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Everything posted by Marie

  1. Im sure I read you have to be in jamaica 48 hours before legally be married....and I think it was 2 full business day, weekends dont count. Or maybe I read 24?? I read it under the Question & Answers of RIU Ocho Rios, where we're getting married--every resort offering weddings should state the regulations....check a little further into--Ill have to go back now and double check myself....
  2. Hi Gang, Sorry if this is a repeat post, but I haven't came across any threads to do with children & babies at the resort. My MOH(my sister) is due Jan 13th...and we get married May 6th. We have 35 booked, so it's gonna be a big event in our family, and of course she and her husband do not want to miss it- but they'll do what's best for the baby. Doctors say as long as mom and baby are healthy-it's fine, and of course as long as they take necesary precautions....it should be ok, but as a mom to be-shes worried to death. Have any of you ever had 4 month olds with you? Did you see many babies?Any advice ould be appreciated.
  3. Thanks for all the responses guys, Im sitting here going,.."oh my God--you too!", .....I think maybe if I had my time back I wouldnt have booked so far in advance, people warned me, but of course-when you're the bride you wanna book asap!! lol We changed our toronto departure to Halifax (which wasn't offered back when we booked) I know theres a good chance that there will be flights added for Toronto...but I wasn't chancin it.......we now have a total of 35 booked, and theres only 7 seats left on our flight down....apparently.....we looked into staying for the 2nd week today--TA said there was only 4 seats left on the return flight! crap! Im not gonna worry about that....its amazing how stuff is getting booked though all the same.......In regards to pricing tho.....our rate is still a couple hundred bucks less then the rates out there now, and b/c we switched to halifax, we got another 100 off..something to do with the taxes.... Anywho--fingers crossed that this flight stays cool! lol I've calmed myself down somewhat too--I had to relax, I was having headaches and nightmares, lol..constantly thinking about stuff, ...it would be fine if it was just myself and fi, but its us and thirty something guests! Anyways....whas the worse that could happen? the flight will change and Ill change my wedding date....right? lol...it's all good Good luck everyone with your bookings! Thanks againf or all the info!
  4. I think we ALLL go thru this at some point. I know I did. Listen, speaking from experience.....do what you want to do!! I always knew I wanted a wedding in the carribbean,...always--when I got engaged, thats what I decided, then I started hearing the complaints of how expensive jamaica was when thats what I chose.......it upset me...and I convinced myself I think, that it was ok to get married at home too....so I booked the venue, the photographer, the decorator, and I was sooo unhappy doing it....I use to joke with fi about cancelling it all and doing the Jamaica wedding,...then finally my joking turned to being serious......what a waste of moeny-we lost all our deposits, cancelled it all...and started back at my research-told all our family.....a lot of different reactios........but god-I am so much happier wih this now--I dream almost every night about the resort...and we ended up with 27 people booked.....our immediate family and best friends are coming...ad we're thrilled, we;re facing a few bu mps in the road now with the tour operator--tbut I would never go back! This really is my dream come true wedding! You cant change your dreams, your plans-they're yours! Keep them and live them, the excitement is overwhelming...and alll my friends talk about hti trip---its so exciting.
  5. Wow...that is sad.....you're right about the staying positive part though......the whole point in going down south was to have a stress-free wedding....lol....Ill just have to keep thinking that way!
  6. I did A LOT of research on resorts, most of the ones I liked were way more then RIU-Like up in around $2500 n tax....fianlly I found RIU Ocho RIos-it had everything I had, and I couldnt believe he quotes we got back, I had to book....we had a lot of complaints at first, ut you may be surprised,...we now have 27 guests booked, and all we wanted was our parents and my sisters.......chances are, people who will complain about the rate...would complain if it was 200 bucks....and even then they prob still wouldnt book--so dont settle for anything less....to please someone else.......do what makes you happy! Jamaica would be a fairytale wedding....I think you know what you REALLLLLY want to do!!! (by the way you're talking, if you dont do this wedding, you'll be miserable planning anything else) Good luck!
  7. I try telling myself that Dmitri_Markine. But I think it's easier said then done when you aren't the bride or groom....people say the same thing to me, but I cant relax til I have a plan again..it would be different if it was myself and fi, I wouldnt worry so much.......but it's us, and 27 guests booked, and deposits paid. I think thats what gets me most? Where the hell did our deposits go? Just what exactly am I booked for? Im booked on a non existant flight May1st was put out online, and booked up fast by the public...now May 8th has 10 seats left? I dont understand where or how a group of 29 people have NO flight, yet Sunquest are offering up other flights to everyone else? Its frustrating. And of course, being on here--I know Im no the only bride looking to get married in May! lol...we're all booking up dates and stuff......Id like to know if I can get a flight--so that I can arrange dets with the resort, ALL over again if need be. I'm not sure about booking land and air seperately.....it always just seemed easier booking the all inclusive....something we have to check into I guess.
  8. Ok, to add to my vent....I just spoke with a friend of another friend who is a travel agent......turns out both flights available from toronto the first week of May (the 1st and the 8th), one is sold out, the other on the 8th has 10 seats left! So right now---there are no options leaving toronto for us...I dont get it--how are we "booked" since March--but we have no flight?
  9. Hi Heartbeat.......Im not sure if I already replied to this thread...I guess I hsould have looked...anyways--had I previously replied, I probably would ave said, "yesss book it@",...but not so much now...I wouldnt be saying that... I just posted a thread actually to get some advice for myself.....we booked our wedding for RIU Ocho Rios for May 6th 2010....we booked it in March 2009.....so its' only a year and a couple months--not too far away........anyways--Im facing craziness now with the flights....its weird--cause i COULD book the date at the resort fine n well.....but getting there is the problem...depending on whether you purchase an all inclusive package, or just the air...it may be a little difficult.....Im less then a year away now and I just found out that there are NO flight offered the forst week of May YET To Montego Bay from our original departure city--even tho they let us book 27 people back in March to fly down May 3rd...now they're saying, "sorry--our schedules are changed, we wont be flying until May 8th"....not only that...but........getting to toronto Ontario for our guests home here in Newfoundland, can be a little pricey--back when we booked it was the closest departure city they were offering,....and NOW---they are offering a closer departure city--its juts a lot of thinking,a a lot more planning when I thought all the planning was done..I may have to change my departure date...my departure city...my wedding date...all me effort back in March ...gone--at it all over again now 10 months before the wedding...*sigh*.......and of course, guests now are questioning me, wondering if I have a clue what Im doing..lol...... So after all my venting to you---my dear.....I know you want to book right away--its exciting, and to be able to say "we booked" felt awesome to me....but now...I wish I had to wait...until NOW to book, about 9 or 10 months ahead....when flight schedules actually come out..and airfare rates are out.....doing it too far in advance may not get you anywhere! Booking my date at RIU was fine....but for what? Now the air the I booked wont work...theres really no way to tell when you book that far, you just hope it all works out,.......... ANyways...sorry if I brought you down,......I mean, certainly book your date witht he resort, go ahead and get quotes 13-14 months away...you can book and hope...it may all work out for you......or just send out your save the dates...let all your guests know you are going to RIU it will be "such and such date" be prepared to come with us around taht date if you're interested...then when it gets close-book....and you can avoid flight schedule chnages......ok Im rambling........the best of luck to you !
  10. Hey All, So awhile back I remember posting some pros and cons of booking your wedding so far in advance. Ugh--Im facing the cons! We booked with Sunquest back In March for our May 2010 wedding....I wanted to get it done, and relax and be happy its done! I even booked our reception, photographer, you name it...... So, Im online today browsing around on Sunquest...and I see that they have flights out for next May from Halifax. Our group of 27 is booked to fly from Toronto ( Most of the group is from Newfoundland, and of course...they don't offer direct flight from NL) Also, back when we booked, they said they wouldnt be offering flights out of Halifax, so Sunquest advised us to book and have the group meet in Toronto. So a few weeks ago we called and inquired as to when the flights would be out...we knew there was a chance we could leave a day early or day late...but had tentatively booked for May3rd to depart. They said it wouldnt be for another few months cause May is part of their summer schedule....so ok. Then I go online and see flights from Halifax for May 2nd. I immediately called my travel agent.......she called up Sunquest, now they say May is part of their winter schedules, and that flight info is not 100% out, but is being scheduled...and as of right now--they leave Toronto May 8th. TOO LATE, MY WEDDING IS MAY 6TH. Changing the date is nto something I want to do, people have already scheduled vacation, including my bf who works out of the province...anyways---Sunquest said not to panic...there may be a flight added, "may".....but who knows really.....maybe there won't be a flight added.....and I cant wait too long to figure it all out , can I? So now we're looking at the group leaving Halifax, May 2nd....is sucks, because now I have to tell everyone, "sorry--not toronto..now its halifax" people were looking forward to hanging out in toronto for a few days etc etc...and what if the new group quote comes back higher? I just feel like people will start to question me now---Im so stressed about it. Has anyone ever had an experience like this? Does it all work out? Do you think i should keep toronto as the departure city--and hope they add a flight? This is prob why booking early is NOT a good idea.....*sigh*
  11. This would be great if some Brides who have been there and done that could help answer this question. I guess a lot of it depends on what you want...in my case, we have the photographer booked for 8 hours,......Im thinking I want him there for everything, the meal, the cake cutting, dancing on the beach, etc etc. Al ot of friends told me not to worry-they'll take pics, but Im not sure I can trust my friends after the 3rd or 4th cocktail! LOL To the previos wedding couples.....was it worth booking the photographer for as long as you did? Do youwish you had booked for longer? Any advice would be great,...as it really is a huge cost for so long--Im just curious.
  12. MELO78....The Sea Grape is a bar located directly on the beach-and is open during the day at the resort for everyone....it's only open at night for private receptions... and would need to be booked out....My understanding is you just pay $10 a head-it's a fee for the private bar tender. A lot of the decorations we use on tables at Mamme Bay will then be brought down to the Sea Grape and used. I miay be bringing some of my own stuff down, like the fake candle light things-battery operated ones.....I have yet to shop for decor.....I think you can rent torches, white lights, all that stuff--I havent priced any of it...you can even pay 150 for a bonfire lol. They set up tables directly on the beach in front of the bar-we were thinking about renting a dj-but its just one fee after another here now....so we'll bring down our ipod-have a playlist done up for those 2 hours, bring down the docking statiion and rent speakers for 75 bucks I think......I wasnt going ot bother with the private reception-but I still wanted to do the first dance, and dance with my dad...and throw the boquet and all that....... Once I knew what I wanted, I emailed Chandlyn, told her I knew she a thousand wedding before mine-and I didnt wanna take too much time, but asked her to pencil me in for the gazebo....mamme bay, and the sea grape. Then I booked Micheal at the photoshop. And the steel drum band.
  13. Hi Guys, I'm getting married May 6th, 2010. I knew exactly what I wanted from the very get go...so I booked it right away! We get married at the beach gazebo-we have the steel drum band there playing for guests as they arrive--play me up the gazebo, and then a little after the ceremony as we take off for pics......we're having the semi private dinner at mamme bay-we'll prob do speeches....cake cutting there.....then off the the seagrape beach bar for the reception--I still wanted a first dance, and do all the traditional stuff--like throwing the boquet, and do the garder thing...we'll just bring down our ipod--if the docking station isnt loud enough we'll rent speakers.......Ill not fussy on the little stuff...like cake, flowers, decor---I dont wanna be too picky and sweat the small stuff...Ill prob take a lot of stuff down with me, like candles, or stuff for the tables rather then paying for it down there. One thing Im still debating over is OOT bags. We have 30 people booked now-thats a lot of extra money for stuff people prob wont even use..... We also have the photographer booked. The big thing left now for me is to get dresses for the grls, and myself, outfit the guys...like I mentioned, maybe get some decoration typa stuff....pick out music....we want to do up some kind of schedule of group things that will be going on-hand out before the flight maybe, so people wont be confused of whats gonna happen, like have a rehersal dinner n stuff the night before the wedding.....still al ot of planning all the same....we also wnt to get a website up and running with update info for guests to check from time to time...
  14. Hey--we chose to have our reception at the seagrape afterall! And I actually have it booked for May 6th 2010.....I was nervous someone else would get to it before me, haha..parnanoid much?? lol Deep down, I knew thats what I wanted.....I mean really, Im going all the way down to Jamaica to get married on the beach, why not have the reception on the beach too? Ive seen lots of pics, you can decorate your own way--I think they'll put table cloths over a few tables on the beach, Ill bring down some candles, few centre pieces for the tables, and they bring down any flower arrangements that you have also.....I think we're going to take down a banner too that says "Congrats Mr & Mrs....." and hang that outside...something fun--plus lets people know its a private party....we'll do our first dance there, throwing the boquet etc etc....gonna pass on the fire I think.......Anyways, for me, it was just the fact of taking of your shoes, and dancing and hanging in the sand, and having your own private bar right there on spot! Im way too excited for osmething 11 months away!
  15. Hi ladies, I was reading thru this thread...and I see you guys chatting back and forth about trying to book your receptions. Well, OUR wedding isn't until May 2010--which we have booked since March---do you guys know how soon you can actually book your reception venues? I know our wedding is still a year away--but there's three weddings a day....what if all three wedding parties want to book The Seagrape, or all three want to book the poolside for receptions? lol....I'm a planner--and I want to get the major things booked....what are the chances of being able to book something this far ahead ya think?? I'd hate to start sending emails n stuff to the wedding department a year in advance..but if thats what I got to do...............
  16. This is YOUR wedding, and in the end-it's about what makes YOU and your fiance happy!? Isn't it? I think if the price is something thats really bothering you (like it did at me first) then you have to make a choice, and decide whats most important to you. A. Going to a "not so expensive" resort (and remember you do get what you pay for) so that more guests will go OR Booking and planning your wedding at a resort of your dreams with a limited amount of guests People will always have an opinion, no matter the price. And imagine how you'll feel if you book a resort because its mroe affordable, and you STILL dont get a big turnout!? I would be pissed! Price was definitely an issue for us--we had some "complaints" that RIU/Jamaica was a lot of money....but in the end, it was OUR wedding, and we done what WE wanted. Wed didnt force anyone to book--we found out our immediate fam would be going and that made us happy--so we booked....and guess what? There's over 30 of us going....anyone who really wants to go--will go...THE END....for the sake of a couple hundred extra? Who cares.......! And yes--HAVING said all that...maybe you could think about moving your date....the most expensive season is Jan-April.......although I will tell you---we depart toronto the first week of may--and our group quote was 1900 tax in.......so 1780 is super good (if it incls tax) DO IT!!!!
  17. Ohhh I feel your pain-Im in the same boat! People need to understand, there is something called a "guest list" for a reason! The whole point in a DW I think, is intimacy, and privacy--having only those you know and care about around you--I thought I would be able to avoid wedding crashers...but I have not-I have people going down that I despise-I would never want to sit in a club with them, never mind have them at my wedding-or go to the same resort as them,...but *sigh* Im suckin it up...lol...... Having said all that, I did tell my family that if there was anyone they wanted to ask-they could....I also said this to a few close friends of mine the same thing--it made it cheaper on them too if they were going down as "singles" I thought it was the least I could do seen as they were spending 2 grand to come along.......However--it was something we offered, and only to particular people--now Im hearing tell of friends of friends friends tagging along-... You could mention price--we're having a private reception where I have topay 55 bucks a person--that gets costly.....drop hints around them, or to the people that invited them, making yourself clear that these others are NOT invited to your wedding--you cant control who goes to the resort, but you can your wedding.........
  18. I don't wanna stress myself out over it---I really dont...one day you have a perfect guest list, then the next-- you have and additional 10 people.....another friend of mine who I invited just approached me and asked if she could taker her sister along........its hard being put on the spot-but at least she asked how I felt........I told her to take her along to the resort, and sure, join the wedding party--but in this case, its my friends "guest" joining...not randoms....... It's just hard to grasp that there may be people Ive went out of my way to avoid that are now going to be on a resort with me for a week...I know--I know...suck it up--get over it......just irritates the hell out of me.........lol
  19. (and I guess its not our wedding they're all so eager to attend, but rather the week of partying...)
  20. Yes, lol..drama-seeking ex gf is EXACTKY what she is, lol....I laugh to myself kinda, about how long ago everything was now with her---we're together 9 years now, so Im talking high school stuff...its just not the point.......it's our wedding day.......shes not going to get a warm smile and welcoming invite from me. I just cant believe that we're travelling so far from home to have our special day--and are still managing to get 5 or 6 uninvited guests already....and 2 of them have even called OUR group booking TA! LOL...to try and get our group rate--without even talking to us...... I just dont get people, period.
  21. PEOPLE SERIOUSLY DRIVE ME INSANE......or at least, almost.... We orginally wanted to go down south to ge tmarried...we heard that many negative responses...from family and friends....that we changed our minds, booked the traditional wedding at home....(for everyone else) then, 4 month sinto planning--I was miserable...there was so much to do and Id raher cry thinking of it then do it.......so, we scrapped it...lost deposits on photographers, and decorators.....*Rotted*...then, told everyone we were going away....and we got grief again....even from our parents (who were the ones who convinced to originally go away)....I told people to jam it after awhile, really I did....lol....and now here we are, with 28 people booked...the people who truly mean the most to us, and the ones we really want there are booked......... But yes--we went ack and forth a bit due to peoples opinions, people are too opinionated,...period.
  22. One of the pros to having a destination wedding (or so you would think) is you dont have to worry about those unwanted, univited guests showing up or showing up as someone elses guest. I'm from a very small town, where we all know eachother-but doesnt mean we all like eachother. The traditional wedding is in a hall- and usually by the end of the night, you have random people show up--people that you didnt like in high school, people that cause fights, people that were...say...."too flirty" with your finace etc etc... The point is--we all have people we avoid inviting, and perhaps secrelty worry they'll somehow find a way to your wedding. Well, we decided to go to Jamaica...so I didnt have to worry about ANY of that right? WRONG. We have a total of 28 people confirmed. We only invited immediate family, aunts/uncles/cousins and our very best friends that we currently hang out with. Now, theres a number of "univited guests" taging along with some of our guests....these people are people we know--but did NOT invite. I understand the resort is NOT MY resort, I know anyone can go there---fine....but come on!!! These are people that we are not friends with, I certainly dont want them at the wedding, and never mind having them to hang out with us for an entire week! I'm not the type ofperson to confront these people and tell them how it bothers me......my friends say to relax, who cares....ignore them......it just bothers me so much. And these people who are asking others to join the group...are people we arent close with...for example, my fiances best friend's GF is asking her sister and her bf to come down......(the sister is an ex gf of my fiance.....and the first few years, she was always there causing trouble for us....trying to make me jeous...I despise her.....I want her nowhere around us EVER)...AND NOW SHE AND HER BF ARE COMIGN TO OUR WEDDING? Then theres another gf of one of my fiances friends, and she too is taking her sister along........ Maybe Im wrong to be venting?? I cant stop anyone from travelling....but its going to be incredibly awkward having thses "univited" guests down ont her esort, constantly with our group--and then the day of the wedding, Ill lookl ike a bitch if I dont invite them..Im just not keen on paying 55 bucks a person for people I didnt originally invite........ WHy am I letting this bother me so much? And what makes these INVITED guests think its ok to ask people to the resort with us.....and then what makes these UNIVITED guests think its ok to go.......*sigh*
  23. Hi Sunstarmoon, I dont think its a "bad" price, considering I priced a lot of resorts, and they were UITE pricey---problem is, we all have to pay airafare from st. johns to and from toronto...where the group rates starts....so thats an additional 4 or 500 on there........Back in Jan we had a quote of 1800 per person, but didnt have enough people ready to book (we need 10 to start the group).....3 moths later we were ready--and the taxes or osmething went up--so we're paying 100 more......its a hit or miss when it comes to booking early, or late.....
  24. We booked out May 6th 2010 wedding on the RIU website back in March....so we got that much done........ We made ou group booking then a couple weeks ago---25 of us depat from toronto--our group rate is a bit high in my opinion,.....but apparently the exact prices are not out yet...however, we already signed into a contract.....we were told its too early to book any of the jacuzzi suites...we'll have to wait another 6 weeks or more to do that.......Im hoping the rate doesnt decrease THAT much--or else Ill be trying to fight for something along those lines.....i guess thats a con of booking too early--Im nice n organized,..but might end up paying alittle more--our guests were ok with it tho--I think they just wanted to book and set a budget too........
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