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Everything posted by Marie

  1. I think its way over priced. I gues this is how they make their money-0-event he free wedding package isnt "free".....and Michael is gonna cost us close to 2 grand....dont even get me started lol
  2. Hey Everyone, I sent an email to Chandlyn at ror yesterday asking a few question, and got a response today- but from Roxianna. Ive wrote Chandlyn several times, she always replies back. Any scoop here? I wonder is she an assistant? Just curious. And as FYI-If you want to change your package (from royal o say, free) you have to contact the wedding department located in Mexico, thought Id throw that in there lol Oh...and in regards to documents, I knoo theres threads about this...but she just asked me to scan and email them very soon(didnt tell me how soon lol), and bring the notarized copies with me.....thought Id throw that in there too lol...
  3. Im so confused about this free person bit lol. We have 32 people booked since March 2009 for our May 210 wedding, including myself and my fiance. I have the number 16 written down everywhere....I always thought it meant the 16th person goes free, in whch case he and I will go for free....but now Im reading you have to have 16 booked...meaning the 17th goes for free. (With sunquest of course)Ill be so let down if we miss the trip by one person... Then the summer I learned they had a promo out where every 8th went for free.....imagine that! lol...
  4. So its been awhile since I started this thread..now Im 2 months away from getting married. Holy. Whats the lastest on sunquest these days? ANy good promos? I cant even remember ours anymore...final payment for us is next wekend, quite nervous....lol...I think its every 16th passenger goes for free? In which case well get 2 people for free...or is it every 17th goes for free? See. no clue. lol Maybe I hsould check on this again, this stuff happens when you book so far in advance!
  5. Hey they look great. Id totally be interested also-if you have any left, let me know-and we can work something out!
  6. Hey Kristyne....Im wondering the same thing with the beach reception. Im wondering if I should be buying some decor type things before I go.....and put them in my luggage...like candles, n stuff..........Im wondering the same thing about the tables for the meal actually..
  7. What exactly is on this pricelist? I cant open it either lol.....Im starting to rethink the package we went with-I think it was the royal package cause we have 25-35 people going......but Im hearingit maybe cheaper to go with the free package and upgrade....Im just getting back into planning now-seems like I done more this time last year when I was over a year from getting married-now here I am 4 months away......and clueless....lol......can anyone email me the list?
  8. Hey everyone, thanks for all your input! Im still debating on whether or not we should have the reception. I almost like the idea of not having to get up and go or doing anything planned after the meal....like I kind of just want to sit there...and enjoy it....and not worry about anything else that evening...but in the same breath, it owuld be nice to keep our group together for a little longer..........ugh.
  9. I know...what kinda of topic is this? I tend to analyze everything to death! And I've been seeing a lot of our guests paying off their trip with cash- and I've heard them mention they dont have credit cards..(for whatever reason!) So of course, me, being the worrier that I am.......can't help but to wonder if that will create a problem during check in at the hotel. I've worked in hotels for years, and with every stay-we would need the guests credit card (and prob hold 250 bucks for each nights stay as like a damage deposit) orrr we would require a cash deposit..............so Im wondering if any of you know how RIU does this...... I read one review where the bride said a few of her guests didnt have credit cards, but herself and her fiance covered their rooms.......letting the hotel take pre auths from their cards....thats not something we can do....as we have so many guests. Anywho- any info you have at all would be helpful, super curious to know how the hotel takes care of this ....so I can prepare guests.... and Im curious for myself too......our credit card doesnt have a huge limit....and I may end up using that to pay for stuff down there......wondering if Ill have any money left on it once I give it to the hotel! lol
  10. So sorry if I'm repeating threads here....but I done some searching and couldn't really find what I was looking for........ Im debating over what to do after dinner, our dinner is at Mamme Bay at 6:30-originally we were going to have a reception follwoing dinner, and have a dj etc....but now Im having second thoughts. Theres 30 in our group-Im wondering if perhaps we should just head to a bar or go to the disco.......I dont want to bore my guests either......and really, there's nothing traditional about this wedding--so Im leaning towards canceling the reception....... any ideas? How do the past brides feel? Was the reception a must? Was it important to you? Im wondering if maybe we can set up some tables in the disco for our group when it opens.........funny--because all this stuff was so important to me back a year ago when I started planning....but now everything is adding up, and Im very overwhelmed.........
  11. Humm....I have Michael booked-I originally booked him for the full day-but now Im wondering if I should downgrade that package...to maybe the 3 hour package, and add 1 hour......Im getting selfish-I feel like I want him to take some snaps before the wedding as we all ge ready-then at the ceremony-then after with myself and the groom and then at the dinner-and at the reception, but it gets quite pricey.......I thought the rates were similar to what he offered last year tho....
  12. I get married May 6th, 2010.....at Riu Ocho Rios- our flight time are now announced-exciting, it getting real now!
  13. I'm having a hard time deciding on the 2nd week-I thought it would be easy-but we're already over spending on the wedding week-I hate to do it again now! lol I just got rates back from sandals negril-they were ok.......I think I may get some for Couples Swept Away too. See? I dont know what to be at! Negril has always been my dream vacation-it only makes sense to splurge and go for it---*sigh* thanks for the help....
  14. We'll need transportation between resorts--looks like we are honeymooning the 2nd week elsewhere-Im waiting on a quote from Lee's tours-kinda nervous what it may be...we need to get from ROR to Negril....be awesome if there were other people leaving the resort heading that way on the same day as us.......Im sure the rate would decrease....
  15. Hi Gang, I've been researching the threads on both these resorts, I havent found much on Sandals Montego Bay...and trip advisor's reviews tend to be more negative then positive on both! We'll be at ROR the first week for our wedding-but Id reallly like to move elsewhere for the honeymoon. I love the idea of couples only-and both are within our budget....similar in price from the quotes--a lot fo other resort like Sandals Negril(one of my faves) is just a little more on the pricier sides of things. Any advice? Anyone stay at either? Im looking for romance..intimate feeling....nice room.....just the honeymoon feel.....or perhaps we'll stay at ROR.......
  16. jawedding...funny you should say that! We're getting married at ROR...and Im nervous that there may be some guests that will extend there stay the 2nd week.....we already have guests that are paying to stay in the jacuzzi suites (which I was little weirded out over..I know, I know...! I shouldn't be...It just hit me as odd that our guests were booking big lavish rooms like they were the ones getting married....it was the first time I saw my bridzilla side, haha, so I had to get over it..and now Im venting) lol....anyways,...I really dont wanna over spend for the 2nd week....we were considering staying at riu cause its cheapest.....all other sanals and couples resorts were about $1000 more....I havent checked Montego Bay Sandals yet tho! Maybe I should!
  17. What do you mean you got in before the sale ended? Are you talking about the 60% or something they have right now? Did you book directly wit h the resort? or a tour operator...our wedding is at RIU Ocho Rios, but Im hoping to honeymoon at Sandals Negril-we're waiting on our sunquest rep to get back to us with a quote.
  18. wow that was great! We have our wedding all lined up for ROR, and right now Im debating about staying there for the 2nd week, or going to CSS.......Would you still suggest that? Im so nervous about changing resorts.....
  19. I've fallen in love with Couples Sans Souchi now for some reason...I know what you mean tho...
  20. sorry-ignore this-I just found what I was looking for and I cant figure out how to delete the thread!
  21. Hey Guys, Sorry to pick your brains with this--but Im kind of sick of picking my own! We are getting married at ROR and still undecided about the 2nd week and where we'll stay & if we'll stay. We're actually waiting on a quote for the 2nd week right now from ROR..........I just saw today the sale that Sandals has on...something like 55% off? Does anyone have any preference when it comes to the sandals resorts in jamaica? I just can't decide-I love them all....and the rates are pretty good and comparable to others at this point too. Montego Bay & Ocho Rios ones would be close....and rates are great.........any suggestions? Sandals - Save up to 65% plus 1 night free and your companion flies free at Sandals Emerald Bay
  22. Why wouldn't you want to use a travel agent? I can't think of any reason....I mean, its bad enough doing your wedding stuff, but to be in complete control of the whole group? I wouldn't want that. We have over 30 people booked now, and I get hounded with questions, half of which I can't answer...so much easier to refer them to someone else.... In regards to the jacuzzi suite (the one with the balcony one) we just went ahed and booked the room, we knew we wanted it--and Ive been so hyped up about it, I didn't wanna chance it;...I didn't want to be let down-I know people say you dont spend much time in your room, but it didnt change my mind.....so we went ahead and confirmed it-we'll pay the price...literally. lol Surely you should be able to find some group rates for an all inclusive...and with group rates, you should get a discounted rate.....plus maybe even extra bonuses like "every 16th person flies for free" or something.....again, much easier if you had a TA taking care of all this--you shouldnt need to plan it!!!
  23. Im not getting married until May 2010--and I heard back within a day.....I was shocked. I put my booking ref in subject line, and the wedding date- I started the email by saying, "I know this is wayy down the road, but you shouldn't have anymore questions from me" I asked to book the seagrape (gave my times) as well as our times for the dinner. She responded to say it was all confirmed, and to send any further questions her way. Maybe I got lucky and she was having a slow day. I'd definitely email again, with your ref and date in the subject, and maybe the start the email with,.."In case you missed this...see email below" or something......maybe it depends on the stuff you needed answered, if its stuff she can take care of a day or so before the wedding, hopefully you're safe...but if its to book and confirm suff--Id want the email answered! Good luck--let us know what happens!
  24. Interesting. When I spoke to RIU in March, they said they book the current year, and the one after...so I find it odd they are booking 2011 already? I find you always get so much info that conflicts with everyone elses info...it's best just to narrow down your resort then contact the resort directly & ask if you can book this far in advance, and if there's anything else you need to do. Of course, if you book this far ahead-you'll have to understand that they probably cannot give you a price just yet, but they'll go by the current year or whatever.......if you can book your date without any hassel, no matter how far it is in advance, then I say do it too...it feels a lot better knowing your date........... Back when I booked my date--I found out that in order to confirm the date-I needed to get back to RIU within 90 days with my booking reference, proving that I was indeed to booked to stay at the hotel......so thats why we went ahead and started the group so fast..........we obviously wanted to book with a group-to be eligible for the discounts etc etc.....so Im not sure if that will be an issue for you....depending on where you book......
  25. Breeze616........after going though everything, If I had my time back, I would have waited at least until the pricing came out for our dates. Back when we booked-prices weren't out, we had no idea what the schedule was going to be.............. ....stilll, being a bride tho--6 months seems like its not enough time....altho---as long as your guests know your date, or "around date" then they can budget and prepare for a vacation.......there's so much to consider..........if its just you and a couple of people-then I wait, you dont have to worry.... I say wait til pricing comes out-...I hink with ror, once you booked you date at the resot tho--you had 3 months to confirm with your booking confirmation......so you could book your wedding now-then get the group going shortly after....research research research!!! Good luck!
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