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Everything posted by drtracy

  1. Hi Emaya77 ~ We are inserting a small card in with our paper invites. The card basically says if they haven't booked yet to contact our TA by a certain date or if they made their own accommodations to let us know with our contact information. This way it doesn't take up good invite space and it reminds them and tells them how to book. The card is also a different color so it stands out a bit. If you don't want to wait until the paper goes out I've found that my mom and FMIL are great enforcers. They've been calling relatives and others to remind them. Hope that helps, good luck!
  2. Me too please Simistar ~ I'm thinking about using them for my TTD!
  3. binzer - yeah, we talked a lot about doing it over the summer, thinking the weather should be nice here and everything. But, in the end, the beach of Lake Ontario, just not the same as the ocean. I think we are definitely going to do it in Cancun, thanks for the reinforcement! I emailed 5 photographers yesterday and already heard back from 3. Excellent response times!
  4. Here's my dress, I have it but don't have any pics of me in it... I won't be doing the giant feather in the hair like the model though Raylia Designs, Inc ** Little hint - I found this dress at a boutique that cuts out the tags. I tried searching EVERYWHERE to find the designer since they wouldn't tell me. I tried it on again and was going to buy it there but noticed that the hanger straps were still inside and they had the name of the designer on them! I got it 1/2 off at a different store, woo hoo!
  5. Okay, now that V-day is over. (I'm usually ambivalent about it but FI does such a great job with "homemade" special-ness that it's hard not to like it.) I have to get some confessions out: #1 - I hate my sister. The only time she wasn't making my life miserable was when she moved to Texas for a few years. I grew up with her calling me fat (I wasn't) trying to steal my boyfriends, making fun of me in front of everyone for now reason, trying to fight me when I grew taller than her (serious fist fights), she once lied about something so serious that she got us both removed from our parents home and we had to live with my grandparents for several weeks. She works about 1 day every 3 month and lies about it so my parents won't kick her out of the house that they are paying for (if it wasn't for my nephew she would be on the street). And now, she's mad that I won't pay for her to go to Cancun, DUH I don't want her there. But, I feel horribly guilty about it (and about hating her, I mean, she's my sister). #2 - I like most of my FIs friends but I dislike most of their wives. They are so traditional and 1950s wives with jobs that it annoys me. An example, we were discussing the fact that I'm not legally changing my last name. For work it's staying the same an in our personal lives I don't care either way so it's easier just to keep it all the same. To my face one of the wives said, "If I was a guy I wouldn't marry someone that wouldn't take my name." WTF - really, THAT'S a deal breaker for you? And why would you tell me that? #3 - I'm really sad that neither my FI nor myself can remember how we met. We've known each other since high school and we know that we met through his cousins and parties and such but we don't have a great story about the first time we saw each other or anything like that. Grant it, we didn't start dating until 14 years after high school, but still makes me a little sad to only have the, "How we reconnected story." Sorry this is so long, just wanted to get a few things off my chest today.
  6. Me too! Me too! Hopefully someone can figure out that drtracy's real first name is Tracy too... I have been an FB addict for a while now and have recently become a BDW addict. Does that make me backwards?
  7. My rates are below $300/night each (for a 2-person room) but singles are of course more, I think mine are just over $300. One thing we've done is 'match up' people that want to come solo. We know everyone so we can match personalities. After all, it's just a place to sleep, I'd totally share a room to save a few hundred bucks. Thanks for the great photographer ideas. I think we will find someone and go off-site so we don't have to worry about MPs policies. I told my FI about doing a TTD and showed him some pictures. He LOVES the idea and now he can't wait. He told me if I ruined my dress we'd have enough time to get a new one before the AHR and no one would ever know.
  8. Am I evil but honestly, I wanted to keep it small and intimate and that's one of the reasons I chose a DW. We haven't had too many complainers but some passive-aggressive, "geez, I guess we won't be going on our regular vacation this year" types of comments. I have said to one of FIs friends, that they definitely didn't have to miss their "regular" vacation for our wedding b/c it didn't matter to me if they were there. (See Jacilynda, I can be bitchy too!) I care about my parents, my FIs parents and a few close friends, everyone else is just gravy and if they bitch about cost I tell them plainly that they don't have to come. Of course, having a later AHR helps a lot. Maybe you can plan a special something in Boston and California after the wedding for those that can't make it. It may make them feel better and stop complaining. Just a thought.
  9. yea! I just ordered some of the bags. I love them, I can't wait to get them and fill them full of goodies. Thanks!
  10. The whole time I've been reading this thread I've been flipping back and forth to my "To Do" list to add these great ideas. Thanks so much!!
  11. Hey Kgeen we are the same date. I have my dress, fits perfect so I just need it pressed (love being off-the-rack size!) and shoes, BMs and GMs have dress/shirts, Mom has dress, have everything booked, just got the invites today (yea!), am having BM and Moms gifts custom made and I know they're started. Still need: FHs shirt, finish OOT bags, jewelry and decide what to do with my hair, figure out all the AHR stuff (have the day and place but no clue what else I want to do), and I'm sure about 10,000 other things that I can't think of right now. I wish I was one of those girls that started planning their wedding at 6, I'm totally clueless now.
  12. Question for those of you that did a TTD session. Do you have to use a MP vendor for something like this or can you bring an outside vendor in (without making them a guest, just getting a daypass) since it won't happen as a part of the actual wedding. If you did use resort photographers how did it go? I'm still on the fence about doing a TTD but the more pictures I see the more I love it! Thanks
  13. I'm having a similar dilemma. I really want to do the TTD, however, we are having an AHR a few months later and I was planning on wearing my dress. Should I just do it and if it isn't clean-able get a second cheap dress for the AHR or should I get the cheap dress for the TTD and play it safe?
  14. Fabulous! I still need quite a few things for my OOT bags and this looks like a perfect site. Thanks so much for sharing
  15. Thanks. I finally got the info today that my WC is Nancy Ariza. Yea! I can get some questions answered (hopefully)!
  16. I'm getting married at MP in May. While it is more expensive than some of the other resorts I really liked all of the "freebies" that were offered. My guests can essentially stay for a week there without having any out of pocket expenses (except of tips). When you add in the cost of tours, food for none AIs, and a lot of off resort trips it can get really expensive. Do some price comparisons, if you find a place that you like price the rooms but also try to factor in the cost of other amenities and see what you come up with!
  17. Thanks everyone! I'm already overwhelmed by the amount of great information here. I love the Internet!
  18. We are also getting married in May and having our AHR in July. A nice thing about the 'delay' is that out of town family is able to come to both (my FI's mom lives in Florida). They have time to save up to make both trips. Bonus for us!
  19. Yea! I finally finished reading all 166 pages of this thread! What great people. I am very excited about the big day and I think I have a good grasp on everything after reading the posts. I do have one concern however, my FL coordinator was also Yudelka and I never would have known about her leaving if I hadn't sent an email and received a reply stating the address was no longer valid. I saw that one other person has already been reassigned. Anyone else? I should have been assigned a Palace WC as I'm within my 3 months but haven't heard from them either. Do most of you get better responses with calling? I don't think I have too many questions but I definitely want to make contact. Any suggestions? Thanks. And, thanks to all of you newlyweds that have taken time to post your reviews and pics I have gotten a lot of great ideas!
  20. Hi! My name is Tracy and I'm getting married on May 8, 2009. We are getting married at the Moon Palace in Cancun. I've already lurked a bit on the forums so I'm excited to get some questions answered and help others with things I've already figured out. So far, this site has been very useful. Thank so much! Tracy
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