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Everything posted by Jamaica0619

  1. I am no help on other sites for other options. But, I like options #1 and #5. I actually think I like the choaker (#5) the best. I think it would look great with the dress.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Betsy I just follow the recipe on the back of the french's fried onions and no cheese required. And I always substitute cream of mushroom for cream of chicken no matter what I make. I follow the same recipe. I have substituted cream of mushroom with cream of celery. I never heard of using cheese in green bean casserole.
  3. I don't know how it is during the ceremony. But, when we were there for a site visit in January, we found we got used to them and did not even notice them after the first day.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by August2010Bride This is exactly what my fiance and family have been telling me. I have balled my eyes out about this! I TRULY do believe that everything happens for a reason... even when you can't see it now. I've come to far to give up now!! Keep up that positive attitude. Maybe you are meant to get into this other school. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and send positive thoughts your way.
  5. Congratulations! I hope your wedding and the trip is everything you dreamed of!!! All the best!
  6. Your pictures are amazing. You and the day look like they were beautiful!
  7. 4pmish sounds good to me! This should be a lot of fun!
  8. I agree with the suit recommendation, if possible. Also, it always best if you have some questions, it does make you look well-prepared. Even though you may not have direct experience, I would leverage similar ideas/experiences in your volunteer work and experience being a nanny. These can often demonstrate qualities that they are looking for.
  9. I have to admit I got completely hooked on Rum Cream over ice when I was in Jamaica. And, I generally do not like straight liquor. Hummingbirds were also good...but I forget what exactly was in them. Mojitos, particularly the flavored ones, are always good.
  10. I thought I would bump this tread to keep the planning going. It looks like (based on poll and previous posts) that we are looking at Chickie's and Pete's on April 18th. So, when would be good for everyone....?
  11. Congratulations! Have a wonderful trip! And, an absolutely gorgeous wedding! I hope it is all you dream of!
  12. I don't have any solutions for you except some of the solutions already made (e.g., Bed, Bath and Beyond). I despised the registering process. My FI and I have owned homes (yes we are on our second home) together and when we moved we had to buy a lot of new stuff to stage our house. Plus when we bought the first home I was working part time at Crate and Barrel and took advantage of thier very nice employee discount to buy a lot of the stuff for our new home. So, all of our kitchen stuff (in particular) has held up very, very well. It was torture to come up with enough things at a range of prices that we needed. Bed, Bath and Beyond was my lifesaver for the lower-end of the price range.
  13. I did not even know they had Lo-Jack for motorcycles. I hope they find the a$$hole who took it. What a pain...
  14. Everything was absolutely beautiful! It looks like you and your husband are so happy and that everyone had a wonderful time.
  15. Our fathers are going to wear something very similar to my FI and his GM - linen shirts (guayaberas) and linen pants. I think my father took a little time to get used to it. He always pictured a big wedding at home - which of course I never wanted, but the FI's father is totally on board.
  16. I'll keep my fingers crossed it is something really minor. It is probably just be an update on the findings from the blood work. I know my FI's doctor called him just to let him know what his cholesterol was. But, they cannot leave even that type of stuff on the answering machines given privacy requirements...or they shouldn't without your permission.
  17. Given we will have at most 30, we plan to do the same thing...just a dinner with a few formalities...cutting the cake and first dance. But, then I figured we would find a bar to hang out at. Everytime I feel like I got a bunch of stuff done, I realize I still have a lot to do either for the DW or the AHR.
  18. Oh wow! It looks really good. This is the one DIY I do not have the nerve to try. This looks great!
  19. I got totally hooked on Rum Cream during our visit to RMB in January and cannot wait until the wedding to have it again and to bring more home. I have totally bookmarked this page. Thanks for the recipe!
  20. Congratulations!!!!! You sound like you had an incredible time. I cannot wait to see your review...
  21. I ordered our photo stamps via the following website: Stamps.com: Home I used our logo with a little bit of an accent boarder which is an option that exists when you are creating your stamps. I had my invitation weighted at the post office prior to ordering to make sure I got the correct postage. The process was very simple.
  22. I know a friend who used her engagement ring as her band as well. She worked in a lab and did not want a stone thank stood up - it is too likely to tear the gloves. But...for your ring...I think you could use your engagement ring as your band or you might be able to have a jeweler create a really thin (2mm or less) band of torquoise or diamonds...it could be a nice complement. I definitely think you will have to have the band custom made if you want it to go with the ring. Another suggestion would be to talk to a local jeweler - they may have some ideas
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsLewis My current ring is a pink topaz I just recently had it replaced and it looks MUCH better than this pic. But since topaz is known to fade, I'm thinking about getting this replacement: I just can't bring myself to do it right now because my "old" ring looks FABULOUS again!! lol Wow!!!! Your current ring is gorgeous, and the replacement ring is really unique. I think they are both incredible engagement rings.
  24. I posted my ring on the show us your rings thread. But, mine is a mokume gane engagement rings... Mokume Gane, or Wood Grain Metal, is the ancient Japanese technique of forging precious metals into distinctive swirling patterns. There is no mold. Mine uses sterling silver, 14K white gold, paladium, and platinum. It has a color changing sapphire (blue in natural light turning purple in flouresent light) with diamonds on either side. Our bands will match my engagement ring's band. If you are curious, the site where my FI ordered my ring from can be found at Unique Designer Mokume Engagement rings - Hand Crafted at Krikawa
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