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Everything posted by drtracy

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl ajs, your fiance is the sweetest. jaimelynne, your friend mentioned she could tell you which masks were best ... has she? i'm looking for ones that are not only effective, but that also will photograph well in bright sunlight, LOL! (ok come on, anyone who doesn't take advantage of that photo op is crazy. we will all remember this for the rest of our lives, and the true story of our weddings wouldn't be complete without a nod to the swine flu. i'm actually considering a pig bride and groom cake topper now! LOL) Oh my laughs Lisa, I love you (whoops, is it too soon). I was thinking of something similar, maybe some nice pics of us all washing our hands together, miming a cough while everyone backs away... so many possibilities. BTW ~Some countries are being affected differently b/c they have universal health care or a different health care systems.... As we remember that there are many people on here from different countries. In the US insurance companies can't "choose" to arbitrarily stop covering you for something without notice. If you have out of network coverage you have it unless they expressly tell you that they are removing the coverage from your benefits package. They still cover you when you engage in an illegal activity and get hurt (i.e. a DUI that results in an accident)...
  2. Okay here is mine for next week pre-flu (and hopefully post-flu) ____1640_____ $ for 7 nights occupancy (double) - cheapest room option possible at your resort (inc airfare and taxes) (I averaged b/c flights are from all over the US and vary) ___150______ # of invites (will send soon) ___33______ # of guests attending (we think, maybe more?) __Moon Palace Cancun_______ Resort Name ___5 ______ # of stars of resort Although a confound exists now... not only the economy but the violence and swine flu may play a factor for some, might need to star the Mexico weddings. Are you going to look any deeper at the stats like correlations between price and attendance? As a fellow stats geek I'd love to run this through SPSS or something and look at it.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by MarieSam Ok ladies, hoping this might help some of you. Perhaps a good thing to send out to guests or post on your wedding websites. It's encouraging and was official press released issued by the Dept. of Tourism from the Quintana Roo -- let's hope there will be more good news to come: Here's the direct link to, they also post it in Spanish: :: Secretara de Turismo del Estado de Quintana Roo[/i] Thanks MarieSam ~ while I know this is a public relations tool so it should be taken with a grain of salt I know that many of my guests are reassured by the fact that there have been no cases in Cancun. I can't wait to just be there and have my first Pina Colada!
  4. Why are so many BMs acting like well... BM for your FI's? I guess my FI was royally smart when he asked his dad. He also has like 5 other GMs for back up. I've been playing phone tag with my MOH all day, I'm scared she's going to say she's canceling. I know that she wouldn't want to but her DH is an A**! And of course, and BDWers that need to get to Mexico can come stay at my place.
  5. I just thought you'd be interested in this video that my TA just sent out. It's pretty much what most of us have been saying but it comes from an "expert" Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com
  6. Love the swine ticker! The bach party pics are all fabulous, so much fun! I look drunk in all my pics as I left the house that way (jello shots are my friend!). Marie ~ that is so shitty, will they let you come to the US? I offer up my place as well! I hope they work something out for you. On the plus side, maybe whatever they work out your FMIL won't be able to make it!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by yoAzul Sounds like a plan! I just realized how horrible my typing was in that message. Must be all the hairspray from my trial hair run. Glad you could decipher it. lol
  8. Hey ~ big thanks to those of you posting from Mexico. It is so thoughtful of you to think of us while you are on your trips. Hope you are having a great time! Drink some margaritas for me!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by yoAzul Hi Laides Hope this eases some fears... This is from the WHO press conference a few minutes ago WHO does not recommend closing borders or restrictions of travel. Neither would have any effect on further spread. It would however cause a great deal of disruption. Focus on the safety means steps can be taken to reduce the chances, but closing borders would not be helpful. What is more important to avoid travel while sick and seeking medical attention if you become sick. Thank Yael ~ if worse comes to worse FI and I will hope over to your wedding then you can come back to MP for ours. p.s. hope your mom has calmed down.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by dbellie1414 Ha you and me are in the same boat!!! I am on my 3rd text and 18,395,493 phone call from idiots! I finally lost it on my 4th phone call from my mother and told her to cancel she's an f-ing idiot it's the FLU not eboli stop watching a twisted tail on cnn and go to the center for diesease control but whatever she does to stop calling me! I f-ing hate dumbasses. Until they close the borders I'll be in mexico sucking back corona's and a shit load of tequila i don't care if it's just ME- i need it after today! Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 Lmao my kind of girl - honestly they are really pissing me off lol i'm even starting to think i want them to get the bloody flu to shut up and not go lmao Quote: Originally Posted by kiki317 I'm with you honey!!!! I leave in 5 days and tequila kills everything so we're totally straight! Alright, all the Cancun brides, I shall toast you all tonight. I formally invite us to each others weddings as we may be the only ones that show. lol ~ of course, I'm only there until the 12th but we could always grab an early drink! Quote: Originally Posted by jax_the_beach_bride OMG.. ladies.. im so sorry that people are cancelling... the media has definitely pulled this way out of proportion!!.. AND.. im not sure who said it but over 40,000 people die of reg flu every year!! so whats the panic? ... my flight is supposed to stop in cancun before heading to Cuba and my mom is complaining to the airline that cuba should be the first stop LOL.. im not sure if she is actually concerned about the flu or just wants to take advantage of the situation!! Ha, this makes me laugh b/c we stop in NYC which has reported cases whereas Cancun has not.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by TinaM2b I would love to see some shots of that area if you would share. We have requested the same gazebo. Who is your WC? No problemo! I'm sure I'll take a lot of pics and I'll probably stalk a wedding or two to get some of all the gazebos. My WC is Nancy and she has been great. Like some others have said, early out the communication can be a bit slow (a few days for an email reply) but now that we are so close she's getting back to me within 24 hours. Woot! Quote: Originally Posted by mrseddy This was a post that amduran made regarding the restaurant accomodations. I would imagine they would be okay with pulling up a few more chairs if need be, right?? I'm going to say, I don't know on this. I've heard that some girls have just said "35" then asked them to pull up a chair with no problems but that's 1 chair. You do have to give a guest list to your WC so I'm not sure how you'll deal with that. I will have exactly 35 people (whew ~ well assuming the flu doesn't scare anyone away) but I can try to scope out other weddings while we are there and give you a more definitive answer if no one else can.
  12. We're like others, don't really need anything but we did register. We are having an AHR so that's one reason but the other was for my shower. We didn't think about it until my mom asked about where we were registered for shower invites. Whoops. If you really don't want to, register for a charity or something like that. We registered for a charity that means something to us and everytime someone donates we get a message, makes for some warm fuzzies!
  13. Camie ~ that's really sh*tty. I'm so sorry for you. So far we haven't heard from anyone but you never know. We leave in a week ~ I just wish we could be there already and not have to worry about it. Hope that you don't get anymore cancels.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Eureaka Hey everyone, Does anyone have any opinions about the different Gazebos? I just found out that we are scheduled to be a Bugambilia gazebo and the terrace for the cocktail hour. However, we are scheduled to stay at the newer section on the other side of the resort. I am thinking about seeing if we could be switched to the Tucan gazebo since it is much closer to the Grand Moon section. I would like the cocktail hour to be right near the gazebo though... Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks! Erika Hi Erika, We're getting married in Bugambilia and we're having our reception at the terrace. I'll probably check out the other areas while I'm there just to see the differences. I'll let you know when we get back. Would anyone like some specific pictures of any of the areas? We leave a week from tomorrow and I can try to grab a few snapshots of places while we are wandering around. If so post it here and I'll try to get them all....
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by kstinson1503 Ok, I'm breathing I'm glad to hear that someone has actually been to a hospital in Mexico. I just always imagined the worst as far as their hospitals. Like I said I just worry mostly about the two children (our 5 yr old son & my 2 month old nephew.) Hopefully within the next 30 days, the situation will have improved. Thanks for your advice, I feel just a bit more at ease about the situation (this site is just so great, especially in times like these.) Thanks again!!!! I don't know if this will make you feel any better, but, there have been very few cases of children or the elderly being affected. The majority of people have been young adults. While it is the flu as long as you make sure to wash your hands (like Jess said) you and your family should be fine. I leave in one week, not so worried about the flu but a bit worried if anyone starts closing travel... Also, I'm closer to NYC right now then I will be to Mexico City once I'm in Cancun so I'll be happy to be there.
  16. Yay! Thanks so much! I'm getting married at MP in less then two weeks and Cecilia is doing my TTD as well. I love your pics, I'm even more excited now. Woot!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by GPBride2009 Do you know anybody that sells Avon?? SPF lip balm is on sale right now for .79 cents each! That's what I did, I ordered 20 Not sure about the Advil travel packs but I would love to find out too! We got our Advil at Sam's Club. You can also try stores like Staples or Office Depot they often have the box of 50 travel packs.
  18. So, I posted the model in my dress months ago but it's finally all fitted to me. YAY! Sorry it's a camera phone pic so it's not entirely clear.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU that you can have your civil ceremony as planned!!! i have to say tho that i'm REALLY confused because the info i had gotten was off your resort's website! now i'm wondering whether i really actually need this stuff at my resort, or it's all just bull? in NJ, the stupid apostille is costing me $25 plus another $25 for a certified copy of my birth certificate (the only one they will do the apostille for--original bc isn't good enough apparently). so yet another $50 for something i don't really actually need? i'd rather go get waxed for that money, LOL. have a beautiful, amazing, LEGAL wedding!!!!!!! hey Lisa, I believe that Apostille changed about a month ago. According to my WC you only need certified copies now to be legally married there. You still need apostilles if you have divorce decrees but that's it. It is very confusing b/c every where seems to be different. We're playing it safe and have certified copies and Apostilles for everything. Yes, I'm pretty anal retentive.
  20. Lisa, I love it, the dress looks gorgeous on you. (PS ~can I please have some of your boobies to fill out my dress?)
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB He calls BDW World of BrideCraft! LOL I love it! I think FI is very happy that I found BDW b/c I don't think I complain as much about his WoW. I'm totally like you though, I do enjoy the "me" time when he is playing. We just put limitations on it. He can only raid on T & W nights and he can only play on weekends if we don't have anything planned but no night time playing. He would seriously be up until 3A all the time if he could.
  22. Kristy ~ i love the pic, very mysterious.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 Amanda - Stephanie pretty much summed it up. World of Warcraft (WoW), Ever Quest (EQ), and Final Fantasy XI (FFXI) are all Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs) where you can level up characters, take up crafts, and basically interact online with millions of other dorks haha Sometimes it felt like a giant chat room but more fun because you actually get to work towards in-game goals such as gear and levels and stuff. Ok, guess I'll share Steph's dork crown for today haha I'm not sure that I earn a crown BUT I actually teach and do research about this stuff. I teach a Mass Communications course and we discuss MMORPGs, video games and what not, from why people use them all the way to their effect on society and individuals. I've also been involved in research projects looking at video games and violence, currently I'm working with designers to develop a video game. This will depend on a grant we're applying for but it should be pretty cool. Oh, and FI used to work for LOTRO as a tester. My confession ~ I freakin love it, who else gets paid to talk about video games? Quote: Originally Posted by JPJCWedding Here is my random confession that has nothing to do with games My FI was married & divorced right out of college. His wife cheated on him and left after 1 year and was super materialistic. for their wedding, she requested his parents pay over 10 thousand dollars and they went on a honeymoon for like 14 days in St. Lucia. Needless to say, his parents (mom specifically) absolutely love me. They are so thrilled that I'm nothing like her and she tells me all the time how thankful she is that I've turned his life around. But, when it came time for our wedding they offered nothing. his previous honeymoon was over 6K!! My parents are paying for everything (including our flights) and they refuse to give the $1900 for our little 5 day honeymoon, because of his previous marriage. They even told him it has nothing to do with money, and they know it's not my fault...but "it is what it is". I know I shouldn't care- but for some reason I take it personally! Maybe it's because I've given my FI over 5K to pay off his debt (caused by his ex wife) and helped him get back on his feet. He's in the process of paying me back....but why is it that the super bitchy materialistic girl gets 10 thousand, and the girl who bails him out gets nothing!!!! It's my "confession" because I know I sound spoiled and bitchy if I were to say anything to his parents, and i had to tell someone!!!!! I'm in the same boat and I go back and forth with my feelings. On the one hand, why am I being "punished" on the other, they've done this before and got burned. My other problem is his mom and step dad are retired and his dad and step mom just don't have a lot of money. So I feel guilty b/c I make more money then they do. But... he is an only child. Ahh... the push/pull feelings are crazy!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by BlissfulMsMiranda Over the past few months I think I've had approximately 10 dreams in which I've forgotten my dress at home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As for my planning and prep ... FI and I realized this week that we have a lot to do and he's FINALLY on board with the OOT bag content purchasing ... so we're hitting the shops tonight after work to find: - Sand ceremony vases (hoepfully at Pier 1, maybe Stokes) - OOT bag goodies at Wal-Mart - DIY supplies for OOT bags, dinner table This Saturday I'm having my hair cut and colored ... and my bachlorette is on Saturday night. I can't WAIT!! I'm like you, I keep having dreams that I forget my dress. In 1/2 I freak out, in the others I just buy another all calm-like very weird. May I recommend that you hit up a dollar store for your OOT bags. They have a ton of good stuff and a lot of it is 2 for $1 so you get even more!
  25. I just got the wording for the civil ceremony that I'm having. My WC did say that we can change things if we want, just to let her know in plenty of time so she can tell the J of P. I've attached it, if you can't open it PM me and I'll email you a copy. CEREMONIA JUEZ.doc
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