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Everything posted by lololola

  1. Thanks for sharing your website! The mugs look great, and great song choices for your cd--it's nearly identical to ours!
  2. Welcome to the forum Carrie! You've found the right place, this place is chock full of information. Happy Planning!
  3. lololola


    Welcome to the forum!
  4. Thanks for the example. I am thinking of doing STD postcards as well and was wondering how I would word everything. Yours really helps and looks great!
  5. I use Turbo Jam all the time and I love the videos! I alternate workouts with Turbo Jam and gym visits and it really keeps me motivated and the videos are fun to work out to.
  6. I didn't know they carried BM dresses either! I will have to check them out.
  7. Welcome to the forum! Punta Cana is a great pick! We are getting married at the Dreams resort there next November--you will have to let me know how the weather treats you during your wedding! Anyway, this site is a great resource for DR weddings. Happy planning!
  8. Welcome to the forum! Punta Cana is a great choice, we are looking to get married at Dreams in 2010 also! This site is amazing with all of its resources, you will be able to make your decision much easier with everyone's help here. Happy planning!
  9. Great pictures, you two look like you were having a blast (especially in that second photo)!
  10. Your pictures are great and are making me super excited for my wedding. Photo Souvenier is the best!
  11. Great pictures, you looked great! I really liked your dress!
  12. Yeah no kidding Saraece! I bet it is good business to be a minister in a resort town period. Not a bad gig really...
  13. Your pictures embody what a Mexican DW should be in my mind, they are fantastic!
  14. Thanks for the feedback girls, I'll just have to suck it up and change the date!
  15. I just got an email from Dreams saying that they don't perform weddings on Sundays. Is that true everywhere in the DR or is that just a Dreams policy? Does anyone know? Our anniversary happens to be on a Sunday and though it is not a dealbreaker, it was the date we wanted.
  16. I'm still trying to plan out my theme, but after looking through this thread, I am definitely leaning toward a starfish theme. There are so many ideas on here, it will be difficult for me to choose between some of them! Thanks for all the links, and if I run into anything cool, I'll definitely remember this thread.
  17. Right on, I think we'll be heading over to Office Depot then! I appreciate you letting me know!
  18. Welcome to the forum! I know what you mean about the wealth of information here, I just started here a few weeks ago and all the ideas are overwhelming! (in a good way). Anyway, we are also looking to get married in DR, it looks beautiful. Happy planning!
  19. Thanks so much ladies, this thread has been incredibly helpful!
  20. Thanks for all the help Shannon, I will definitely look into Sproullie Designs. Judging from the website, I may have found my monogram!!
  21. Thanks for all the ideas everyone, you have really inspired me...and made me a clip art monster.
  22. Man, you got my hopes up! I was praying this was a review for the Dreams La Romana, but I should have known. Does anybody go to La Romana? I need info!! lol. Thanks for posting the pics though, I'm sure you're wedding will look great at the gazebo! So pretty!
  23. Of course! I only requested it last week, so I don't know how long it takes them to mail out things, but as soon as I get the info, I'll pass it along! Have a good day and enjoy this great weather we are having!
  24. Jamaica0619-- When you purchased the embosser, I was just wondering how you put your names? Did you put your maiden name w/ your FI's name (ie Loren Banks & Drew Hunter) or did you have just one name as the return contact? Is it in poor taste to have your future last name on there already? What does everyone think about that? Just wondering as we send out loads of cards and it would be great to have that as a tool later for Christmas, etc.
  25. Thanks for the welcomes everyone. I have already found so many answers to my questions, this place is a lifesaver!
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