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Everything posted by Jamaica0619

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Betsy They are very cute....but $46!!! Holy cow! I bet you could make them for way cheaper!! I agree, I think they are cute, but not sure I would want to spend the $46. They look like you could do something very similiar yourself...
  2. I am using a local caterer whose own location is a refurbished train station. It is really nice without being too fancy. We are having stations with a nice variety of food and a DJ. We are skipping all of the wedding stuff (special dances, cake), but have a really nice party. My FI will be wearing his wedding stuff again, but I am getting a nice linen dress to wear.
  3. It sort of depends on the dress. If it has a lot of beadwork/crystals/pearls, I would say you might want to go with the first ones. If the dress is simplier, I would choose the second pair. Both are fabulous!!!
  4. Thanks to Starryt...the "Montigo" has been corrected in my logos to "Montego," but I did not see the option at the bottom to edit my post. I only looked at these logos a dozen times and have shown them to a dozen people - no one caught it.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by lololola Jamaica0619-- When you purchased the embosser, I was just wondering how you put your names? Did you put your maiden name w/ your FI's name (ie Loren Banks & Drew Hunter) or did you have just one name as the return contact? Is it in poor taste to have your future last name on there already? What does everyone think about that? Just wondering as we send out loads of cards and it would be great to have that as a tool later for Christmas, etc. The current plates for the embosser has both of our full names, mine with my maiden name. However, we choose to get it at Office Depot becuase thier embossers allow you to change the plates. So, once we are married, we can simply by new plates with the names updated, which is a lot cheaper than a whole new embosser. I agreee that it will come in really handy during the wedding (STD, Bridal shower thank yous, and invitations) as well as after, which is why we wanted to be able to change the plates. In terms of using your new name, it depends on how formal you want to be. Etiquette is you shouldn't use his last name until you are married. So, I stuck with my maiden name beceause I have older relatives that might have had something to say about it if I used his last name, and it is just easier to buy the new plates. I know it is my wedding, but sometimes it is easier to just go with what is expected.
  6. Here is mine, which were created for my by themodernbride.com, who I found through esty.com. We were really happy with them particulalry since they not only incorporate all of our wedding elements but added a personal touch by including the hedgehog. In the past, both my FI and I had pet hedgehogs.
  7. I agree....take a few deep breaths. And, I find having a list of things to do helps put in all in prespective. Plus than you can focus on one task at a time rather than the entire picture, which is much more overwhelming.
  8. We are ordering custom shirts and pants from weddingtropics.com. My FI and groomsmen will be wearing the pants in a khaki color, with the white shirt. The embroidery on my FI's shirt will be a silver blue and the groomsmen are going to have red embroidery.
  9. Thank you for passing this along. We found pants on a website where we are ordering the clothing for the guys. These pants will work just as well and are much cheaper, particularly with the coupon.
  10. WOW!!!!!!! That is a lot to be going on, but I am sure you can handle it. Take a really deep breadth and try to enjoy it as much as possible. Also, remember to take a breather (at least a little one) every now and then so the stress does not become too much. It is amazing what you can accomplish when you have to. And, just think how fast the time will go. Best wishes!
  11. I am so glad I found this thread. I "signed-up" for the Caprice package and I knew that the gazebo was decorated differently for this package, but when I visited the RMB in Janaury I was not able to see what it would look like. I'm glad I got to see what it would look like.
  12. I would...like others mentioned the mail gets lost. Also, I had a couple STDs come back. We purchased (for $36) an embosser so we can imprint the return addresses on the back of the envelope. It was cheaper than having the printer do it for us on the invitations and we also used it on the STDs.
  13. I think black will make a great accent color. We ended up with red, light blue and silver...but were considering using black instead of silver as an accent color at one point.
  14. I agree you cannot go wrong with either one...they both look great. And, the dress is beautiful. But, if I had to choose...I like #2 better.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by krista Thanks for the info Jamaica0619, I was wondering about the Appleton Rum tour as well. Who did you book that tour through? How was the other part, the YS Falls and Black River? Was it a full day tour? Do you remember how much it cost? Do they pick everyone up at the hotel? Thanks. We booked the tour through Jamaica Tours (which was recommended by our TA). I have nothing to compare them to in terms of the other tour groups on the island. But, we liked them. They gave you a lot of information about the island, the people, customs, etc while you were going from place to place. And, answered a lot of questions. The tour was a full day. They picked us up at the hotel at 8:30ish and dropped us off at the hotel at 5:30ish. I cannot find the receipt with the details, but we paid $366 for the two of us to do the two tours (we also did the Cryoden Plantantion tour) . So, I am guessing this one might have been around $100 to $120 per person. The Black River Safari was our first stop, and it was a boat ride along the black river. We saw three American Alligators (I think they were alligators, not crocodiles, but I coudl be wrong), which was very cool. I am used to taking these types of tours and seeing nothing. We even got some really great pictures of them. We also saw a lot of different birds. Some they were able to get us really close to. About mid-way through the tour they stopped the boat so we could enjoy the scenery and a rum punch. After the tour we got a lunch of jerk chicken and rice (included in the cost), which was tastey. From there we went to YS Falls. The bus drops you off at the base of the plantation on which the falls are locate and you take a jittney type ride to the falls themselves. We had about an hour there to explore on our own. We should have had a longer time but the tour was running late and we had to be at Appleton by a certain time. The falls were beautiful. I spent some time taking photos (I am really into photography), and then went for a swim in the falls. The water was wonderful. We then went to the Appleton tour. Of course admission to everything is included in the price - which all three would charge if you go on your own.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by ddiinnyyeell I think your girls should have the brown and if you decide to have one you should have the white and gold one! I think that would look SO pretty. I agree with ddiinnyyeell...I think that would have a gorgeous effect in your pictures
  17. #1 is my favorite - but then again I am wearing red shoes with my white dress. I like pops of color Otherwise I like #4 - it also reminded me of shells
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by pugmomjenn I was wondering the same thing...I'll be waiting to see what everyone has to say. Has anyone went on the Appleton Rum Tour? When I did my site visit in January, we did a tour that included the Black River, YS Falls and Appleton Rum. The Appleton Rum tour was interesting - it reminded me of tours I've done of wineries. They give you an overview of the company's history, a tour of the process and then there is a tasting at the end. The tasting is fun, especially if you like rum... They place 8 bottles of different types of rum and give you a description of each, and place small plastic tasting cups on the table... then they basically let you try each as much as you would like. The tour guide actually told the group to let him know if we finished any of the bottles. No one drank that much but it was nice that we could really try the rums we were thinking about buying. However, if I had driven/rode all the way from Montego Bay to the factory for just the factory, I think I would have been disappointed - it is a 90 minute drive. But, it was totally worth doing as part of a tour that hits one or two other stops.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by pugmomjenn I was wondering the same thing...I'll be waiting to see what everyone has to say. Has anyone went on the Appleton Rum Tour? When I did my site visit in January, we did a tour that included the Black River, YS Falls and Appleton Rum. The Appleton Rum tour was interesting - it reminded me of tours I've done of wineries. They give you an overview of the company's history, a tour of the process and then there is a tasting at the end. The tasting is fun, especially if you like rum... They place 8 bottles of different types of rum and give you a description of each, and place small plastic tasting cups on the table... then they basically let you try each as much as you would like. The tour guide actually told the group to let him know if we finished any of the bottles. No one drank that much but it was nice that we could really try the rums we were thinking about buying. However, if I had driven/rode all the way from Montego Bay to the factory for just the factory, I think I would have been disappointed - it is a 90 minute drive. But, it was totally worth doing as part of a tour that hits one or two other stops.
  20. Interesting and fun thread... I am just the opposite of everyone else. I travel a lot for business and I cannot stand living/working out of my suitcase. I unpack everything when we first arrive and make myself completely at home in the hotel room - my temporary "home" (which is unfortunately how I refer to it when I am away on business). I then throw my dirty clothes in the suitcase throughtout the week, and repack everything the last day - trying to keep anything that is clean separate from the stuff that is dirty.
  21. We decided to have an AHR since a lot of our family cannot come to Jamaica...it will be mostly friends that attend (probably). We are having it at an old train station that has been refurbished. We are going to have a buffet to keep it more casual. And, we have gotten a DJ. But, we will not be doing any of the traditional wedding reception things - cake (we are going to have some really great desserts instead), dances, etc. I am planning on wearing just a nice sundress, and not all of the bridal party will even be present at the AHR (my MOH does not live nearby). We actually scheduled it a month after our wedding after confirming with our photographer that we will have the DVD of our pictures back by then (Our photographer is a local one that will be coming with us to Jamaica). And we plan to have our pictures on a loop and show the video of our wedding. We essentially just want it to be an opportunity to celebrate with everyone that could not come to Jamaica.
  22. I am going to agree with the other responses. We wanted a DW for two reasons...first we love taking island vacations, so it fits us and our personalities. Second, we wanted something smaller and less expensive than we would pay for a full wedding here. I thought I would keep it real simple. And, I did not think I would do any DIY projects. But after looking through all the great ideas here, I find myself planning to do quite a few. But, they have had only a minimal impact on budget since they are DIY and I am doing Internet searching to find the best prices for the materials. And, in a few cases they have saved me money - DIY Save the dates
  23. The wedding and the planning process sounds like a lot of fun. Best wishes to you both. You will find this site loaded with ideas.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t22596 this might help Thank you for pointing us to this list. For every vacation I take I make a list in Excel and check things off as I pack. The list in this thread is incredibly complete and will offer a great starting point.
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