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Everything posted by drtracy

  1. FI and I are staying together the night before too. We are also kissing goodbye in the morning then won't see each other again until our ceremony at 6P. We've talked about sleeping separately but we plan on making our last night as "single" as special as our first night as "married."
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB The hardest part about event planning is accounting for all of the details. Sure you need food, but you also need plates and napkins. Beer is awesome but you need some way to chill it. You have a space but there aren't tables and chairs or they have tables but no cloths. Then there is tax and delivery fees, gratuities, etc. that have to be added. Parties can get pretty expensive pretty quickly. Wait a minute Erin, do you expect me to believe you use plates and napkins down in Kentucky? I call shenanigans!
  3. Ours will be just over 3K. This is for a reception hall, appetizers, and free beer/wine for 4 hours. We are doing it on a Friday night which knocked 2K off the price. We're using an ipod and speakers for music so that saves about $500. We're doing desserts ourselves which will be a couple hundred and favors for 200 people will be another couple. Total all-in-all will be around $3500. I'm paying for it myself so I'm definitely going to keep it capped at $3500!
  4. This was fun to read, glad this thread got bumped. I'm a College Professor. I teach in the Communication Department and study the effects of the media on individuals (but I teach a wide variety of Comm classes). Recently I've been focusing my research on examining health messages in the media. I love my job but find that my lack of "real" hours can lead to too much BDW when I'm not in the classroom.
  5. This was fun to read, glad this thread got bumped. I'm a College Professor. I teach in the Communication Department and study the effects of the media on individuals (but I teach a wide variety of Comm classes). Recently I've been focusing my research on examining health messages in the media. I love my job but find that my lack of "real" hours can lead to too much BDW when I'm not in the classroom.
  6. Hmmm... Then I'd agree with the "Capturing the Unexpected" or "Capturing the Unexpected Moments" ~ Or (I didn't go back thru and look at all the suggestions so sorry if I repeat anyone's) "Making the Unexpected Last Forever" "Let no moment be forgotten" "Making every moment your moment" (that might be too wedding-y) Just some thoughts, good luck!
  7. Hi and Congrats Shana. There's an entire thread dedicated to Moon Palace. It is extremely long but seriously helpful. It's under the Rivera Maya/Cancun section (sorry I didn't think to grab the link to direct you right there). I'm also a MP bride so if you have any specific questions let me know.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by SunBride Have you seen these photos posted by one of the Dreams Tulum brides? Picasa Web Albums - Monica - pro wedding pics I especially love the TTD ones! Yea! Thanks, I hadn't seen that one and I have booked her to do my TTD in Cancun. So excited!
  9. For the horror movie fans the latest Friday the 13th was good. My FI is a HUGE horror fan so I have seen just about every horror movie. In fact, we went to NJ once just to meet the original cast of Night of the Living Dead. We saw The Watchmen recently. FI really liked it, I thought it was just okay. Not horrible but I thought some of the acting was bad which was distracting from the action stuff. I also loved the Reader, haven't read the book though.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Cattie OMG I had my BD shoot yesterday! I can't wait to see my gallery in 2 weeks!!! Congrats! Hope it went well and of course we will anxiously await teasers with you as we are all picture whores.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by leogurl Who is your photographer and are you doing a different photographer for TTD than your wedding? Just curious. I'm looking for someone to do TTD only. I'm using Cecilia Dumas. She's got some great pictures on her website and she's been very nice in all of our correspondence. Wedding photography | Cecilia Dumas, Cancun y Riviera Maya | Imagenes de Bodas
  12. Good ideas, I usually do the elliptical for a while but I'm afraid that might be too much. I'm going to try the bike and the treadmill once I'm back in action. Just taking a few days off before I hit the grind again. Thanks!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Sandra RI Hi Ladies, We are doing a trash the dress session and i know the ocean water isn't that great.. does anyone know of any other beach location (thats not full of seaweed and kind of private) in the area that we can do this? Our TTD photographer picked a spot for us. If you ask yours they may have a favorite place for shoots. We're meeting ours at the Plaza Forum so I'm not sure where we're going to be.
  14. I don't have a great tag line phrase but some helpful (hopefully) suggestions: What is the image that you are really trying to project? All of your materials should reflect that same image, so your tagline should be a part of that. Who is your core target audience and would the tagline speak to them. For example, I like the 'Moving moments into memories' (sorry if that isn't the exact wording) tagline, however, if your target is a younger demographic it might not work for them, KWIM? Also, do you think you'd like to keep your tagline "forever" or change it up every now and again? Do you have a logo? If so, would the tagline work visually with your logo? Sorry for the random questions but I teach Marketing & PR classes every now and again and I was trying to think of everything I'd ask my students in the same situation. Good luck
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by soon2bePowers I was also just diagnosed with this yesterday. My doctor is sending me to get an ultra-sound of my thyroid prior to prescribing medication. Has anyone else had one of these? My symptoms included: Always tired (especially in the morning) Dry/brittle nails Issue with losing weight (with dieting and exercise) Problems with my menst. cycle After starting medication, how did your symptoms change? Also are have you experienced any side effects on the medicine? I was diagnosed when I was 9 so I've been dealing with this for a long time. Once I started taking medication most of my symptoms disappeared quickly. Because I was young, rather than really losing weight I pretty much just stretched (got a lot taller) so I'm not sure how quickly weight would normally come off. It took about 2 weeks or so for most of my other symptoms to disappear. I was on Synthroid for a long time, then switched to Levothyroxine, this caused me some side effects (I lost big chunks of hair). Now I'm on Levoxyl which is just a generic of Synthroid but not as "generic" as the Levothyroxine. So far I haven't had any side effects from this drug and it's been a couple of years since I started it. Hope that helps, good luck!
  16. Okay, I need a little help. This weekend was my bachelorette party. Had a great time but somehow in the drunken revelry I cracked my rib. Painful, yes, but the fun was worth it! Anyway, here’s where I need help, I’ve been doing a great job with exercising and eating right but I still have 5-10 more lbs to lose. With the pain I can’t do a lot of my regular exercises. Has anyone ever experienced this? I’m looking for some exercises that I can do that won’t aggravate my injury. My doctor just told me to “try†to do things and if it hurts stop. Not very helpful so I thought I would turn to my BDW experts. Any suggestions?
  17. Me three I even like my FStepMIL.
  18. My FI is getting a silver Tungsten ring so we know a bit about the metal but I don't know anything about the black ones. One other thing to note, our jeweler said that in SOME cases chlorine can have an affect on Tungsten. It can alter the color, however, as has been noted, if anything happens to the ring there is a lifetime guarantee and you can just send it back and get a new one. The ring can't be cut but it can be shattered so if there really is an emergency the ring can be removed.
  19. We actually didn't expressly say no children but we didn't include "and family" on any invitations. People that we want to bring their kids we told personally so they know. Hopefully, people whom we don't want bringing their kids will note the invitation to them ONLY and not bring their kids. The worst that can happen is they will be a little miffed (or a few will bring the kiddies) when they get to the reception and see the other kids but what can they do at that point?
  20. I went to a wedding (as a date, so I didn't know the people) that was held in a restaurant. The WHOLE thing was in the restaurant. There were about 20 of us there, we were seated at a table that was a U shape and were offered drinks. The bride and the groom showed up about 20 minutes later and got married at the opening of the U of the table. We all just stood and watched. I had a new camera so I was trying out the video, they had a video camera and after the 'ceremony' they went to turn the camera and realized they never turned it on. So, their video is a very shaky, blurry 5 minutes from my digital camera. After the 'ceremony' was finished they sat at the table with us and we all proceeded to order dinner. At the end of the night they asked if we wanted dessert, the bride and groom ordered some cheesecake but no one else really did. To top it all off, after the meal was over the servers came and gave us all our checks, WTF? The bride and the groom stood up and said, "thanks for coming" and walked out the door. We all just looked at each other, started laughing and then went to the bar. Worst Wedding Ever!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by yoAzul Kelly - good luck with the condo!!! So i confess that i sometimes get these horrible thoughts that something bad is going to happen to prevent FI and I from getting married - with less than 2 months to go these thoughts happen more frequently - then i have to remind myself that millions of ppl get married every year and nothing bad happens. I also just found out that FI has the same thoughts... OMG ~ I've had the same type of thoughts. Particularly because family members keep getting sick and the hype about the stuff in Mexico. I know that it's ridiculous but I can't help it...
  22. We're having ours 2 months after our wedding (give or take a day). I agree that 6 months may be a bit too long to be "receptiony" but you can always through a party. Is there a particular reason you are thinking of waiting that long?
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl i was looking at immodium in walmart and told tom i was checking the price for putting it in our OOT bags ... he thought that was an absolutely ridiculous idea. his words: "you don't put MEDICINE in there. that's just dumb." i tried to explain to him that yes, you do, and that medicine is one of the MAIN things people put in their OOT bags, and one of the few things that is always used and appreciated! men ... they just don't get it. yael, i hear ya on how the price can add up. i'm finding i'm basing a lot of decisions on item size/weight, because i don't want to pay baggage fees for a million extra suitcases! My FI doesn't get the bag concept at all. I think that people will really appreciate the various meds in the bag. I mean who thinks to pack their immodium or tums before a trip. But, when anyone needs something they will be soooo thankful not to have to try and track it down. Yael ~ I think we're about at $100-150 or so, we're pretty cheap.
  24. HI Jami, welcome to the site. Where in Cancun are you getting married? I grew up in Cincinnati so yea!
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by KimmyG Hi DrTracy! Share details- Where are you having your party/shower/AHR I'm new(ish) to Cinci so I'm always looking for ideas I'd love to hear about your plans! Welcome home! Hi Kimmy ~ don't want to hijack the thread but you can definitely PM me if you want to know any details. My bachelorette party is this weekend so if you see a bus full of crazy girls rocking Cincy, that's me!
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