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Everything posted by surprise4us

  1. Love it! I am going to try to contact her to see if I can order our mugs from there. Love that it is in Canada
  2. okay I just ordered a blue starfish with that code above and it works!!!! thanks so much
  3. Wow what a great review I will be looking back on this for sure!
  4. Hi I am also interested in the sashes and lanterns if they don't end up going. I am in canada. Please let me know.
  5. Hi I am also getting married at 11am so it is great to hear that things worked out so well. can't wait till I can open attachments!
  6. Hi Girls Well I ahve looked through all sorts of threads for this but I am having a hard time reading some of them. I am trying to put together the wording for my boarding pass STD, which is slowly turning into my invitation as my date creeps closer and I still don' t have them out. My question is, as i send these out i need people to put down their deposits, how do I stress the time limit for them to do this on the invite? How did you word this? Also how do I tell them to book with our agent to get this price? thanks any other advice or wording you used would be grearly appreciated. Thanks
  7. Great review thanks. Our group consists of a range of age groups so it is good to know that there is something for everyone.
  8. Wow your stuff and planning is amazing. I am hoping your review is up, I can't wait to see some pictures of your day!
  9. Hi We are getting married Jan 5, 2011 at the ROR. We chose that date because I am a teacher and next year we will have the week after New years off still. I feel like I have nothing done. We chose our colours, BM will wear aqua or some type of bright blue, and then we will have orange and fushia hints. I have our save the dates almost done but still have to print them off. and get them out hopefully this week. And my son's little outfit, I just got from Old navy this week, they had a great sale and linen pants, and cute little shirts. So I feel a little overwhelmed with all the stuff I still have to do.
  10. HI I am just starting to try to put all of this together as well. Great questions and thanks for the information ladies.
  11. Hey we are gettting married jan 5 2011, we are just in the process of gettin gour save the date/ invitations done and making sure our website is up and gettting pricing done. We have chosen Jamiaca at the ROR. I am very excited but overwhelemed at the same time. Where are you getting married?
  12. This was great thanks, do you have any more pictures of the poolside reception, I was all set for the sea grape until I read your review and now I am not sure what to do. I had really wanted to dance in the sand but if it is really loud and distracting then maybe I would rather have it be more private.
  13. This review was great I have been looking for pictures of both the sea grape and mamme bay and your were lovely.
  14. Okay this makes me want to go email her right now, but i am still confused on exactly where I would like things.
  15. Thanks Maureen, It can get confusing with all the different options and charges for things. I have started to try to write things down, but I might just wait till I am there as well. But then what if I miss out because I should have booked it in advance. Ow somtimes i just wish I could tell someone what I want and they could do it all for me, quick and easy.
  16. Ow I will keep this one in mind for when I can open attachments, thanks in advance
  17. I just decieded today to use orange fuschia and aqua so I am soo very excited to find this thread you guys are amazing! I love your inspirations boards they are awesome.
  18. Hi Just re-read some of your info for the Private reception at Plantation did you mean private dinner? Becase you also give pricing for the poolside reception. I am just asking because I would like to go with the free pack and have my semi-private dinner at the plantation, I know they normally move people there when the steakhouse is full but I was going to ask anyway. And then I wanted a beach reception at the sea grape. Thanks
  19. Hey welcom I am just confirmed for Jan 5 2011 at ROR it is soo exciting but overwhelming. Glad to meet a fellow ROR and Canadian Bride!
  20. I love how you are anit-bride and show that you don't need to go "all out" to have a beautiful day. Congratulations!
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