Quote: Originally Posted by lolkitteh Assuming that they knew up front that by not staying at the resort, they would need to pay for a pass to attend the wedding, I personally don't think it's necessary to offer to pay for your 3 off-resort guests. Definitely not for the people they are staying with.
My reasoning is that if someone accepts an invitation to a DW, they also accept paying for the costs associated with attending. If they chose not to stay at the wedding resort, and knew that there would be a fee to get on the resort to attend, then accepting the invite also means they accepted that there would be a fee. Hopefully they understood this upfront. Even if they didn't, politely letting them know that because they are not staying on the resort, they would have to purchase a pass for themselves and their guests wouldn't be rude, IMHO. Everyone knew if they've read their invites and the website. But my concern was that the hotel requires 80% of the guests to be staying at the hotel. Hopefully this won't become a trend. Just this week I've had 3 other guests tell me they are thinking of staying somewhere else. I politely let them know that I would not be paying for the pass. My Aunt mentioned that if it were a regular wedding I would be paying for each person for the reception... my reply... IT'S NOT A REGULAR WEDDING!!