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Everything posted by hsims1

  1. Ooh, the dress that you picked looks gorgeous on you. Congratulations on finding "the one"
  2. I would say e-bay michaels, or etsy. If you lived in Pittsburgh, there is actually a store that sells really nice veils for cheap.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Mystic I've been stressing out about this as well! What I have read from past brides was that hair and make up at the spa wasn't good, but those brides got married there 2 years ago. Can someone remind me how much per person it costs over the 20 people included in the package? also, how much it costs to extend the reception for an extra hour (to 4 hrs instead of the 3 hrs)? I know I have that info in my documents from ERC but can't find it for the life of me! I forget how much extra an additional hour is for the reception, but I do know that for additional people over 20, the cost is $45 per person.
  4. Congrats and welcome to the forum. You will find lots of great information. Glad to see another June 2010 bride. :-)
  5. Thanks for the review. You looked beautiful. Looks like everyone had a great time.
  6. Great Review. It looks like you had a wonderful time.
  7. Yea my fiancee showed that to me yesterday. THat is an awesome deal. Jet Blue goes so many places. And if you live in one of their Hub cities it is really good, because the flights would be direct.
  8. Congratulations and welcome to the forum.
  9. Wow. The nerve of some folks. I agree with everyone else, cancel.
  10. Everythingl looks beautiful. You did a great job.
  11. Absolutely gorgeous pictures. Thanks for sharing your review
  12. Hmm. Very good idea. I never thought about having it after dinners. And with our first dance being a salsa dance, that is a great idea. Thanks. :-)
  13. Yea I think DeShawn wasn't into all of that drama. Last season, she seemed like the only one without any drama. I like Nene alot, and of course Dwight is funny.....I would love to be his friend. I am surprised Nene seems to have done a complete turnaround. I guess we will see what happens after the fight. I am also glad that Kim seems to have gotten a flatter wig. The ones last season were just too big. LOL
  14. So my Fiancee and I met Salsa dancing, and we plan to have our first song be a salsa number. I also thought wouldnt' it be neat if we had salsa lessons. We happen to have quite a few guests attending that can dance Salsa and are instructors. I am just trying to get the timing down on all of this. If we have dance lessons, when is the best time to do it? Originally I was thinking that we could do the lessons during the cocktail hour. (or between the cocktail hour and the reception, that would give us more time for pictures, and then I am changing into a seperate reception dress I was hoping to hear your thoughts. Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
  15. I agree with the others. Shorten it and leave it white. Your dress is gorgeous. Just imagine how fabulous you will look wearing the shortened version to a chic white party.
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