health Board because of this now
  14. I just needed to vent, I dont know if any other Canadian girls on here have been affected by this recall...I dont think it affects the States, but I know it is driving me up the wall!! When the original food recall happened several months ago I stopped buying Maple Leaf products because people were dying from the listeria. And finally I have had the confidence to start buying from them again and today another recall has started and it is not known how many products will be done in the end but i am sick of throwing out food! Sorry rant over. Just wasnt sure if this is bothering other people too as much as its bugging me??
  15. Hi everyone! My name is Melanie :)I have no idea when or where I am getting married yet I just got engaged on Valentines day I look forward to getting help on here with planning my wedding!
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