Thanks ladies!!!!
Here's the info: Find a comfortable weight to use, form is more important when working out rather than how much weight you can lift/pull.
Day 1-Upper Boddy
Universal bench press-3 sets of 12
Seated rows (rowing boat)-3 sets of 12
Incline exercise ball flies-3 sets of 10
Assisted chin ups-3 sets of 10
Side lateral raises-3 sets of 10
Tricep pull downs-3 sets of 12
Bicep dumbell curls-3 sets of 12
Day 2-Lower body
Weighted lundges (front/rear/45 degree)-3 sets of 10
Wall sit with exercise ball-1minute-3 sets
Step ups on bench-3 sets of 15 (rapid)
Calve raises-3 sets of 12
Leg extensions-3 sets of 12
Leg curls-3 sets of 12
Monday-day 1
Tuesday-day 2
Thursday-day 1
Friday-day 2
10 minutes of abs Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Evenings, 1/2 hour cardio-4 times per week or on weekends
If you need more info you can probably google to find pictures or youtube to find videos. If any of you ladies need the spreadsheet just pm your email address and I'll send it to you.
Good luck ladies!!!