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Everything posted by CdnBeatPrincess

  1. Thanks ladies!!!! Here's the info: Find a comfortable weight to use, form is more important when working out rather than how much weight you can lift/pull. Day 1-Upper Boddy Universal bench press-3 sets of 12 Seated rows (rowing boat)-3 sets of 12 Incline exercise ball flies-3 sets of 10 Assisted chin ups-3 sets of 10 Side lateral raises-3 sets of 10 Tricep pull downs-3 sets of 12 Bicep dumbell curls-3 sets of 12 Day 2-Lower body Weighted lundges (front/rear/45 degree)-3 sets of 10 Wall sit with exercise ball-1minute-3 sets Step ups on bench-3 sets of 15 (rapid) Calve raises-3 sets of 12 Leg extensions-3 sets of 12 Leg curls-3 sets of 12 Schedule Monday-day 1 Tuesday-day 2 Wednesday-Rest Thursday-day 1 Friday-day 2 10 minutes of abs Monday/Wednesday/Friday Evenings, 1/2 hour cardio-4 times per week or on weekends If you need more info you can probably google to find pictures or youtube to find videos. If any of you ladies need the spreadsheet just pm your email address and I'll send it to you. Good luck ladies!!!
  2. Worked out again this morning. In total for the last 2.5 weeks I've lost 8lbs!!! Woo Hoo!!! 150 to 142. I will post what type of exercises I do and how many reps w/ weights. Maybe this can help out some ladies on here. Very easy, In total it's only about 30-40mins of weights with walking at night. Keep up the good work ladies
  3. Congrats!!! It's great you'll have that moment to cherish forever.
  4. Can't wait to see your pics! I will definately check it out!
  5. I did 1 hr workout focusing on legs and abs this morning. Only my second workout with my trainer at work and I feel like jelly today. Got to start somewhere. Anyone attend bootcamps in Mississauga, Ontario area? If so, please message me. Thanks
  6. Great review & Congrats!!! At least you had your back-up cake, you were right "you can only laugh at a cake like that"
  7. Oh I`m so excited, I finally get these forum pages. Yayy!!!! I did 45 minutes of weights today, arms and ab exercises.
  8. Beautiful pics, can't wait to see the rest. You're decor was amazing, LOVE the dance floor
  9. I think it's beautiful but it's about how you feel. Looks light and airy though. Once again, it's YOUR choice.
  10. Great Dress! It will look even better when the "Poof" is out
  11. Congrats to everyone who got married already. The pictures and soooo beautiful. I can't wait for mine one day.
  12. I paid for my dress. I thought that you are supposed too. In return from the bride I got a lovely pearl necklace & bracelet. So it was a nice gift in return for making the purchase. Sorry you are having a difficult time with this. Hope everything works out for you and your friend. Wishing more happy times for you.
  13. HOT HOT HOT! That's all I have to say! You are stunning in your photos.
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