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Everything posted by surprise4us

  1. That is good to know about the poolside reception and depending on where it is. Your wedding looked lovely as did you. Congrats
  2. Thanks ladies, I think I will say a friend recieved a quote and it was cheaper and give her all the details and see what she can do.
  3. Wow thank for all your hard work, it makes it so much easier knowing how simply it seems to come together in the end. Good Luck in your last few weeks!
  4. I am still undecieded on a linen suit or just kakhi's and a nice crisp shirt. I feel like because we are on the beach it needs to be a bit more casual but with me in my dress i want him to look good beside me. I am interested in seeing what others have to say as well. Thanks for this poll
  5. Hi ladies Well i am not sure what to do here. We finally decided on going to ROR in Jamaica and I am very excited. Here is the problem, my step-mother is a travel agent and she has given me a quote that is pretty good (and we kind of have to use her), but my FI insisted we check out others pricing, and I have gotten quotes from 3 other agents who are all 100$ cheaper than her quote. So now I still want to go through her but how do i tell her that I can find the trip at a better price? I know that she will match it but I don't want to insult her by saying I was checking out other agents. I am just not sure what to do. Any advice would be great. thanks
  6. Thanks for sharing we are just about to book ROR and I am soo excited.
  7. Okay you ladies give me so much inspiration my head is spinning! I love all of your stuff I am going to look for your review right now! Thanks for sharing
  8. Okay you ladies have inspired me to go to etsy and make my first purchase. I really love Mikiye's and ellasalley's flowers, now just to choose. Are most of your flowers around 3' or is that too small? I am worried I will get it and not like it.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by bahiabride2010 Hey Ladies...just wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing what your boudoir sessions with a book ended up costing? Trying to figure out if the price I've been given is a good one! Too me it seems like too much! Bahiabride2010 Did I read in another thread that you are doing a marathon in TO? I remember looking at their website but I couldn't see a price? Is it a lot more reasonable to do it during a marathon? Thanks
  10. Hi Penny I have been a member of this board for a few months but just decided that we are going to ROR as well. Right now our date is Jan 5, 2011! We leave on the 8th, that is probably when you arrive right? I am from niagara falls, it will be nice to have another ROR/ Canadian bride at the same time! We are just trying to get out save the dates now and are thinking of invitations. It is so overwhelming to try to remember everything. Welcome!
  11. Becks your dress is amazing. I tried to look for it online, but had a hard time finding it. What is that name of it? Again it is just amazing!
  12. Wow that was wonderful, the wording for your sand ceremony and the mother cards made me start to cry!
  13. Wow those look amazing, you have inspired me to try to do my own. I have been looking for Real touch flowers in canada as well and was just trying to think of another solution. Thanks
  14. Thank you for the encouraging words. Our parents are great (to our faces, its the strained smiles that kill me) its the friends that are hurting the most.
  15. We are going through this right now. Everyday I spend on here looking to see if I can find an idea that might be less expensive or a time to go that I am able to but that is not as expensive, not possible. I am a teacher. I am tired of stressing out to please people who may not even come in the end. I have decieded to just do what we want to do and if you come you come and if you don't, see you when we get back! Of course that is easy to say, but it is still hard when people complain to me. Why can't people just be nice. Try not to stress to much. This is your wedding.
  16. Wow that was great inspiration thanks for sharing everything was amazing.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by RonNMel Ahhhh, that sucks! Things are so different from one board to another. You get no personal days, I get 6, and my FI's cousin gets 20!!! Do you have a March/spring break? It's expensive too, but a bit less than Christmas. Hi, Yup I thought about it, but this march break is a little too soon and next march break seems sooo far away. I will be moving it to then if I can't get a good price.
  18. I love both the veil and the flower. Whatever you feel looks the best and you are comfortable with you should do. This is my second and the first time I had a cathedral length veil, but this time I am afraid of it blowing in the wind in my face. I might go with just a flower.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by RonNMel Have you checked your personal days? I'm a teacher too and I'm allowed one week off including week-ends for my own wedding, paid. The only down side is I can't invite any of my teacher friends. Hi RoNMel, we actually don't get personal days in our board, it sucks I know. we are going to the olymipcs and I had to get it covered internally, they wouldn't even approve me to miss one day!
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