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Everything posted by ~*DiAnE*~

  1. speeding ticket : a few years ago
  2. Hi Ladies! I'm from small town Sask.. lived in Edmonton for awhile - back in Sask now.. and FI is from Yellowknife NWT
  3. seen them in concert : Green Day
  4. Congrats and Welcome to the forum!!
  5. going down south : for the winter
  6. Jac - Everything looks great!!! I'm really excited for you!! I hope you have the wedding of your dreams, you deserve it
  7. callused hands : need manicure
  8. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Where is your cell phone? desk 2. Your significant other? working 3. Your hair? long 4. Your mother? sweet 5. Your father? funny 6. Your favorite thing? running 7. Your dream last night? none 8. Your favorite drink? daquari 9. Your dream/goal? rich 10. The room you're in? office 11. Your ex? gross 12. Your fear? dying 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? tropical 14. Where were you last night? home 15. What you're not? excited 16. Muffins? banana 17. One of your wish list items? vacation 18. Where you grew up? Saskatchewan 19. The last thing you did? pee 20. What are you wearing? clothes 21. Your TV? LCD 22. Your pets? none 23. Your computer? laptop 24. Your life? super 25. Your mood? happy 26. Missing someone? mom 27. Your vehicle? lifted 28. something your not wearing? lipstick 29. Favorite Store? lululemon 30. Your summer? whirlwind 31. Like someone? yes 32. favorite color? pink 33. When is the last time you laughed? earlier 34. Last time you cried? months
  9. can't wait for more grandkids : my mom
  10. blonde : FMIL (Welcome back Geralyn!!)
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