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Everything posted by drtracy

  1. Yay Savannah ~ I'm so glad things are going better for you. I've had Hypo (Hashimoto's) since I was 9 and I'm also on Levoxyl so if you have any questions that I can help you with just let me know.
  2. So, it's taken me forever to post since I've returned but I wanted to drop in and say Hi MP brides. I'm working on my review which I hope to have up this weekend. But, if you are interested in seeing some pics you can check out the link in my siggy. I think the photographer did a great job (and he wasn't David Pena). A couple of notes ~ Nancy Ruiz is no longer at MP, I didn't find this out until I got there. I had a brand new person named Margharita Jiminez. The bugambilia was a great gazebo, but it is windy. It keeps everyone cool but my hair is in my eyes in quite a few pics, I definitely recommend pulling any long bangs back. I had my hair and makeup done at the resort. I think they did a great job, my BMs also had their hair styled and everyone was really happy with the results. I highly recommend getting married at a gazebo that isn't right next to your room or getting ready somewhere else. The horse and carriage picked me up pretty much right next to the gazebo so a lot of people saw me getting on it, fortunately DH's back was turned. I have pics of most of the gazebos if anyone wants to see something specific I can try to accommodate. (Obviously, Bug is the one in my wedding pics.) Now that I'm back, let me know how I can help!
  3. FI and I are in Cancun right now. Everything here is perfect. One person with mask at airport & a few workers at airport had them around their necks but not on, weird. They did take temps when leaving airport but didn't say anything or have us fill anything out. There are several kids here as well. No worries ladies it all seems like paradise to me. We haven't gone into city because we just got in yesterday but I'm sure we will & I'll report more when we return. Right now going to eat my breakfast in bed. I heart room service!
  4. Hi Girls! We leave tomorrow morning for MP. Getting very excited. I'll try to post something quickly when we return so everyone can see some updated pics and hopefully ease anyone's concerns.
  5. Just wanted to say thanks to all the ladies posting from Cancun and after just returning. I wanted to say that FI and I leave tomorrow morning. We only had 3 people cancel, one couple (not flu related) and a single (wacky b/c she went to NYC), they were fortunately all "non-essential." We feel really fortunate that everyone seems to be excited about the trip. I don't know that I'll be as great as Andi with posting from Mexico but I'll try to get something posted when we get there to let you all know how it is. Good luck everyone!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by WindsorBride Thanks for the information..I just realized I never thanked you! We have booked with Cecilia and I am super excited to use her...she has lots of new pics on her website..beautiful! Thanks again! No worries! We will be seeing Cecilia a week from tomorrow. We're very excited. I'll make sure to post lots of pics on here for everyone.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Ayita Hello everyone ! I'm currently in Playa del Carmen and it is soo nice here. Although archeological sites have closed, restaurants bars and clubs are open. Also there are less people than usual, making it real cool. There are still no reported cases of flu on the Riviera Maya. The only noticeable signs is a few people here and there wearing masks, and the pharmacies being out of masks and hand sanitizer. I honestly feel safer here than in Houston, where a kid died from the flu and did go to a big mall while sick... Think about it : Cancun is farther away from Mexico City than Houston is (807 miles versus 749) !! And I don't think the border will be an efficient barried, even if the flu has no visa to enter. And there are 49 cases in NYC - none here - why would it be safer to fly to NYC than to Cancun ? I also still don't think it's a big issue, because people that die actually remainined unattended during a long period of time (the first woman was treated for throat infection, then pneumonia before they detected the flu ; same for the kid) and don't necessarily contaminate their relatives. I also notice that people that gety sick on flights are only a few. i.e., it's not the whole flight that get sick but only a handful. So is it that contagious ? Also, the death toll does not increase. Anyway, I'm here getting married tomorrow. 10 of my guests cancelled so we will be around 25. My family is there (and my bro will get quarantined when going back to Singapore) ; DH family is there ; and a few friends (I'm missing two in my party and DH 1). We still plan to have a good time ! And on return I will be working from home for 72 hours - sounds like extra vacation to me ! Yay! Have a great time! Woot!
  8. Well, so far I've only lost three people, one couple for non-flu related reasons and one b/c she wouldn't be able to relax. WTF? My MOH is fighting with her mom about it, which I think is hilarious b/c my MOH is 35 years old. Like she's going to get grounded for going? I shouldn't laugh but I just want to shake people some times. Would it really be better for me to move to some place in the States that already has the flu?
  9. I confess that I think all brides that had their weddings cancelled should sue. Sue the media, the airlines, whoever. I think the stress and emotional damages should be highly rewarded. On another note, I confess that I'm secretly thinking things that I shouldn't about my trip, things such as, wouldn't it be fun if the resort was empty and we got VIP treatment everywhere and fun discounts on scuba diving and such... Is this bad of me?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Adlergray So I am soooo pissed right now!!!! I called my Dr. yesterday to get a prescription for the tamaflu or the other one saying that I am going to Mexico in 2 weeks (for our site visit) which is what the CDC has told travelers to do. So I get a call at 8:15 this morning (which I know is not early for some but my daughter and I don't get up till 9 soo already pissed at whoever is calling before I need to be up! Anywho, Its my dr. who proceeds to go yooour gooing to Mexico? you know there's a travel warning out. NoI called you for the prescription because I wasn't aware there was something going on. " You know you probably shouldn't be going, Well if the situation gets worse you should not be going ect, ect yes I'm aware. Oh my god it was so frustrating to have her sit there and act like I'm totally incompetent or dumb for considering going! However I found out after all this madness that while the CDC has told us to all go to our DR for a prescription to take with us. The CDC has told Dr's not to give it out unless you are exposed or have it because to many idiots who don't need it right now made a run on. Thanks panicy people everywhere! Sorry for venting but there are reported cases in Chicago so whats the difference? I just really hate being treated like an idiot. My doctor said the same thing, so I schooled him a bit (hey, I'm a doctor too!). He apologized and called the prescription in for me. Quote: Originally Posted by Andi Hey guys, I am double crossing my fingers hoping that all of this passes soon so that you all with weddings soon can go back to planning the fun stuff! Anyway, DH and I are still in PV and I wanted to give you a quick report from down here in Mexico..... we were suppose to leave today but have decided to stay one more day b/c we are just having too much FUN!!!! seriously our resort is practically empty! there was maybe 15 other hotel guests that we saw yesterday, we just kept running into the same people over and over again we did go into town on wednesday night and really nothing out of the ordinary at all this is really hurting the economy down here...everything just has to be losing so much money because of it. there are still no confirmed cases in Jalisco or Nayarit ( the states that PV is in) i don't think our parents were excited when we called them last night and said we are staying hee hee hee hee! oh well we figure we are down here already and probably won't be on vacation again for at least another 6 mos or so! when i called the airline to change our tickets the guy laughed at me (i think he knew i had had a few cervezas) and said that i was the only one who he had talked to today that actually wanted to extend!!!!!! and they waived our change fees and all that because they are doing that for everyone with mexico tickets (at least Frontier Airlines is doing that) !!!!!!!!!!!! anyway, hang in there...try to keep informed of the situation but also remember the american media is really hyping this!!! Andi, thanks for the post. Why dont' you just stay until Monday or Tuesday and come visit me at the Moon Palace. ~ My TA sent this today, has anyone else heard this? I was just told today that this H1N1 is missing an important protein to jump from human to human more prevalently to start a worldwide pandemic or emergency. 90% why all countries, agencies and governments jumped so quickly was this was a new strain and they needed the emergency funds released before it was too late (remember Katrina).
  11. If it helps anyone with decision making ~ FI and I are going, we leave on Monday. We've only had one guest cancel and that was just today b/c his doctor told him that he is too sick to travel anyway (he has a respitory infection, not flu related). I'm sure I'll try to post an update, as so many girls have done that are down there right now, to let you know how things are looking. I'm feeling pretty optimistic today and am starting to get excited again for my dream wedding in Cancun. Woot!
  12. I apologize that this is so long, however, I just got this from my TA and wanted to pass it along to others... Just another little update - I wanted to let you know that all resorts are still operating as normal and have great occupancy levels. I have spoken with several resort contacts and they have informed me that all is completely normal - stores, airport, restaurants, etc are all open in the Cancun/Riviera Maya area. There have been no confirmed cases of the Flu in any of the tourist areas of Mexico...just in Mexico City, which is about 1,000 miles away. No flights to/from the United States and Mexico have been cancelled...again, everything is running as scheduled at this time...and I really do not foresee that changing. I know there have been a lot of rumors flying around and of course the media & other people love to make things sound a lot more crazy then what it really is. I understand concerns, as this is unnerving, especially since there are no so many cases in the United States. I just want to keep you informed and to let you know I am here if you need anything. I will do my best to get back with you as soon as possible. Please take a minute to read this new article: ?Pandemic? means pay attention, not panic - Swine flu- msnbc.com Here are some interesting clips from articles that I read today: The threatened pandemic was the first item of business at President Obama's prime-time press conference Wednesday night. He struck a measured tone. "The most important thing right now that health officials have indicated is that we treat this the same way we would treat other flu outbreaks, just understanding that because this is a new strain, we don't yet know how it will respond," the president said. "So we take some additional precautions — essentially take out additional insurance." Obama put aside the possibility of trying to seal the nation's border with Mexico. "It would be akin to closing the barn door after the horses are out," he said, "because we already have cases here in the United States." Add it all up... Typical flu "has a typical hospital mortality rate of between 5 and 10% depending on the strain of the virus and in the most severe seasons can get as high as 15%. Currently based on the most recent figures provided in the news there are about 2,500 confirmed global cases of swine flu and there have been approximately 150 deaths. Thus, so far, the swine flu has an estimated mortality rate well within 'normal' flu limits at roughly 6%," writes James Bibbings in his Hog Heaven column at Commodities News - Quotes - Managed Futures - Funds - Stocks. Dr. William Schaffner, chairman of the department of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. Swine flu, he said, "is not spreading all that rapidly. Take the St. Francis School in New York. There's been very little transmission from the schoolchildren to family members, and it certainly hasn't spread throughout Queens." But, Schaffner added, this doesn't mean we shouldn't pay attention to swine flu. "We should be alert, keep up with the information coming out daily, and take control by being attentive to your hygiene. Wash your hands very, very frequently and avoid people who are coughing and sneezing." Here is a map to view locations: H1N1 Swine Flu - Google Maps)
  13. Weird, she responded to me today too. She must be getting caught up.
  14. Just FYI ~ I just spoke with my WC to clarify the "closures" being discussed for Mexico. I was nervous b/c they are saying that government officials and the like are being told to stay home nationally. WC said that no such order has come down in Cancun that it is still all in Mexico City. As of yet, nothing has closed in Cancun and it is all business as usual there. Don't know if that helps anyone but thought I would share.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by yoAzul Hi Everyone Im joining the no longer getting married in mexico club :-( Our wedding was suppose to be next week adn with half our guests (all family and close friends) coming from Europe and Israel - they all had to cancel. One of our groomsmen cancelled and three other guests told us their jobs wont let them back for 2 weeks if they go to mexico. This is all horrible timing and trust me if my wedding was 3 weeks out or more I dont think id even consider canceling. This breaks my heart...but for us its really important to have our family and friends there. We are now looking into a plan B somewhere in CA (where FI and I live) - ideally in June. I have no idea how Im suppose to plan a wedding in a month when this one took me over a year. I do want to say though that THANK GOD for this forum! Its so nice to have a place i can be honest and where ppl know where I am coming from and get so much support. The hardest part of this is knowing that it didnt have to be this way and that its totally been blown out of proportion. I mean if it was something super serious Id be the first one to cancel - but it just sucks that our wedding got ruined for something that in my opinion should not have been such a big deal. As its been said before to all the brides that move forward with their Mexico weddings i know it will be amazing!!! (and im super jealous) For all of us who have a new "destination" happy planning... Yael ~ that totally sucks! Are you still planning to come down for a honeymoon?
  16. HI Lisa ~ that totally sucks. Am I lucky b/c I'm the only Dr. in my group? ha ha On a positive note, I was having trouble reaching my photog to confirm and she sent me an email at 1AM last night saying "thanks, I'm fine, there is no flu here just Mexico City. I just shot a TTD today" the TTD she shot was in the hotel zone. So anyone headed to Cancun, maybe this will help a bit. I know that it's always nice to hear from people that are actually there.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by airampz I have emailed her a few times and I always check my junkMail just in case, but nothing! I don't know what is happening and I'm sure I have the right email as I got it from her website. I'll just keep waiting a little more if not, I'll just have to go with someone else even though I really want her but I am finding it impossible to reach her! Something may just be going on with her this week. I am using her (flu willing) on 5/10 and emailed her a few days ago. I haven't heard back from her yet either. This is unusual as in our past correspondence she has generally been very quick to return emails. I will try her again tomorrow but it seems like she may just be very busy right now.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by yoAzul Thanks Datetwin If my wedding gets canceled and yours doesnt Im inviting myself to yours I wish my guests were logical like yours - i just dont get all the paranoia>?! Everything I have read indicated is not that bad. I dunno i was expecting to get sick anyways on my way back Yay! Of course, come on by. Crazy thought, if you don't go through with the wedding ceremony for lack of guests you should try to at least do a TTD or something so you get the beautiful pics of you both. I'm guessing with all the cancellations there may be an available photog!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by ACA Amy I'm not a Moon Palace bride, but I got married in Acapulco Sunday night and am here at MP on my honeymoon right now! This place is gorgeous- I'm actually sitting out on my balcony overlooking the ocean watching a wedding right now! No one here is worried about the swine flu- you would never know anything about it if it weren't for turning on the TV and it's all over CNN. The only thing that sucks is that the resort has had to cancel a few of their excursions due to the scare- you can't go into Tulum to see the Mayan ruins (at least not through Moon Palace's tours). I hope it works out for all you May Moon Palace brides. I know it's beyond some of your control to actually get here, but once you do, it's amazing. And worth it! Good luck and congrats!!! YAY! Happy honeymoon and thanks so much for posting. I can't wait to get there and get my first margarita. I'll be there Monday if you're still there.
  20. Yael ~ you know I'm here for you datetwin, if we both have to move maybe we'll go to the same place! Wouldn't that be fun. Calchik ~ good luck, I might be right there with you soon... nothing like planning a wedding in just a couple of days.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by soccergurl3 It's almost for sure now that my wedding is going to get cancelled even if it is in July...Guess I have to look into Cuba now! Happy thought to everyone! You might be able to use the MP in the Dominican Republic if that would save you any money. I think you are way too far out to even be worrying about it but it's just a thought. I'm with you "mean girls." We've just had some suspected cases reported in our county, which means someone has the sniffles. Seriously, I may be the only person that isn't stressed about the level going up, I figure that if they say it's global they won't bother to restrict travel b/c what's the point? The waiting is killing me and I'm so sorry for all of you that have been cancelled. Good luck!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Camie78 Hi Ladies! I think we are finally over the SFP2009 (swine flu pandemic 2009) hump with our guests at this point. We only had one couple who was reconsidering and I think they are a for sure go at this time. We've got 3 guests at the resort already and they state that no one is walking around with Michael Jackson/SARS masks (LOL). We leave tomorrow morning and will arrive around 11:30am. I'll report back with pictures upon our return. Take care, Camie Thanks for thinking of us Camie ~ you rock! Have a great time. I'll be there on Monday if you are still there.
  23. So sorry for all of you that have had things cancelled. We are fingers-crossed for leaving on Monday. Hopefully this will all blow over and the US airlines won't cancel. Here's another good video from Congressman Ron Paul. YouTube - Congressman Paul on the Recent Swine Flu Scare and a little something to make you all smile
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl exactly what i was thinking, but cabobride said in canada AND the US. although i can totally see not covering us IN mexico as a possibility. i guess i should look into that with my provider. glad i could provide a few laughs. i was really strong until today (i guess because i didn't think there was any way i'd be effected with my wedding still a whole month away), but i kinda unraveled today and needed to laugh badly. Ah, hope you don't think I was being snotty, I've been teaching all day so I was in teacher-Tracy mode. I keep going back and forth. One minute I'm fine the next I want to cry. Oh well, I think tonight I'll turn off the Internets and settle in for some FI time and concentrate on the joy of the marriage part that comes after all of this. Don't unravel! I like my Lisa sweater.
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