My husband of 21 years had passed away from brain cancer, and I was devastated. I decided after 18 months of caring for him, and making it through a huge funeral that I was going to travel and date casually. I needed to find myself again. For the first time since I was 17, I was not looking for love at all. I went on a dating web site, and my arranged to meet Jeff at a nice restaurant near my house. He pulled up in his 1988 black Mercedes with screechy brakes, hopped out with the cutest smile on his face, and handed me a bouquet of flowers. I saw that dimple in his left cheek, and within 15 seconds I was almost in love. During dinner I sat on his left side, and the dimple worked its magic, and I was totally in love. It was love at first sight. I fought it for months, then I finally confessed one night that I loved his dimple...I mean him. He fell in love with me a little more slowly. Ironic that he was looking for love after being divorced for 2 years, and I was running away from it, and I was the one that fell first.