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Everything posted by Marie

  1. Hey Future Mrs. Coleman.....time is getting short for you! HOly! While you're getting married, Ill be on my stagette lol.....we re almost 3 weeks away, totally freakin out with stuff left to do-I think Im just gonna cross stuff off my to do list-never mind trying to get it done! Ill be interested to see what happens with the hair. I just recieved a note back asking for the 50% downpayment....my hair trial is 85 and the day of Im being charged 123....ITS LUDICROUS!!!!! I have never in my lifetime paid that for an updo or hair do of any kind....and Ive had lots! Makes me reallly mad that the rial is that much..and that I HAVE to have one cause of the extensions......and I stated all that in my email, lol..perhaps not that rude, but I wanted to see if there was any way of lowering either of the 2....its a lot of money......what time is your appointment for?? Ive read reviews of girls who wish they had started their earlier, but took the advice of the stylists and started later......then regretted it.....Im starting at 1030......they said Ill be done by 1230---but its jamaica, nothing is ever on time....we get married at 4....Id liek to relax after hair, have lunch.....then head back for make up n a drink! lol...I dont wanna feel panicked on my wedding day!......1030 am does seem early...but i may not be finished til clse to 1 or 130.....I have a lot of hair, and they only use curling irons.........holy!
  2. I am so damn paranoid over hidden costs...I just started a new thread asking previos brides about their hair.......I thought my appoint was booked and good long story.....) but turns out its not.......they want me to pay in full ...can be done via paypal.....I feel uncomfortable about paying for a service I have yet to receive...AND THEN I found out that cause Im using extensions they NEED me to do a hair trial which costs almost the same as the wedding day...dear lord.
  3. Hey gang, So I thought I had my appointment confirmed with the spa, but turns out it was never confirmed....in order to do that I have to pay in full? Is this normal? I havent noticed from anyones reviews any mention of this. I would like to book my appointment asap...but Im a little nervous about paying for this in full now...what if I change my mind, or what if I dont like the hair etc etc........I thought it was odd, because nothing else needed to be paid before hand. I also read online on the renova spa website that if you use extension they require you to do a trial-which is almost 100 bucks on its own I think. Thats insane? Thats over 200 for hair alone.............. Girls, whas the deal here?
  4. I was just reading on sunquest website that they (the tour operator) will have everyone rebooked and taken care of by tomorrow.....so it sounds like Sunquest are taking care of their passengers.....hope thats the case with all of you on here.....thinking about you--I know this is the last thing you thought or dreamt would happen right before your wedding......good luck.....fingers crossed......
  5. Thank God for this site. I still have lots of unanswered questions, but at this point, I think Ill wing it once I get there..lol.....I think for the most part we all tend to over analyze things the closer we get......you wouldnt believe the questions I have lol-Id like to call up Chandlyn and chat for at least an hour lol...... I opted not to do the sand ceremony-seems like the thing to do...but I just cant be bothered with worrying about getting the sand back to the room and getting it back home....one less thing to worry about..............but thats just me now..... I think you should totally go with the free package...I mentioend here earlier that in order to change your packge you must contact the weddings depart in mexico-or atleast thats what Chandlyn has me do last week......Ill just upgrade the champagne..we re big drinkers lol..and maybe my flowers...not worried about the cake at all.......the only other plus of the royal was the free upgrade, in our case-we re already booked and paid for the jacuzzi suite....I think I just booked the royal cause I looked at the number of guests, but really-doesnt matter...... We'll do the private reception after the semi private dinner...15 per personf or set up-but Im wondering if you pay another 10 per person for the open bar......
  6. I think I read they only serve wine at mamme bay....and I believe you pay 10 per person if you want booze...so does that mean for dinner you pay 10 bucks a head for wine??....I know what you mean about it being confusing.....because for the reception later on the beach we have to pay 15 per person, as like a set up fee or whatev....and I was wondering if we pay another 10 on top of that too...I know its full bar then....I asked Chandlyn and didnt get an answer on that one, so Im just gonna wait til I get down there to figure it out lol...Ive read lots of reviews but I dont think anyone came stright out and explained that.....perhaps someone can enlighten us..
  7. Most beach receptions are held at or around the sea grape....I think? Having your own beach bar available is certainly nice lol....I have heard stories of others setting up elsewhere if the sea grape is being used, one couple on here actually set up around the gazebo and had a private bar tender set up there and everything, done their dances int he gazebo with tea lights lit up all around it....sounded nice... I know we booked everything back last March -over a year in advance....we booked the gazebo for 4...seagrape for 9 and mamme bay for 630...and also booked our steeldrum band along with Michael at the photoshop......get to it!! lol
  8. My understanding is they only offer free semi private dinners at mamme. Once you go to plantation its a diff menu n all that.....I never really thought about asking to go there instead of mamme bay-from everything Ive read Mamme Bay is a great option, and looks so nice in all the pics.....be interesting to see what they come back with...gluck...
  9. I know! 500 is a lot of extra cash when you're not expecting to pay it out. Its funny, I just assumed their prices DID NOT include tax....so it was a great surprise for me....sorry it didnt work out that way for you-Im super nervous Im gonna run into some hidden costs once Im there.
  10. Im soon gonna get kicked off here for my bad attitude, lol...just kidding. Im not all negative...lol.....just a little sensitive, emotional and annoyed at so much these days......my poor poor family n friends-they never hear the end of it! HA! Ive spent the last year talking about the wedding-and now its coming together-it feels great-we have got a lot accomplished, still have lots left to do...shouldnt let it stress me out.......but I think Im gonna feel this way til Im at the airport! lol Im constantly asked by friends, co workers and in laws "what could you possibly have to plan for a destination wedding"? Its unbelieveable the time that has gone into it. The research alone. I remember researching Jamaica..then travel agents, then resorts, then operators lol...then how to send out invites....and now all of a sudeen IM EVERYONES travel agent-Im bombarded with everyones questions, concerns...its non stop. People have no idea.....Ive organized programs like any other wedding, decor to take down, which has aken so many trips to Pier One, Winners lol....and online shopping, made our own flowers, getting passports, vaccines(researching that too) lol.always on trip advisor, buying luggage, summer clothes, wedding attire, rings, we're doing guest favours, fans for ceremony- adding ribbons, jewels, sea shells to everything lol....hair extenions lol....tkaing pics of hair, cake, you name it-always at stuff.....my list on my fridge s SOOO BIG.....peoples jaw drop when I start telling them things that need to get done, then when I talk about how we have to pay for people to drink on al all inclusive bar-it drops even further, they're clueless....of course, some people would look at me like Im insane that I wanna spend 7 bucks on a chair.....but they just dont get it...heck-I was one of those people.....just feel like telling people to jam it now lol.. Glad I humored you with my rant, haha, god only knows what peed me off that day....on a better note-my wedding shower is the weekend, thank God-I cant wait to relax and have some drinks and food.....and is it wrong that I wanna spend that night NOT talking about Jamaica, or the wedding?? lol...really...I just want one night with friends and family where I dont have to tell everyone about everything Im doing there-about the resort, about the excursions, about costs etc.....I live and breathe wedding plans now.....mayeb I shouldnt want this on my bridal shower night lol...oh dear lol.......
  11. Hey skinner....I originally book the royal package only because of the upgrade and because I knew Id have over 30 people.....so just lately Ive been looking at cutting costs anywhere of course to add other extra stuff-and I started reading on here how many brides go with the free package....we qualify cause we have the rooms....and just look back again what the royal package includes that the free does not.....both let you have cahndlyn, both lets you have decor set up, boquet for bride and groom,.....royal includes minister and legal fees, free tshirts, upgrade, spa services, surprise gift, witnesses if required...............and its like 1400 something like that........sooooo we re going with the free-we pay 375 for the ministers, legal stuff-marriage certificate or whatever.........then pay for extra cake for our guests(which Im not even fussy on cause we'll prob be too drunk and full for cake...lol), pay for champagne if you want to toast....only 15 a bottle, we can all still dine at the semi private restaurant, no additional cost...I actually confirmed that with Chandlyn, theres no extra charge cost cause we have so many people....but anyways-thats what we did-we changed, I contacted her to change it-but she directed me to the wedding department, who got back to e within a day with confirmation that it was changed and I was eligible for the free package....and will just pay that 375 plus any extras............
  12. P.s so sorrry for typos-its late, and im dropping tired lol
  13. Hi everyone, Holy! I joined this forum over a year ago-and I can honestly say Id be lost of it wasnt for all of you on here. For all you past brides who still check in to help us out-thank you so much. For all you future brides, including those of you who are a year or so away...or closer-keep checking back, keep searching threads, there's always an answer on here somewhere. My fiance and I got our twinrix and tetanus shots the other day-as it happened our nurse's son was getting married at ror down the road-while she told me all about the travel pre-cautions, I told her all about costs of photography, and how extra cake was more, and baout how you can rent nicer chairs, write your own ceremony, bring your own decor, told her about private dinner options etc etc.......she couldnt believe all the research and knowledge I had done and acquired-all thanks to this forum! So again, thanks. Ok..so my turn to help you..... I am completely done communicating with ROR & Chandlyn and her assistants, all done with Michael at the photoshop and have made my hair appointment at the spa......so Ill give you any info I have. I have heard a lot from past brides who sit and wait for them to contact you-why bother? I have been emailing back and forth with them a year now-but only got down to detail this week. I sent an email to the girls (chandlyn n them) confirming everything we booked last year, the ceremony, location, time, steel drum band etc. All came back confirmed. We have 37 in our group-going with free package..paying 350 for fees and upgrading the cake, the champagne for toasts, adding some decor, going with the white chairs etc. We're picking out the music for the steel drum band to play (or at least I hope too...I want certain songs) All prices include tax already-no additional cost......I done photocopies of our passports and birth certificates, got them notarized by a friend (luckily) and scanned and emailed them-she came back asking for occupations, emailed the answer back-and that was that...I have to bring the copies with me.......they informed me they dont have any dry cleaning/steaming for dresses and grooms attire-but canbe done in town.....kinda crappy-I would imagine my dress will be full of wrinkles....but oh well....and Chandlyn also gave me a time and date to meet her-and the place for when we arrive...its the day after-and we ll take care of everything then (I hope) But so far-shes been great-always gets back to me within 48 hours...answer are short and sweet lol..oh-and we originally booked the royal package-there was no need really-we re already booked for the jacuzzzi sute so wont do the upgrade, dont need free tshirts or spa services......so we went with the free package-and had to contact the wedding depart in mexico for that..... Michael at the photoshop is da bomb-again, gets back to me right away. I just changed our contract. I originally had him booked the hwole day-but cut back...so we're booking an extra hour with him-I think it costs us 1100 all together for the pics and his time......but anywho-that was easy-I just filled out his contract and scanned and sent it back to him....he told me that I will have to pay a deposit if another bride requests him for the same day-.....to ensure I want him....agai, got back to me with it confirmed in a day...his last email said that everything is confirmed and I wouldnt have to contact him again until I arrive at Jamaica-to stop by as soon as I can and confirm and pay for everything once Im there.......... The spa-because Im using extensions, they ve requested that I do a hair trial.....gonna cost me, but better safe then sorry-so thats something else to keep in your budget....... Something else we done.....we got our flowers at michales....the boquets and we made our own boutinnaires-just to ensure all the colors match, and its saved on money and was fun to do-they re great and quite real looking. We also bought fans there, and Ive added jewels too them as well as ribbon thats says our names and wedding date and tied them on-plan on having them out on all the chairs for the ceremony-as well as bubbles, which we ve also personalized...everything was bought at weddingfavours.ca--quick turnaround time there too...and oh yeah...we bought mini lanterns there too to use at the tables on the beach for the reception and for dinner..I also bought staned gass candle holders and tea lights.....bringing it all down.......aI should also mention our save the dates......we put them out last January and got them done by a great eprson names April from Ontario-she was great to work with, I provided her with all the info and she made us up a real nice brochure like invite of the resort for the wedding-sent me back a couple pdf's//when we got it right I paid her through paypal and printed them at staples......Destination Wedding Invitations & Announcements by Apryl's Designs our invite is actually a sample now on her website. My dress was bought at best for bride in Toronto, grooms attire was bought at le chateau.......groomsmens attire came from old navy and the girls from sears....gosh-I could go on forever...lol Ill cut this off here...........any questions just ask.....but thats how things are going so far-my to do list is still HUGE....gotta get at it! Heres costs of additional things at ror: reggae band 550 steel drum 450 (went up ) mento band 200 all per hour dj 150, saxaphonist 250, sound system 90.....ALL USD. PRIVATE reception at plantation 500-2 hrs, 1000 4 hrs private pool/beach reception (incls food) 55 per person gazebo decor 75 n up aisle runner 45 white folding chairs 5 chair covers and tie backs 12 sash 2 sand cereomy kit 50 additional champagne 15 per bottle open bar 10 per person large wedding cake 350 n up Hope someone found something useful here..........happy planning everyone!
  14. EVERY price quote we get for ROR-from spa, photoshop, Chadlyn....wth wedding extras, wedding package.........all includes tax....so theres no additional fee-I just heard back from them...thats pretty good news-and saves on my budget lol
  15. HA!!!!!!! You should see my to do list, Im feeling very over whelmed,....and moody lol....I still wanna write our ceremony, get wedding music for our ipod, groomsmen gifts, find a pic of a nice cake, hair style,- to bring along with me....gotta get wedding shoes, earrings...find fi shoes, belt, shirt...decide on songs to dance to for us, Im still looking at beach clothing in stores, still need a carry on.....gotta finsih the fans, order travel mugs, create welcome letter etc etc etc-the list goes on....panick attack...between work, and the gym-Im t-totally stressed out-all this wedding stuff has my head in a spin! Now I gotta figure out how to pack it all too...
  16. Let's face it....the white chairs DO INDEED make the set up look a whole lot prettier....or at least I think they do. All along I said "chairs? who cares about the chairs...Im not paying for nicer chairs...." I thought all the fuss was foolish, and waste of money...but now....now that Im 6 weeks away from my own wedding....you btter believe Im getting those white chairs lol.........may just get the fold out ones...may or may not use the sahs...but either way, Im not using the brown ones. After spending this last year looking at all the pics of everyones ceremony-I agree that the white chairs totally look like they're worth the few extra bucks.....its ridculous that we have to pay for nicer chairs lol..but I guess thats how they make their money......having said that-Im so sick of guests thinking we are not paying for a thing down there......they dont understand why we're getting a professional photographer, dont understand wh we re videoing it...cant believe the price for hair, flowers, people to eat at a private meal and to drink etc etc...you all know the cots Im talking about...its just so annoying when people make comments about how we're "getting away so cheap"....and here I am paying 300 bucks for people to sit in a nice chair......ok, theres my vent lol...sorry-Im finding myself vent sooo much about everything now that we 're so close to our date........ Right back to the chairs.....I like the white ones lol
  17. Unfortunately I dont like the set up either...Im thinking about scrapping put myself and fi at the head of the table in the end of the "T" or "L"....I think we'll just sit right square in the middle and be between all our guests........hopefully anywho...
  18. I just reread my documents from Michael at the photoshop and it says that tax was included in his rate. I plan on asking Chadlyn about it in emails soon-if I hear Ill let you know....we're only 6 weeks away....
  19. Well then, thanks TA Maureen....either Im completely scattered brain or they dont make it that clear on the website...oops..that made me happier lol
  20. I have another question...a bit of topic here in regards to that beautiful set up----our reception is on the beach...a lot of people have asked me about the sand flies...and Ive heard comments from previous ror guests that they are bad down there late at night? Anyone have anything to say about this? Make me feel better and tell me iM silly....
  21. Guess we're still waiting hey? I just assumed they did......never really thought more about it...wishful thinking that they dont lol
  22. Really bothers me how they offer this "free" package...yet it costs 350 USD and doesnt include the minister fees, legal documents and "other" fees....whas so free about it? Back last March we booked the royal package....but I guess Ill down grade to the "free" package now.....and upgrade the cake and wine to accommodate 36 of us.... Does anyone know how they upgrades work ? And also-anyone know how much these other fees are and how much the minister, legals stuff is? Be helpful to see the hidden fees.....
  23. Yeah we do....Ill wait til final payment to find out which is tomorrow....she says every 16th person, but I want it in writing, I havent seen anything yet...and Im the type that wants everything confirmed.
  24. *sigh* Im so jelous.......enjoy every minute at Sandals my dear.....my dream vacay would be sandals negril-and I swear-after our wedding at ror....we'll be going there for our next vacay....right back to jamaica but to negril.....we were sooo wiling to pay that price-after all the research I done, and compared all the reviews etc etc...it was obvious that price is worth it-and we were looking at the swim up suites so they would have beee 7 gran or more.......its not like we go to jamaica often lol....so why not-and it was our wedding......BUT..........we had many people wanting to go with us, and just couldnt afford Sandals rates, so we rethought everything and decided to save that for our honeymoon a few months later.......everyone has a diffeence in opinions I think, adn we re all on different budgets.....as long as it makes you smile talking about it...who cares what others say!!!!! ENJOY!!
  25. This might sound a little tacky, but Im thrilled with it......I picked up my bridesmaid flowers at Michales the weekend, a cute little boquet with long real green stems all ready tied n everything, perfect size..perfect color...(white n green) and I bought roses-they look soo real to make for the guys boutinnaires.....and my own flowers and the grooms boutinnaire will be real and included with our package. I just figured why not? one less thing to pay for....they were only 8 bucks each..half price lol...small enough for suitcase, big enough to see on pics......and Ive seen pics of weddings where the flowers dont match any of the theme colors etc, and Ive read about people being disappointed for the money they pay....so frig it, they re getting fake ones, and actually--everyone loves them...lol....just sayin lol
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