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Everything posted by surprise4us

  1. Wow that is amazing I have seen her work before but that is beautiful I might have to head over to her wedsite to see what else I can have done. Thanks for sharing
  2. Okay so after reading every single one of these posts last night I went out and started my oot bags. I went to a Dollar Giant and found first aid kits, three hand sanitizers for a 1.00 and three packs of clorets gum for a dollar. I am very excited. I live close to the border and also went to a store called the christmas tree store. not just christmas stuff it was great, I got 10 packs of bacterial wipes for .89 cents. and I found small metal water bottles for the kdis for 2.00 each. Everyone else will get an insulated cup that we ordered from Discount mugs I should get them on Nov 11!!! Ow and as a side not I had my first dress fitting on Sat!!!!!! I am getting so excited!
  3. Wow those goo amazing I hope mine turn out half as good!
  4. Okay this inspired me to try to do a brochure, I am taking a break though as I am getting frustrated that I can't get mine ot look like yours. I will have to try again tomorrow.
  5. Okay So after reading this I ordered my mugs from discountmugs. I tried to have them shipped to a PO box in the states (I am in Ontario) but they wouldn't ship to it. So I am paying the shipping and having them sent here. BUT!!!! I did a google search for coupon codes discount mugs and found if you enter wedding into the promo codes I got 10% off! I was excited because that was half my shipping so It made me feel better, Now I can't wait to get them!
  6. wow that is awesome, i am so not brave enough to dive onto the ground like that.
  7. Hi Missy I have 50 Fushia chair sashes if you would like? I am getting married Jan 5. 2011 PM me and let me know.
  8. Hi Yvonne, welcome this board is awesome you will love all the ideas and great advice from all the brides. Â Okay Ladies I showed the pictures to my FI again and told him the quote and he said "if that is what you want book it!" AHHHHH I totally was not expecting him to think this was worth the money. (I am sure it helps that I was having a very stressed out day and had cried twice already, I think he just wanted to see me smile, which makes me smile) Â My only problem is I keep emailing them to confirm that location and I have no response, I don't want to book it and then not get that location.
  9. Okay I looked into this for just the reception, doing the free dinner and then going to the sea grape. Bringing our own lanterns that they put up, I got the same quote as an earlier poster did. $2350. for a 50 x 50 structure. I will really really have to think about this.
  10. I LOVE Moroccan oil!!! I just started using it this past summer and I have crazy thick long hair, that is frizzy/ curly in some places and straight in others, it is bad. But this stuff is soooooo good! I would totally recommend it as well.
  11. sorry my mom came home today with a bunch of giant shells that will work perfectly as ring holders. thanks though.
  12. Hi I would love the shell ring holder please. I actually live in Niagara Falls, so I could meet you somewhere just before you cross the border? PM me and we can figure out where to meet. Thanks
  13. Okay seriously this was the part I was so afraid of I can never remember song titles or ones I like, so this helps me soooooooo much thank you thank you thank you!
  14. I wonder, what if we did the free dinner and then brought our own lanterns and used the center pieces from the dinner that we bring and have them set it up just for the reception at the seagrape? Then maybe we would just set up a few tables and chairs. I might have to email Tia Flora to see if this is possible.
  15. Wow this would be my dream!!!! Too bad I don't think it is in the budget, you would have to then pay the $55/pp on top of that right?
  16. Okay I agree this is the part that confuses me, I am okay with waiting until I am there, but depending on where we are I would like different things/ decor so I am really confused as to what to do. I still have until the first week of Jan but really that is only four months away!
  17. I am so glad to hear that you are recieving something for all your trouble. Have a great time in Costa Rica!
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