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Posts posted by Danielle77

  1. IMPPEARL...OMG...that is something I was affraid of. I am glad that they are looking better already :)


    We leave in 4 days too! I can't wait I have most of my stuff packed..wow is there a lot of suitcase just for the OOT bags :S

    Have fun ladies!!! I look forward to seeing some pictures!!!

  2. Hey Ladies,

    I can't believe how fast time is going by, I think I have everything done except for stuff at the resort. My wc has been MIA and it was driving me nuts but I am letting go of that.

    IMPPERL you must be getting excited too. Are you ready?

    future_mrs 2010 have fun at your bachelorette party!

  3. My dress is in...woohoo. I have met with the seamstress and she is making it into a corset and altering it as we speak. I should have it in my hot little hands by wednesday. Now if only my wc would return my emails lol. Who said dw's were stress free?!? hahaha...... only 16 days until I leave :)

  4. OMG I need to vent...so my dress finally came in this weekend. I went to try it on today and insted of being a size 14 like I ordered and diamond white it is a size 6/8 and ivory. AHHHH I am leaving in 18 days. I am totally freaking out. The bridal shop call the company and they are sending a dress but it is a size 18 and a zip up. I wanted a corset. The dress company is going to take in the dress, like 4 inches everywhere and put in a corset and all of this is apparently going to happen before Christmas. OMG this is way too stressful. Sorry for the rant but I had to get it out.

  5. My bridesmaids and I are walking down to somewhere over the rainbow. I am hoping to time it so that I will walk down when it get to the what a wonderful world part. I think it is a long enogh song, but I have no idea how far we will have to walk.

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ML YoungLove View Post
    Danielle, How come you do not have a dress? Has it not yet come in? What about alterationshuh.gif I would be freaking out!!!

    We pretty much have everything done, which excites me! The only thing left are the ceremony fans and music. I picked up my dress and the MOH dress yesterday all altered!! I am with you Billisa, I am more calm now than I was a couple of months ago. 26 more days until we leave for Jamaica!!!!!! So pumped!! Do not stress too much ladies, everything will fall into place!!
    I am freaking out a bit...I ordered my dress in July and it still isn't in. It was supposed to be shipped on the 3rd of December so hopefully it will be in soon. I am hoping I don't need any alterations but the store has told me that their seamstress knows that my alterations will need to be a priority. I am trying not tto think about it too much but it does freak me out. A friend of mine has offered up her wedding dress if mine isn't in in time, hopefully it won't come to that. It will all work out...right :S
  7. Hey Ladies,

    so I am kind of freaking out my dress isn't going to be shipped until Dec 3 and I am getting married on January 5th. I ordered it in July..I hope it is in on time.

    I still have place cards to make

    music to figure out

    oot bags to finish and try and figure how I am going to get the stuff to mexico

    menus to make

    bouquets to pic out

    book an AHR venue

    craete a scrip for the ceremony (my bro is reading the ceremony)

    get married in Canada before we leave

    I need to lose 20 pounds


    OMG I have so much to do still....ahhhhhh

    I am glad that I am not alone :)

  8. Hi Ladies,

    I am starting ww this week. I have just over 2 months until my wedding and I need to get my eating back on track. I have done ww before and it has worked, hopefully I can stick with it through the stress of work, school and wedding planning.

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